bobby1413 Why does everyone (at least 2 people here) detest them so much?
How long have you got and where do you want me to start.
by SHORT AND CURLY » 28 Mar 2014 06:30
bobby1413 Why does everyone (at least 2 people here) detest them so much?
by soggy biscuit » 28 Mar 2014 07:44
bobby1413 Why does everyone (at least 2 people here) detest them so much?
Surely not for thinking they were a huge club
Or for spending irresponsibly
Or for not winning a certain game
Or for muggy supporters
... Or else you'd probably detest 90 other clubs too or at least most premier league and failed premier league clubs
by Silver Fox » 28 Mar 2014 09:08
bobby1413 Why does everyone (at least 2 people here) detest them so much?
by From Despair To Where? » 28 Mar 2014 09:20
bobby1413 Why does everyone (at least 2 people here) detest them so much?
Surely not for thinking they were a huge club
Or for spending irresponsibly
Or for not winning a certain game
Or for muggy supporters
... Or else you'd probably detest 90 other clubs too or at least most premier league and failed premier league clubs
by Badger Finger » 28 Mar 2014 09:55
bobby1413 Why does everyone (at least 2 people here) detest them so much?
Surely not for thinking they were a huge club
Or for spending irresponsibly
Or for not winning a certain game
Or for muggy supporters
... Or else you'd probably detest 90 other clubs too or at least most premier league and failed premier league clubs
by ankeny » 28 Mar 2014 10:41
by Jinx » 28 Mar 2014 12:01
by stealthpapes » 28 Mar 2014 12:01
by BraisingsteakRoyal » 28 Mar 2014 12:13
by soggy biscuit » 28 Mar 2014 12:52
by Mr Angry » 28 Mar 2014 14:21
by Sutekh » 28 Mar 2014 14:29
by AthleticoSpizz » 28 Mar 2014 18:33
by bobby1413 » 28 Mar 2014 18:51
Sutekh Generally about the only club below MK Dons in terms of other club's fan's dislike
by SHORT AND CURLY » 28 Mar 2014 19:25
bobby1413Sutekh Generally about the only club below MK Dons in terms of other club's fan's dislike
I farking detest MK Dons
by bobby1413 » 28 Mar 2014 19:33
SHORT AND CURLYbobby1413Sutekh Generally about the only club below MK Dons in terms of other club's fan's dislike
I farking detest MK Dons
Shirley not more than CheLOLsea
by Ian Royal » 28 Mar 2014 20:35
ankeny Someone asked why they are detested,now Im not the greatest BHA fan I file them with the deluded but for me this post I read on there sums Portsmouth FC up
I wouldn't want to see any clubs wound up for the reasons expressed above, namely the loyal and dedicated fans. But I make an exception in Portsmouth's case.
The fans bought completely into the succession of dodgy owners from Mandaric onward, and whenever anyone in the media (including myself) pointed out that it was all built on sand and bound to end in tears, all we got was abuse and accusations of an anti-Portsmouth agenda. NOT ONE of the self-styled best fans in England wondered whether the fact that every single national paper was asking the same questions might mean they were onto something - despite the fact that everyone in the Portsmouth area seemed to know someone who was owed money by that despicable outfit.
None of the fans demanded answers to the media's questions from Gaydamak, al-Fahim, al-Faraj and the rest. All we got was "You don't know what you're talking about, [fill in name of owner] loves the club, my mate met him in the pub and told me so." Of course, that would have been tricky in the case of al-Faraj, who didn't actually exist.
Okay, they didn't have an Attila, a Paul Samrah, a Lenny Rider to hold them up to scrutiny, just a set of head-in-the-sand cheerleaders. But that doesn't mean I have any sympathy for them. Especially when I remember posters on their local paper website when the fire-sale of players began, asking how this was going to get them back into Europe 'where a club of our size needs to be.' Hilarious, but not as funny as what's happened to them since."
by paultheroyal » 28 Mar 2014 20:41
by AthleticoSpizz » 28 Mar 2014 20:52
by Badger Finger » 29 Mar 2014 04:43
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