WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by tulip » 13 Jun 2014 11:06

Maguire Not a bad game really, let's not let the blatant dive override everything else. Wingnut is right about the disallowed goal too - whistle went ages before they scored, it was more of a disallowed opportunity.

No decent side watching that is going to turd their pants at the prospect of playing Brazil. Oscar was very good but they looked extremely vulnerable at the back, even to a side playing with a Hull City striker up front.

Brazil are definitely beatable but unless the refs treat them equally, their opponents have no chance.
Last edited by tulip on 13 Jun 2014 13:32, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by BraisingsteakRoyal » 13 Jun 2014 11:11

Maguire No decent side watching that is going to turd their pants at the prospect of playing Brazil.

True, but i bet they're all thinking that it's not going to be a level playing field, and go into the game thinking they've got to beat 11 men plus the officials.

Any team that was going to get tight to them or even remotely physical is going to have to think again. They'll be almost forced to play them at their own game, and more than likely come off worse.

They were an utter shambLOLes at the back, and down the wings defensively, with no discipline or organisation, allowing Croatia to get at them often and dangerously.

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by Whatevs » 13 Jun 2014 11:19

it's not a linear process. Teams play badly one game, better the next etc Just thought i'd state the obvious

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by Maguire » 13 Jun 2014 11:26

Whatevs it's not a linear process. Teams play badly one game, better the next etc Just thought i'd state the obvious

If they then played better in the game after that and even better in the game after than then it could still be described as a linear process :!:

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by From Despair To Where? » 13 Jun 2014 11:30

BraisingsteakRoyal Two goals scored by a player who shouldn't have even been on the pitch + a perfectly good goal disallowed.


It obviously wasn't a red card.

The disallowed goal was harsh but can anyone still be surprised by a referee's whistle when a striker jumps alongside them? We might not like way incidents like that are officiated, but you can hardly claim there is much inconsistency.

Disappointed for Croatia who were great, unimpressed by Brazi and frustrated at a soft penalty deciding it. But it was an enjoable game.

Agree with you about the disallowed goal but I have to disagree regarding the Neymar foul. He was looking to the man, not the ball and brought his arm across his throat. I don't think he can even claim to be jumping for the ball because the challenge was well before the ball arrived.

9 times out of 10, a player would walk for that challenge.

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by liamobey » 13 Jun 2014 11:35

I'll put this here then:

Brazil were always gonna win because Thiago and Gustavo were not letting Modric do what Oscar was doing. It was an incredible performance from Oscar.
Croatia were brilliant and it would have been a better game if they hadn't had the pen against them. Saying that, Olic was brilliant and if they'd had Manzukic on the field, may have had a better outlet up front.

If Brazil play like that against Germany, Holland, Spain, or even France, they'll get murdered.

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by Whatevs » 13 Jun 2014 11:40

Whatevs it's not a linear process. Teams play badly one game, better the next etc Just thought i'd state the obvious

If they then played better in the game after that and even better in the game after than then it could still be described as a linear process :!:

just got to win their game rather than play well. Well aware that i'm getting a bit Ian Royal and stating the obvious

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by Zana Badawi » 13 Jun 2014 11:51

Maguire No decent side watching that is going to turd their pants at the prospect of playing Brazil.

My thought to myself was 'Neither of these sides will win it'.
Then again, I haven't seen the other 30 sides - maybe theyre all stock average as well.

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by Sutekh » 13 Jun 2014 12:31

Agree with most comments. Impressive Croatia, unimpressive Brazil and game completely ruined by incompetent officials.

Nice to see though that FIFA can maintain the same level of consistency among officials at even the top level of the game.

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by Silver Fox » 13 Jun 2014 12:38

Man dives in international football shock! Won't somebody think of the children!

FWIW the Croatian disallowed goal (or opportunity as Mags said, Luiz did a perfectly good block before the defenders stopped trying and let the second attempt in) was a spot on decisison, the striker jumped backwards into Cesar, clear foul without even having to wistfully imagine the days when goalies weren't wrapped in cotton wool

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by Ian Royal » 13 Jun 2014 12:41

Croatia looked light on goals upfront and a bit weak defensively. But other than that played the game well and completely out-thought Brazil and just about out played them too.

I'll concede that their disallowed goal isn't a huge surprise given the ridiculous levels of protection 'keepers get these days. But given the number of dodgy refereeing decisions all going Brazil's way it's hardly surprising people question it.

As for Neymar's elbow. He takes a clear look at Modric, then changes his eye line to the ball and sticks out his forearm at face level to hold him off. It's not a vicious elbow, but it's still a red card most days. It's not even like he can claim in defence (like most people could) that he's taller than Modric so his arm was naturally placed to go across the chest of someone of the same height.

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by Whore Jackie » 13 Jun 2014 12:47

Yep, liked the way Croatia broke at pace, at times the Brazilian defence and goalie were all over the place. No doubt that Marcelo goes to ground fairly easily, but he's lovely to watch. Can't believe how light Brazil are up top.

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by Royal Rother » 13 Jun 2014 13:08

Royal Rother I don't think I can take a month of this. Cheating players, shit biased refereeing, and the Brazilian love in - bullshit.

Hopefully no-one will try to tell us that crap was a festival of football and whets the appetite for what lies ahead.

It did the complete opposite for me.

Agreed, what a travesty of a game.

come off it, bit OTT. Surprised at you, especially Tulip. I thought it was a good game for the neutral, played at a gr8 pace. The Croatian goal was correctly disallowed and Brazil got a very soft penalty. I was supporting Croatia for betting reasons and, yes, they were unlucky. Pleased for Brazil, though.

What? You're surprised at me having a different opinion to yours?

I'm not.

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by LUX » 13 Jun 2014 13:16

no, sorry, I was a bit clumsy in my syntax. For a start, the comma should have gone after "especially" /just before Tulip.

I am not surprised at all, just :roll: at your overreaction.

At what golden tournament was the football -and the spirit it was played in- acceptable to you :?:

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by melonhead » 13 Jun 2014 13:48

Was good for a first game I thought
pretty even contest, 4 goals, some controversy and some nice football

Goalie was fouled
Neymar knew what he was doing, but was never going off that early in the first game
Ref looked understandably scared to give important decisions to croatia
Pen was a dive
Brazil looked nervy and get at able
Croatia with manzucic will give anyone a decent game
Oscar was great
Neymar was pretty shit, gave the ball away alot, some terrible decisions,gutted he will probadly win golden boot. Orrible little rat boy
boy, Though granted he looks scary while running at players
Linos still guess at most throwins even at this level

All in all an opening game score of 7/10

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by Royal Rother » 13 Jun 2014 14:10

LUX no, sorry, I was a bit clumsy in my syntax. For a start, the comma should have gone after "especially" /just before Tulip.

I am not surprised at all, just :roll: at your overreaction.

At what golden tournament was the football -and the spirit it was played in- acceptable to you :?:

The Berks & Bucks Senior Trophy in 2013/14 was very good on the whole.

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by Ouroboros » 13 Jun 2014 14:19

melonhead Neymar was pretty shit, gave the ball away alot, some terrible decisions

Yeah. Surprised by the praise I've heard being heaped on him.

All for a scuffed shot and a horrible penalty.

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Re: WC 2014 - Match 1 - Brazil vs Croatia

by Will95 » 16 Jun 2014 19:54

L8 to the party, but thought it wasn't a great game, Brazil look dodgy, especially at the back, Croatia looked decent and could have nicked it, reckon they're in with a real chance of going through.

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