Tommy Jenkins Why stop at Maidenhead Sandman, How about we turn up at Reading Town FC instead ?
Don't mind where as long as I can wear my new Christmas mac.
by sandman » 14 Dec 2014 18:07
Tommy Jenkins Why stop at Maidenhead Sandman, How about we turn up at Reading Town FC instead ?
by Reading4eva » 14 Dec 2014 18:13
by Tommy Jenkins » 14 Dec 2014 18:50
by MmmMonsterMunch » 14 Dec 2014 18:56
by leon » 14 Dec 2014 19:15
by sandman » 14 Dec 2014 19:18
leon What are we protesting about?
by P!ssed Off » 14 Dec 2014 19:30
MmmMonsterMunch Would the stewards actually let anyone in if they had an Adkins out banner anyway?!
by Eaststandman » 14 Dec 2014 20:14
leon What are we protesting about?
by Unbelievable Jeff » 14 Dec 2014 20:23
by RoyalBlue » 14 Dec 2014 20:24
tidus_mi2 Absolutely ridiculous, I hope you do this protest, no one else joins in and you look like an idiot. The men you have mentioned are not the ones responsible for the mess we're in, he buggered off to Russia a long time ago. .
by Silver Fox » 14 Dec 2014 20:42
RoyalBlue By all means give him credit for past achievements.
by EverHopeful » 14 Dec 2014 21:41
by sandman » 14 Dec 2014 21:43
EverHopeful i will protest
beer prices
shit food
always loads of traffic
hungover on sundays
the two women in front of me who spend the whole time on Facebook (how the hell do they get reception?)
probably a few others......
slagging the bronzed one during the game - nah pointless! not because i support him but counter productive to getting three badly needed points and probably because the options of replacing him with anyone remotely better are pretty much non existent at this stage of the season; anyone who has pipe dreams of Pulis or someone of that ilk is delusional IMO - no money, FFP, invisible owners, ownership rumours etc...........young hungry manager, maybe, but probably just as big a risk as keeping the status quo for the next couple of months and if we need to panic, panic later!! it won't be too late by then (hopefully) . Not as if we are going to spend in january so don't need to worry about that one.........murray or nothing i reckon and thats assuming he even wants to sign permanently.
roll on saturday......
by patroyal1711 » 14 Dec 2014 21:54
Unbelievable Jeff Protest by singing this for the whole 90 mins? to the tune of that's amore ( more specifically the Vanarama advert)
His teams on the ropes, its not working
So what are we gonna do?
His teams on the ropes, its not working
So it's time to get someone new
Nigel Adkins
Nigel Adkins
Nigel Adkins be the one to go...
Nigel Adkins
Nigel Adkins
Nigel Adkins needs to f*ck off home.
by Vic_Flange » 14 Dec 2014 22:38
by Royal Lady » 15 Dec 2014 09:10
by sputnik » 15 Dec 2014 09:32
by WoodleyRoyal » 15 Dec 2014 09:39
Royal Lady One of the easiest ways to persuade people not to turn up on Saturday is for me to suggest I will streak across the pitch at kick off. I'm willing to take one for the team (so to speak)
by Forbury Lion » 15 Dec 2014 09:55
Actually, it's more like a consortium of non-drinkers from overseas taking over a pub and keeping the old landlord on because he knows how to run the pub better than they do, having never set foot in a pub before.Cpl Jones Dont panic This cannot be allowed to carry on. It's like buying a new house but the old owners want to stay living in the house and have a say in how the house should be run.
by Haag Royal » 15 Dec 2014 10:03
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