Your Top 5 WC 2014 Moments

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Your Top 5 WC 2014 Moments

by urz13 » 14 Jul 2014 21:07

As above - what are your top 5 moments from this World Cup and why? How does it compare to previous years?
Mine are:
1. Germany 7-1 Brazil - for the shock value and sublime performance.
2. Van Persie's goal against Spain - brilliant, and the start of an epic performance.
3. Brazil 2-1 Colombia - for one of the most manic, brutal and captivating, last 20 minutes I've seen.
4. Chile fans storming the Maracana through the Media Centre, and the subsequent reporting as if it was a full scale terrorist attack - brilliant.
5. Sterling's 'goal' - everyone I was with celebrated for a good 30s before realising it hadn't gone in.

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Re: Your Top 5 WC 2014 Moments

by soggy biscuit » 14 Jul 2014 21:12

1. Commentator breaking away from play in the england game to say 'I am hearing news that Luis Suarez has bitten someone'
2. James Rodriguez grasshopper
3. Brazil's 6 minute meltdown

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Re: Your Top 5 WC 2014 Moments

by Ark Royal » 15 Jul 2014 03:11

1. John Brooks's winner for US against Ghana. They look of joy followed by the overwhelming realization at what he had just done was one of the great World Cup moments;
2. James Rodriguez. Just a beautiful player to watch and scorer of THREE great goals;
3. Suarez going for an Italian. It was just a matter of when;
4. Minutes 23-29 of Brazil 1 Germany 7. Complete meltdown. I had to wind it back to make sure that I had just witnessed the most shocking result in World Cup history;
5. The Brazilians singing their national anthem acapella. Sent a a chill down the spine, but proved to be one of the factors in their mental unravelling.

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Re: Your Top 5 WC 2014 Moments

by soggy biscuit » 15 Jul 2014 09:35

Ark Royal 5. The Brazilians singing their national anthem acapella. Sent a a chill down the spine, but proved to be one of the factors in their mental unravelling.

I really hated that. Just looked very false, like an opportunity for the players (David Luiz mainly) to have a passion-off over who loves their country the most.

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Re: Your Top 5 WC 2014 Moments

by Pepe the Horseman » 15 Jul 2014 10:22

1. Holland destroying Spain.
2. Germany destroying Brazil.
3. Holland's third in the play off game.
4. J-Rod's first goal against Uruguay.
5. Croatia taking the lead against Brazil.

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Re: Your Top 5 WC 2014 Moments

by Mr Angry » 15 Jul 2014 10:27

In no particular order.......

1. Germany 7, Brazil 1
2. Sturridge's goal v Italy
3. J Rod's volley for Colombia v Uruguay
4. The TV pictures of the setting sun behind the statue of Christ The Redeemer during the Final
5. Spain 1, Holland 5

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Re: Your Top 5 WC 2014 Moments

by Wax Jacket » 15 Jul 2014 10:50

Switzerland's last-minute end-to-end goal against Ecuador was superb

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Re: Your Top 5 WC 2014 Moments

by Royalclapper » 15 Jul 2014 12:07

1. The relentless pace and intensity in a lot of the early games - Spain v Chile, Ghana v Germany.....etc etc

2. Colombia and James Rod - they were simply great and will have won a fair few admirers from all corners of the football world.

3. Strurridge's goal against Italy - fantastic goal which was well worked at pace. I (wrongly) got a rush of excitement that England could actually do something in the tournament.

4. Stephan Lichsteiner with his despairing face in the the back of the net v Argentina - The Swiss are hardly exciting but I could relate to the painful agony of giving everything only to concede at the end. It was much more telling than watching the usual blubbing from the players/fans.

5. The period following the USA's first goal v Belgium which made it 1-2 in ET - Once Green has scored that goal the match became everything that football should be, utterly compelling, a more established team in a commanding position suddenly finding themselves involved in the game of their lives. Klinsmann couldn't keep any self control as he lost it with the fourth official, and the whole thing became a thrilling spectacle.

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Re: Your Top 5 WC 2014 Moments

by Ouroboros » 15 Jul 2014 12:38

Trying to avoid any mentioned already:

1: Jonathan Pearce: "OH GOODNESS ME! They've changed their minds now! Does goal-line technology work or doesn't it?"

2: The spike of anticipatory excitement in seeing Robben, in his own half and giving away 10 yards to Sergio Ramos, and declaring to everybody that he was definitely about to score.

3: Mexico boss Miguel Herrera, who deserves a "Top 5 moments thread" to himself.

4: Joel Campbell against Greece, looking more tired than I've ever seen a professional footballer look. Then dragging his dead limbs to the penalty spot and sending the keeper the wrong way.

5: The touching BBC piece about Asmir Begovic in Sarajevo prior to the Argentina game. And seeing the first B&H world cup goal.

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Re: Your Top 5 WC 2014 Moments

by TBM » 15 Jul 2014 13:07

In no order and with pics

1. Celebrating Germany's winner in the final, just cos it won me the sweepstake
2. The ref foam
3. Bruno Martin Indi's eyes
4. Germany 7-1 for purely not believing what i was watching
5. Gary Lewin carried off on a stretcher

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Re: Your Top 5 WC 2014 Moments

by Pepe the Horseman » 15 Jul 2014 13:16

Lol, forgot about that last one.

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Re: Your Top 5 WC 2014 Moments

by AthleticoSpizz » 16 Jul 2014 20:30

1 Aus v Holland, cracking game, cracking Cahill (the goal of the tournament) strike

2 R I P Brazil and the four yearly w4nkfest that goes before them.

3 Costa Rica

4 Belgian football shirts...a nice touch wearing the opposition national flag

5 Emergence of a new world order

(6 England and their future squad)

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