by Waylenstreet » 10 Nov 2014 12:57
by Royal_jimmy » 10 Nov 2014 13:07
by Hoop Blah » 10 Nov 2014 13:15
RoyalBlue I'm intrigued as to what 'the right fit for Reading FC' is, particularly since going forward under our new owners we have no real idea what the identity and culture of the club will actually turn out to be.
by HoneyRoastHoax » 10 Nov 2014 13:33
Waylenstreet Coppell was not the problem.
Brian was not the problem.
Adkins is not the problem.
If Adkins goes in the near future it will be rearranging the deckchairs..and the new guy won't be the problem.
by Vic_Flange » 10 Nov 2014 13:40
by Waylenstreet » 10 Nov 2014 15:13
HoneyRoastHoaxWaylenstreet Coppell was not the problem.
Brian was not the problem.
Adkins is not the problem.
If Adkins goes in the near future it will be rearranging the deckchairs..and the new guy won't be the problem.
by Schards#2 » 10 Nov 2014 16:19
by Hendo » 10 Nov 2014 16:29
The very worst thing we could do is throw everything up in the air again by sacking the manager after a poor run of results. He's only now entering a phase where he can be judged on his own aquisitions and should be given the rest of this season to show what he can do.
There is no sign of players not trying or any internal strife, they all give 100% and seem desperate to win, performances are improving and results will improve as returning players get back up to speed. Put your toys back and the pram and get behind him.
by Elm Park » 10 Nov 2014 16:30
Schards#2 This club has been a shambles pretty much since the end of the Championship winning season and certainly throughout Adkins's tenure as manager. This season alone he's had to cope with:
- uncertainty over the ownership
- the sale of three key players
- monumental injury list
At last, there looks to be some more stability now with the new owners at least doing no harm at the moment at removing the threat of administration. Meanwhile the injury situation is also easing but the squad is still suffering from the loss of McCarthy and Morrisson.
The very worst thing we could do is throw everything up in the air again by sacking the manager after a poor run of results. He's only now entering a phase where he can be judged on his own aquisitions and should be given the rest of this season to show what he can do.
There is no sign of players not trying or any internal strife, they all give 100% and seem desperate to win, performances are improving and results will improve as returning players get back up to speed. Put your toys back and the pram and get behind him.
by Royalwaster » 10 Nov 2014 16:43
sandmanRoyalwaster The Adkins haters should take a long hard look at themselves ..... look what's happened at Newcastle.
Yes look at the situation at a totally different club to us. Why don't we look at the situation at Bolton or Birmingham as well?
by HoneyRoastHoax » 10 Nov 2014 16:44
Schards#2 This club has been a shambles pretty much since the end of the Championship winning season and certainly throughout Adkins's tenure as manager. This season alone he's had to cope with:
- uncertainty over the ownership
- the sale of three key players
- monumental injury list
At last, there looks to be some more stability now with the new owners at least doing no harm at the moment at removing the threat of administration. Meanwhile the injury situation is also easing but the squad is still suffering from the loss of McCarthy and Morrisson.
The very worst thing we could do is throw everything up in the air again by sacking the manager after a poor run of results. He's only now entering a phase where he can be judged on his own aquisitions and should be given the rest of this season to show what he can do.
There is no sign of players not trying or any internal strife, they all give 100% and seem desperate to win, performances are improving and results will improve as returning players get back up to speed. Put your toys back and the pram and get behind him.
by Ian Royal » 10 Nov 2014 17:00
Royal LadyIan Royalwindermere_royal This forum is almost equally divided between pro and anti Adkins, one way or another something needs to be done. either we need to improve . or he needs to go to unite us all to the Reading cause again , I`m sicerely hoping it`s the former, but even I accept the next 7 fixture before the new year will define whether he is right for the long term future of our club
Thankfully, at the match the support for him is significantly greater in number than the haters.
To be honest the one reason for him to go is to shut up the whining morons who can't get over McDermott's sacking so they can move on and as you say we can get some unity.
Just cos some people chant "Nigel Adkins' Barmy Army" and others don't boo him does not mean that the support for him at the match is significantly greater than the "haters" I know lots of people at the games who don't want him here - they just have slightly greater intellect than to think it's worth booing him or however else you should show you "hate" as you put it. It's interesting that attendance has been down, perhaps a lot of "haters" have been voting with their feet?
by Portsmouth Royal » 10 Nov 2014 22:03
by Man Friday » 10 Nov 2014 22:15
by Portsmouth Royal » 10 Nov 2014 22:40
Man Friday Not a bad post but you're really overstating the value of possession. It's what you do with it that counts. Plus some teams like Chelsea deliberately lose position in order to re-group.
by marlowuk » 10 Nov 2014 22:48
by JS28ZoD » 10 Nov 2014 22:59
by sandman » 10 Nov 2014 23:33
Portsmouth Royal I voted IN for a number of reasons.
I genuinely don't think relegation represents a real threat this year, even most of those voting out would probably concede we are winning enough of the games against the bottom third sides to sail clear of that obstacle.
The signings Adkins has made in the half a transfer window he has had with some cash and no interference have all been decent to good (again, I think even most of the out voters would concede Norwood, Murray, Mackie and Cox are worthwhile acquisitions) . On this basis giving him the January transfer window doesn't represent a 'risk' so to speak. He will likely buy well.
I happen to think some progress is being made. The Reading side of a few years back simply could not have maintained 60% possession whether the over team sat back or otherwise. Clearly results are not yet catching up, but once you have the base then you could be a couple of players from 'boring sideways passing' to 'incisive attacking passing'. I think Norwood already looks bought to fit this model.
You also really shouldn't discount the injury problems. Not only in terms of points lost (How many points is a third of the season without your best winger and one of your first choice central midfielders?) but also in terms of disruption.
For me, Barring being deep in the mire come Late Feb/early march he deserves at least the season and in all likelihood will work out his contract. We simply won't get a manager with a better track record for the money to my mind, certainly not if we have to stump up compensation to him too.
by P!ssed Off » 11 Nov 2014 00:10
by marcusopp » 11 Nov 2014 07:14
Portsmouth Royal I voted IN for a number of reasons.
I genuinely don't think relegation represents a real threat this year, even most of those voting out would probably concede we are winning enough of the games against the bottom third sides to sail clear of that obstacle.
The signings Adkins has made in the half a transfer window he has had with some cash and no interference have all been decent to good (again, I think even most of the out voters would concede Norwood, Murray, Mackie and Cox are worthwhile acquisitions) . On this basis giving him the January transfer window doesn't represent a 'risk' so to speak. He will likely buy well.
I happen to think some progress is being made. The Reading side of a few years back simply could not have maintained 60% possession whether the over team sat back or otherwise. Clearly results are not yet catching up, but once you have the base then you could be a couple of players from 'boring sideways passing' to 'incisive attacking passing'. I think Norwood already looks bought to fit this model.
You also really shouldn't discount the injury problems. Not only in terms of points lost (How many points is a third of the season without your best winger and one of your first choice central midfielders?) but also in terms of disruption.
For me, Barring being deep in the mire come Late Feb/early march he deserves at least the season and in all likelihood will work out his contract. We simply won't get a manager with a better track record for the money to my mind, certainly not if we have to stump up compensation to him too.
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