WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by Royalclapper » 12 Jun 2014 23:34


"Now remember, he'll take a dive in the seventh.......you got that"

Jap ref "Yeah I've got it, dead Fred will wait for his moment and go down......no problem I got it covered"

Oh how we've missed South American World Cups :lol:

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by Royal Rother » 12 Jun 2014 23:35

And TalkSport telling us it was a fabulous end to end game and a great start to the World Cup.


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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by Royal Ginger » 13 Jun 2014 00:32

wingnut Both keepers have looked pretty ropey

Don't think Julio Cesar did much wrong, to be fair...

Eh? He was all over the place! Got away with a couple of flaps, and his positioning was awful. Looked very rusty.

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by Flyingkiwi » 13 Jun 2014 02:34

Royal Ginger
wingnut Both keepers have looked pretty ropey

Don't think Julio Cesar did much wrong, to be fair...

Eh? He was all over the place! Got away with a couple of flaps, and his positioning was awful. Looked very rusty.

He got away with one flap (When he backed into that Croat and, to be fair, that is going to make you drop the ball. Regardless of whether it was a "foul" or not). Otherwise? You think he was at fault for the own goal?? You have high expectations, Mr Ginger.

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by TBM » 13 Jun 2014 07:49

Thought Oscar was superb last night. He was involved in pretty much everything

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by sputnik » 13 Jun 2014 07:53

'greed on Oscar, MOTM for me.

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by Zana Badawi » 13 Jun 2014 07:54

A few months ago, I spent a long pub discussion convincing a Rugby fan that the perception of footballers being soft cheats who like a moan at the Ref was just that - a perception. The argument was based around that if you actually spend the minutes watching the football, then the % of minutes where these contentious events occur are very small, and we only really remember the incidents that the television highlights and the papers want us to remember and they'll pick the worst examples as that's the nature of the beast. After an hour of badgering, backing up my argument with countless examples of uneventful football, I managed to convince the Rugby fan that his perception of footballers was unfounded. It was no easy task.

So, yeah, thanks for last night Brazil.

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by LUX » 13 Jun 2014 08:14

Royal Rother I don't think I can take a month of this. Cheating players, shit biased refereeing, and the Brazilian love in - bullshit.

Hopefully no-one will try to tell us that crap was a festival of football and whets the appetite for what lies ahead.

It did the complete opposite for me.

Agreed, what a travesty of a game.

come off it, bit OTT. Surprised at you, especially Tulip. I thought it was a good game for the neutral, played at a gr8 pace. The Croatian goal was correctly disallowed and Brazil got a very soft penalty. I was supporting Croatia for betting reasons and, yes, they were unlucky. Pleased for Brazil, though.

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by Whatevs » 13 Jun 2014 08:31

wasn't surprised the goal was disallowed tbf, bit of a soft foul though

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by wingnut » 13 Jun 2014 08:46

Ref's whistle for the foul had blown long before the ball was put in the net and the Brazilian defenders had all stopped.
Debateable whether it was a foul but you can't be certain Croatia would've scored if play had continued.

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by jd82 » 13 Jun 2014 08:56

I thought the lino flagged as the had ball swung out of play. :?:

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by TFF » 13 Jun 2014 09:19

I hope someone's having a careful look at the Croat goalie's bank accounts.

And the penalty wasn't soft, it was outright cheating.

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by BraisingsteakRoyal » 13 Jun 2014 09:19

Two goals scored by a player who shouldn't have even been on the pitch + a perfectly good goal disallowed.

FIFA should just give 'em the trophy now, and save us all a month of our lives.

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by Ouroboros » 13 Jun 2014 10:07

BraisingsteakRoyal Two goals scored by a player who shouldn't have even been on the pitch + a perfectly good goal disallowed.


It obviously wasn't a red card.

The disallowed goal was harsh but can anyone still be surprised by a referee's whistle when a striker jumps alongside them? We might not like way incidents like that are officiated, but you can hardly claim there is much inconsistency.

Disappointed for Croatia who were great, unimpressed by Brazi and frustrated at a soft penalty deciding it. But it was an enjoable game.

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by Royalclapper » 13 Jun 2014 10:11

Croatia Coach Niko Kovac -
It was like pissing in the wind

The crowd was an utter cringefest as well as the refereeing, it sounded like a 1 Direction gig every time Neymar got the ball.

Big Phil and Marcelo wanted yellow cards for anyone that looked at them the wrong way, although tbf Marcelo is possibly going to challenge Jack 'glass ankles' Wilshere for the player who spends most time on the floor.

Have Julio Cesar and the Croat keeper ever played in goal before? They looked like outfield players that had gone in after the real keeper had been sent off.

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by jd82 » 13 Jun 2014 10:13

No place for sensible posts like that ouro. This is all about hyperbolic disgust

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by BraisingsteakRoyal » 13 Jun 2014 10:33

jd82 No place for sensible posts like that ouro. This is all about hyperbolic disgust

+Fúcking 1,000,000,000,000,000,000

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by stealthpapes » 13 Jun 2014 10:34

BraisingsteakRoyal Two goals scored by a player who shouldn't have even been on the pitch + a perfectly good goal disallowed.


It obviously wasn't a red card.

The disallowed goal was harsh but can anyone still be surprised by a referee's whistle when a striker jumps alongside them? We might not like way incidents like that are officiated, but you can hardly claim there is much inconsistency.

Disappointed for Croatia who were great, unimpressed by Brazi and frustrated at a soft penalty deciding it. But it was an enjoable game.

Yeah, pretty much this.

Swoon at the Croat manager.

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by Maguire » 13 Jun 2014 10:51

Not a bad game really, let's not let the blatant dive override everything else. Wingnut is right about the disallowed goal too - whistle went ages before they scored, it was more of a disallowed opportunity.

No decent side watching that is going to turd their pants at the prospect of playing Brazil. Oscar was very good but they looked extremely vulnerable at the back, even to a side playing with a Hull City striker up front.

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by tulip » 13 Jun 2014 10:59

Royal Rother I don't think I can take a month of this. Cheating players, shit biased refereeing, and the Brazilian love in - bullshit.

Hopefully no-one will try to tell us that crap was a festival of football and whets the appetite for what lies ahead.

It did the complete opposite for me.

Agreed, what a travesty of a game.

come off it, bit OTT. Surprised at you, especially Tulip. I thought it was a good game for the neutral, played at a gr8 pace. The Croatian goal was correctly disallowed and Brazil got a very soft penalty. I was supporting Croatia for betting reasons and, yes, they were unlucky. Pleased for Brazil, though.

I started off a neutral but was really impressed by the Croatians and totally unimpressed with the Brazilians. Neymar's deliberate elbowing the opponents face turned me off him instantly. He should have been given a red. The penalty was so soft that it spoiled the game from then on. The Neymar love-in is going to ruin this tournament for me.

Brazil had to win for political reasons obviously.

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