by MmmMonsterMunch » 16 Dec 2014 20:56
by Armadillo Roadkill » 16 Dec 2014 21:02
by Royal Rother » 16 Dec 2014 21:07
MmmMonsterMunch Incidentally, I really can't see Adkins doing well elsewhere you know.
Perhaps L1 is his level....
by MmmMonsterMunch » 16 Dec 2014 21:09
Armadillo Roadkill I'm keeping my expectations modest - I think it will take time for the changes he'll want to make to take effect. I'm hopeful for next season.
His pedigree suggests a bit of ambition by the club - this is a pretty high profile appointment. My fear is that promotion to the Premier League is such an incredibly difficult thing to do that it would be hard for anyone to survive at Reading - a club that's forgotten what it is, where it has been and seems to think constant success is the normal state of things.
Still, makes life interesting. I had been kind of dreading boxing day at the Amex - really looking forward to it now.
by MmmMonsterMunch » 16 Dec 2014 21:12
Royal RotherMmmMonsterMunch Incidentally, I really can't see Adkins doing well elsewhere you know.
Perhaps L1 is his level....
He's done well everywhere else he's been. Just got lucky with all those promotions I guess.
by Uke » 16 Dec 2014 21:17
by Royal Rother » 16 Dec 2014 21:21
MmmMonsterMunchRoyal RotherMmmMonsterMunch Incidentally, I really can't see Adkins doing well elsewhere you know.
Perhaps L1 is his level....
He's done well everywhere else he's been. Just got lucky with all those promotions I guess.
Time will tell. One could definitely argue that the Saints team he inherited was there waiting & should never have been in L1 at all. Reckon his backroom team also let him down TBH.
Not convinced he will be a roaring success elsewhere based on what I've seen. Not by any stretch.
by Millsy » 16 Dec 2014 21:24
by MmmMonsterMunch » 16 Dec 2014 21:27
by JordCot » 16 Dec 2014 21:32
MmmMonsterMunch My expectations are also modest but lets be frank - the Adkins era has been such a disaster it's not going to take an awful lot for fans to start smiling again
by Ian Royal » 16 Dec 2014 21:39
MmmMonsterMunch Adkins is the worst thing ever blah blah, we've been the worst we've ever been blah blah
by SmellyAli » 16 Dec 2014 21:43
MmmMonsterMunch It will be so nice to hear the manager call a spade a spade
by MmmMonsterMunch » 16 Dec 2014 21:43
Ian RoyalMmmMonsterMunch 2WW what should he have achieved at WBA other than their highest ever PL points total?
Should he have got top 4? Europa qualification?
Also got great connections still at Chelsea for some decent loanees which in this period of FFP might come in bloody handy.
Cut the histrionics, you've got your way. Now you can stop being such a melodramatic queen and look forward not back. He's gone, get over it.
by Franchise FC » 16 Dec 2014 21:46
Ian Royal For those who aren't whelmed by Steve Clarke, can I just point out (in case someone hasn't - I haven't got time to read the last six pages yet).
He's balding.
His first name is Steve.
His initials are SC.
We are going up, say we are going up!
107, 107, we'll break our record, 107.
by MmmMonsterMunch » 16 Dec 2014 21:46
JordCotMmmMonsterMunch My expectations are also modest but lets be frank - the Adkins era has been such a disaster it's not going to take an awful lot for fans to start smiling again
A disaster? A 7th place finish and some uninspiring football, I'd hardly call his reign a oxf*rd disaster. God help us if we actually got relegated you'd probably top yourself. Silver linings I guess...
by Ian Royal » 16 Dec 2014 21:48
MmmMonsterMunchIan RoyalMmmMonsterMunch 2WW what should he have achieved at WBA other than their highest ever PL points total?
Should he have got top 4? Europa qualification?
Also got great connections still at Chelsea for some decent loanees which in this period of FFP might come in bloody handy.
Cut the histrionics, you've got your way. Now you can stop being such a melodramatic queen and look forward not back. He's gone, get over it.
No context to your quote whatsoever there Ian. What do I need to get over? Your BS posts?
by MmmMonsterMunch » 16 Dec 2014 21:50
by Ian Royal » 16 Dec 2014 21:54
MmmMonsterMunch Feel free to actually find said post Ian & quote until your heart's content.....
Oh hang doesn't exist
Nothing like making shit up to have a pop at people on a forum though. Good stuff.
by P!ssed Off » 16 Dec 2014 22:00
by MmmMonsterMunch » 16 Dec 2014 22:06
P!ssed Off Not surprising Ian Royal wants to draw a line under the affair.
Sorry Ian, but over the last few months you've lost any remaining credibility.
If you want a fresh start, you'll have to change username.
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