Confimred new owners of Raeding Footbal Club

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Re: Confimred new owners of Reading Football Club

by Extended-Phenotype » 18 Jul 2014 16:34

Not really. Plenty of people who want to keep their integrity resign when their position is made untenable due to conflict of interest. Not saying I agree it would have been the best move but it's an understandable one when your ship is sailing in a direction you disagree with.

As for leaving AZ's decisions unchecked - :lol: make up your mind! You were saying JM had no say or control just a minute ago.

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Re: Confimred new owners of Reading Football Club

by melonhead » 18 Jul 2014 16:42

Extended-Phenotype Not really. Plenty of people who want to keep their integrity resign when their position is made untenable due to conflict of interest. Not saying I agree it would have been the best move but it's an understandable one when your ship is sailing in a direction you disagree with.

shut up then, you massive egg

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Re: Confimred new owners of Reading Football Club

by Extended-Phenotype » 18 Jul 2014 16:48

Ha ha you lose

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Re: Buyout

by gazzer, loyal royal » 18 Jul 2014 16:48

gazzer, loyal royal
blythspartan Do we know if the takeover with Samrit is still happening?

I would have thought that if it was off CW and JF would have picked up on it.

I hope it's just a case of the money getting here from Thailand. Albeit that could take a while.

Apparently there was a delay to the intended schedule with proof of funds and the first payment, so this may have pushed all the other formalities like fit and proper owners submission etc

Due diligence was being done around 4 weeks a go, so guessing there are a few minor hiccups etc

Looks like I was right again. Just saying :D

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Re: Buyout

by West Stand Man » 18 Jul 2014 16:52

gazzer, loyal royal
blythspartan Do we know if the takeover with Samrit is still happening?

I would have thought that if it was off CW and JF would have picked up on it.

I hope it's just a case of the money getting here from Thailand. Albeit that could take a while.

Apparently there was a delay to the intended schedule with proof of funds and the first payment, so this may have pushed all the other formalities like fit and proper owners submission etc

Due diligence was being done around 4 weeks a go, so guessing there are a few minor hiccups etc

Hiccups or just normal process? The latter I suspect.

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Re: Confimred new owners of Reading Football Club

by From Despair To Where? » 18 Jul 2014 17:01

Extended-Phenotype Not really. Plenty of people who want to keep their integrity resign when their position is made untenable due to conflict of interest. Not saying I agree it would have been the best move but it's an understandable one when your ship is sailing in a direction you disagree with.

As for leaving AZ's decisions unchecked - :lol: make up your mind! You were saying JM had no say or control just a minute ago.

I didn't say he had no control, I said that had he resigned, he would have had no control over limiting the influence of Samuelson, Oblensky, Vibrac etc.

Clearly by staying on, he's had some influence and control over who the club is sold to, so he has been vindicated. The bigger conflict of interest would have been Vibrac and Samuelson deciding who to sell the club to
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Re: Confimred new owners of Reading Football Club

by Royal Biscuitman » 18 Jul 2014 17:02

Extended-Phenotype Not really. Plenty of people who want to keep their integrity resign when their position is made untenable due to conflict of interest.
Most only have the loss of their income to worry about in those circumstances, not a 49% stake in the company supposedly worth £ Millions, He may not be able to stop if plummeting down to £Zero but at least he'll get a heads up by being there and can attempt to influence things, even if it proved futile.

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Re: Buyout

by Royal Rother » 18 Jul 2014 17:34

Indeed - it would absolutely NOT be normal process without hiccups along the way.

Daft to think everything just goes through smoothly in these transactions - both have to establish a mutual trust in initial discussions and then accept the fact that there will be challenges along the way but that the inherent trust established early on will see it through to a mutual conclusion where ground was given on both sides.

Anything else is tortuous.

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Re: Buyout

by JIM » 18 Jul 2014 17:48

everything was signed yesterday, Whats going to change today ?
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Re: Buyout

by paddy20 » 18 Jul 2014 17:48

Royal Rother Indeed - it would absolutely NOT be normal process without hiccups along the way.

Daft to think everything just goes through smoothly in these transactions - both have to establish a mutual trust in initial discussions and then accept the fact that there will be challenges along the way but that the inherent trust established early on will see it through to a mutual conclusion where ground was given on both sides.

Anything else is tortuous.

You're right. Must be the Reading way. The process has almost become farcical. How many more times are we going to see this sales process stop and go stop and go.Its really embarrassing now really, and boring!

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Re: Buyout

by Ian Royal » 18 Jul 2014 18:01

I think you may have misunderstood RR, paddy.

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Re: Buyout

by sandman » 18 Jul 2014 19:06

Royal Rother Indeed - it would absolutely NOT be normal process without hiccups along the way.

Daft to think everything just goes through smoothly in these transactions - both have to establish a mutual trust in initial discussions and then accept the fact that there will be challenges along the way but that the inherent trust established early on will see it through to a mutual conclusion where ground was given on both sides.

Anything else is tortuous.

Especially with all the prog you put on the "what the devil are you listening to?" thread. :wink:
Last edited by sandman on 18 Jul 2014 19:08, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Buyout

by Royal Rother » 18 Jul 2014 19:07

Certainly looks like it Ian.

And Sandman, ooh you bitch. :wink:

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Re: Buyout

by RG7Fan » 18 Jul 2014 19:20

Pepe the Horseman Which Nando's? What did you have?

1/2 Chicken, fries, cob. Hot strength. Bottomless coke.

Only Hot? You wuss. If you'd had Extra Hot Chicken Wings then I'd think about maybe believing you.

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Re: Buyout

by USA_Loyal_Royal » 18 Jul 2014 19:25

Royal Rother Indeed - it would absolutely NOT be normal process without hiccups along the way.

Daft to think everything just goes through smoothly in these transactions - both have to establish a mutual trust in initial discussions and then accept the fact that there will be challenges along the way but that the inherent trust established early on will see it through to a mutual conclusion where ground was given on both sides.

Anything else is tortuous.

Especially with all the prog you put on the "what the devil are you listening to?" thread. :wink:

+1 :lol:

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Re: Buyout

by FridaysGhost » 18 Jul 2014 19:28

Who is Nando and what sort of repast does he supply?

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Re: Buyout

by Royal Ginger » 18 Jul 2014 20:01

Pepe the Horseman Which Nando's? What did you have?

1/2 Chicken, fries, cob. Hot strength. Bottomless coke.

Only Hot? You wuss. If you'd had Extra Hot Chicken Wings then I'd think about maybe believing you.

Extra hot is only for misguided attempts to impress women on cheap dates.

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Re: Confimred new owners of Reading Football Club

by Nameless » 18 Jul 2014 20:03

He couldn't have resigned as a shareholder, he could have resigned his seat on the board. It may have been a magnificent gesture but would have been pretty self defeating. Very often those who resign on a point of principle are simply trying to sAve their own skin anyway....

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Re: Buyout

by paddy20 » 18 Jul 2014 20:17

Ian Royal I think you may have misunderstood RR, paddy.

yes. just couldn't be bothered to interpret the drift. just fed up generally with the whole saga.

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Re: Buyout

by Royal Ginger » 18 Jul 2014 21:43

Dave-Royal SB is our new onwer

Stop the presses!

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