Thai's to sell up!!!

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Re: Thai's to sell up!!!

by WoodleyRoyal » 06 Dec 2014 17:39

So bftg and mate spoken to, the Thais have been scared off by how much a football club is to actually run. They have brought back TSI to broker a deal with the American consortium that had bid previously. Representatives are currently in America the discussions are a very early stage

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Re: Thai's to sell up!!!

by Royal Rother » 06 Dec 2014 19:24

Yes, because nobody bothers to do any financial profiling in a 6 month lead-time before handing over tens of millions of pounds to take over a business anymore.

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Re: Thai's to sell up!!!

by Martin41 » 06 Dec 2014 20:56

Royal Rother Yes, because nobody bothers to do any financial profiling in a 6 month lead-time before handing over tens of millions of pounds to take over a business anymore.

Exactly and why would tsi get involved again????

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Re: Thai's to sell up!!!

by Mr.Swainey » 06 Dec 2014 20:58

Let's hope so, these Thais have been crooks since day one.

Luckily some of us saw it back then.


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Re: Thai's to sell up!!!

by winchester_royal » 06 Dec 2014 21:00

Jesus wept :roll:

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Re: Thai's to sell up!!!

by paultheroyal » 06 Dec 2014 21:26

Mr.Swainey Let's hope so, these Thais have been crooks since day one.

Luckily some of us saw it back then.


I am missing the wink, there must be a wink. oxf*rd me, no wink! :shock:

You are being serious in your reply. Jesus oxf*rd wept!

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Re: Thai's to sell up!!!

by sandman » 06 Dec 2014 22:04

winchester_royal Jesus wept :roll:

Your Lord and Saviour did indeed weep at you using his name in vain, this close to Christmas too, for shame.

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Re: Thai's to sell up!!!

by Sutekh » 07 Dec 2014 10:21

WoodleyRoyal So bftg and mate spoken to, the Thais have been scared off by how much a football club is to actually run. They have brought back TSI to broker a deal with the American consortium that had bid previously. Representatives are currently in America the discussions are a very early stage

What. A. Load. Of. Rubbish.

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Re: Thai's to sell up!!!

by Nameless » 07 Dec 2014 22:17

Not sure you could 'bring back' TSI. Surely that was just Anton's investment vehicle. Was the OP trying to suggest Samuelson was somehow back ? Not very likely, but more likely than TSI....

If there is any plausibility in the story then the Thai's will be utterly stitched up if they are making it public that they have to sell because they don't have enough cash. They'll have to pay the 'buyer' and are much too experienced business people for that.

Amazing how they let such commercially sensitive info fall into the hands of caterers or cleaners or whatever this mate is.

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Re: Thai's to sell up!!!

by Ian Royal » 07 Dec 2014 22:41

We shall see. And then WoodleyRoyal's card will be marked one way, or t'other.

Oh, it appears to have been marked elsewhere already.

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Re: Thai's to sell up!!!

by Angry Shed Sex » 08 Dec 2014 00:03

Nameless Not sure you could 'bring back' TSI. Surely that was just Anton's investment vehicle. Was the OP trying to suggest Samuelson was somehow back ? Not very likely, but more likely than TSI....

If there is any plausibility in the story then the Thai's will be utterly stitched up if they are making it public that they have to sell because they don't have enough cash. They'll have to pay the 'buyer' and are much too experienced business people for that.

Amazing how they let such commercially sensitive info fall into the hands of caterers or cleaners or whatever this mate is.

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Or Halal - they never tell us.

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Re: Thai's to sell up!!!

by melonhead » 08 Dec 2014 11:27

WoodleyRoyal So bftg and mate spoken to, the Thais have been scared off by how much a football club is to actually run.

did they not notice the multimillion pound losses we made over almost the entire modern history of the club?

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Re: Thai's to sell up!!!

by WoodleyRoyal » 08 Dec 2014 11:53

I find it just as ridiculous as the rest of you, how can you go through months of due diligence and not know :?: :| But that's the way it is. Therefore this whole FPPP and no money available is a smoke screen to hide what actually is going on. I have received 3 PM's now from nobbers who have heard the same as me. And FTR, TSI have been brought in to provide extra funding as well as brokering the deal with the American consortium. When you put the pieces together it makes sense, why have the Thais' been so quite? Why no Statements? and why this Board Meeting two weeks ago? when Nigels future wasn't even discussed? Once again we will have a self imposed transfer embargo while negotiations take place, the only business we will do is what has already been budgeted for i.e. Murray. If we have to stump up anymore than what was an agreed fee we won't.

As i have said, believe me or don't.... meh

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Re: Thai's to sell up!!!

by SPARTA » 08 Dec 2014 12:08

We are fast becoming a laughing stock. Samuelson was driving that American bid. Having him back is jokes. John really does need to stop buying into these 'dream ticket' buyers... He is leading us from one mistake to another, and then another.

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Re: Thai's to sell up!!!

by floyd__streete » 08 Dec 2014 12:50

I'd be delighted if the Thais sold up to someone who had the courtesy to come out and tell the supporters who the hell they actually are and what their intentions ae for the club.

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Re: Thai's to sell up!!!

by Royalwaster » 08 Dec 2014 13:08

floyd__streete I'd be delighted if the Thais sold up to someone who had the courtesy to come out and tell the supporters who the hell they actually are and what their intentions ae for the club.

For once I agree with you .... would be good to have a real 'owner' who actually makes statements to the fans other than in an infantile way via facebook. But not sure this American consortium will be any better in this regard ....

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Re: Thai's to sell up!!!

by SPARTA » 08 Dec 2014 13:09

floyd__streete I'd be delighted if the Thais sold up to someone who had the courtesy to come out and tell the supporters who the hell they actually are and what their intentions ae for the club.

Samuelson tried that once...

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Re: Thai's to sell up!!!

by winchester_royal » 08 Dec 2014 13:20

SPARTA We are fast becoming a laughing stock. Samuelson was driving that American bid. Having him back is jokes. John really does need to stop buying into these 'dream ticket' buyers... He is leading us from one mistake to another, and then another.

Stop being ridiculous - this is quite clearly a load of bollocks from a proven WUM.

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Re: Thai's to sell up!!!

by winchester_royal » 08 Dec 2014 13:21

'Extra funding' from TSI - :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Thai's to sell up!!!

by WoodleyRoyal » 08 Dec 2014 13:25

i hope you will be magnanimous enough to apologise once this becomes public knowledge winch....

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