Silver Fox Is it because he's a pcunt?
Nail on head
by Royality creeps In » 07 Nov 2014 17:10
Silver Fox Is it because he's a pcunt?
by Winston Smith » 14 Nov 2014 11:57
by Hendo » 14 Nov 2014 12:02
Hendo Record for Chelsea I would have thought.
I guess it makes a change of making £56m losses, like last year
by Sanguine » 14 Nov 2014 12:17
No Fixed Abode Chelsea FC reports a record £18m in annual profit
by Winston Smith » 14 Nov 2014 12:20
Hendo Record for Chelsea I would have thought.
SanguineNo Fixed Abode Chelsea FC reports a record £18m in annual profit
David LOLuiz.
by Hendo » 14 Nov 2014 13:03
No Fixed AbodeHendo Record for Chelsea I would have thought.
I guess it makes a change of making £56m losses, like last year
We've never broken the FFP rule though, unlike Mankfester Shitty.
by 6ft Kerplunk » 14 Nov 2014 15:58
No Fixed Abode We've never broken the FFP rule though, unlike Mankfester Shitty.
6ft KerplunkNo Fixed Abode We've never broken the FFP rule though, unlike Mankfester Shitty.
When did the FFP rules come into place Kes? Before or after Roman's initial spending spree?
HendoNo Fixed AbodeHendo Record for Chelsea I would have thought.
I guess it makes a change of making £56m losses, like last year
We've never broken the FFP rule though, unlike Mankfester Shitty.
Never said you did.
by 6ft Kerplunk » 17 Nov 2014 11:33
6ft Kerplunk Hypothetically in how many years since Roman took over would Chelsea have failed the FFP rules if they had been in place? There must have been a time at which they started to comply and it would be interesting* to see how that fits in with the timeframe since Man City got rich.
by paultheroyal » 17 Nov 2014 23:35
No Fixed Abode6ft Kerplunk Hypothetically in how many years since Roman took over would Chelsea have failed the FFP rules if they had been in place? There must have been a time at which they started to comply and it would be interesting* to see how that fits in with the timeframe since Man City got rich.
We complied when FFP came into force. That's all that matters.
Its like asking how many times Liverpool would have won the league if the back pass rule hadn't come in to force. Its irrelevant.
by 6ft Kerplunk » 18 Nov 2014 10:23
No Fixed Abode6ft Kerplunk Hypothetically in how many years since Roman took over would Chelsea have failed the FFP rules if they had been in place? There must have been a time at which they started to comply and it would be interesting* to see how that fits in with the timeframe since Man City got rich.
We complied when FFP came into force. That's all that matters.
Its like asking how many times Liverpool would have won the league if the back pass rule hadn't come in to force. Its irrelevant.
by AthleticoSpizz » 28 Nov 2014 22:38
by Sanguine » 01 Dec 2014 11:15
by LUX » 01 Dec 2014 13:46
Sanguine Liverpool
by RoyallyFcuked » 01 Dec 2014 13:50
Sanguine Read that Chelsea have already played away at City, United, Liverpool and Everton this season. Save for the Emirates, they've already played some of their toughest games. What's the record winning margin, 16 or so?
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