Pogrebnyak Speaks Out!

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Re: Pogrebnyak Speaks Out!

by 3points » 20 Dec 2014 13:45

bet he's not injured today

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Re: Pogrebnyak Speaks Out!

by Cureton's Volley » 20 Dec 2014 15:03

When he got emotional in that interview after scoring it proved he does actually care, but unfortunately his performances have not been up to scratch. I hope he gets another chance and makes it happen this time.

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Re: Pogrebnyak Speaks Out!

by Zana Badawi » 21 Dec 2014 00:37

Huntley & Palmer
Ian Royal Screams mercenary.

Screams fair enough to me. If a chairman is willing to throw money at you to join his club and you want to stay in England, can't see as many would ever turn it down.

Don't disagree with that, but its his behaviour since joining that is worrying. He should be our star player.

Two things Ive noted
1. This isn't the only interview he's given recently where he's talking about moving clubs and he still has a considerable amount of time left on his contract. Not impressed with that. (If he's under pressure to find a new club, however - he needs to say so.)
2. He has quite simply never produced the form from Fulham that brought him here. Now, we may have misjudged the form and it was just a run of good games for him; but when you see a striker who constantly has his back to goal and prefers a pass (Any Pass!) to a shot; then you can ask yourself the question "Has he failed to reproduce his form because he's lost his bottle." The fact he's being doing this for over two years now makes it even less impressive.

And no footballer should be telling a journalist he's bored. And no grown man should be telling a journalist he misses snow.
Ive been waiting over two years for him to do something impressive. Ive realised its never going to happen. And you should expect more at £30k+/week. A complete waste of a considerable amount of money.

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Re: Pogrebnyak Speaks Out!

by Millsy » 21 Dec 2014 00:43

Screams weirdo for loving the shithole that is London.

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Re: Pogrebnyak Speaks Out!

by Mike Hunt » 21 Dec 2014 00:56

MmmMonsterMunch Wow this guy gets so much shit for no reason IMO. I think with the right players around him & the right service he would be a premium striker at chump level.

He has been frozen out by Adkins. Not entirely sure why as he always put a shift in even if the goals were few & far between. Has never really spoken ill of the club at all & has kept his head down the entire time.

I really want to see him playing again & think Clarke will give him some starts.

Come on guys it's the season of goodwill. How can you hate him?

Someone find the xmas jumper pic I can't find it....

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Re: Pogrebnyak Speaks Out!

by juanpablo » 21 Dec 2014 02:11

great player and suggesting he's done nothing for us is harsh, he has always put in a shift. Love to see him get a run in the team, system aside you cant have a team with Blackman in it and not Pog

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Re: Pogrebnyak Speaks Out!

by Cureton's Volley » 21 Dec 2014 10:25

He is miles better than Blackman

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Re: Pogrebnyak Speaks Out!

by Tommy Jenkins » 21 Dec 2014 10:32

The Reading striker appears in the fly-on-the wall documentary Meet The Russians, along with wife and a number of other wealthy Russian nationals living in England's capital.
Pavel is a striker, and is the ideal husband: prepared to go to all the red carpet events with Masha, spend nights in exclusive clubs and even travel all the way to Cannes: though he would much rather be at home with the kids.
Pavel and Masha live like a very Russian family, with their parents visiting regularly to help with the kids.
They may be living in a Chelsea penthouse but the arrangements are all still very Russian.

For Pogrebnyak to winge hes bored at the club is very disrespectful to all the other players trying thier best to turn the season around & even more importantly the fans who pay hard earned money to support our team! He continually talks about finding a new club, moaning about poor team spirit and skirmishes in training, this is only going to wind his team mates up even more. The fact is it looks like we are stuck with him as nobody to wants him until hes run his contract down and becomes a free agent. Hes on a shed load of money and living the high life in London what a poor situation for him, must be so hard & boring going to red carpet events. Looks like he my be in need of counselling! (Or being read the riot act by the new manager more like)!

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Re: Pogrebnyak Speaks Out!

by Ian Royal » 21 Dec 2014 10:58

Woohoo! A couple of years ago he scored a couple of good goals! Yeahhhh go Pog!!!!

Given the stick Murray is getting for being not good enough I'm amazed anyone would like Pog. He gets himself on far far fewer opportunities to score, works defenders far less well, scores less, is slower, shitter in the air, was brought in to keep us in the PL not do mediocre in the Championship and costs a oxf*rd mint, screwing over our finances.

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Re: Pogrebnyak Speaks Out!

by Tommy Jenkins » 21 Dec 2014 12:47

Its a shame because he really does have all the attributes of being a decent number 9.

Unfortunately it appears to be what's between he ears that is having such a big negative impact on not only his performances but that of his team mates and fans.

Come on Pog if you show the right application you can still be a great success here.

Ok the signing of Murray has put your nose out of joint and it maybe rather too convenient to go sick when your not 100% instead of battling through and showing your doubters wrong.

Come on Pog show us the passion of a Russian bear !

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Re: Pogrebnyak Speaks Out!

by MmmMonsterMunch » 21 Dec 2014 13:38

Nice one Mike!

Given we have little money or options & are dangerously close to the bottom 3, we need to get behind every single member of that squad.

At this stage in the season when everyone is rightly a bit worried - I just don't see the value in singling out & berating players as we'll need them all to contribute if we're to get 50 pts +.

Especially when Murray returns to Palace in 2 weeks time.

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Re: Pogrebnyak Speaks Out!

by Pseud O'Nym » 21 Dec 2014 14:03

Tommy Jenkins Unfortunately it appears to be what's between he ears that is having such a big negative impact on not only his performances but that of his team mates and fans.

The only suggestion I've seen of a negative impact on his team mates comes from you. As to a negative impact on the fans maybe your misrepresenting what he had to say is having some effect there.

Tommy Jenkins Looking at his future, he reiterates his desire to stay in the English leagues, as he loves London. That said, he leaves the door open to a move back to Russia in the future, as he is 'bored' at the moment, and misses the snowy Russian weather. When asked about a potential move to Spartak Moscow, he says 'why not'?

His comments about missing the snow and moving back to Russia were in response to the question “Will you stay England after your career is finished?”.

The comment about being bored is open to different constructions but seems to me to say “I'm still enjoying the English leagues but would return to Russia if I became bored”.

He did indeed say “why not” regards Spartak but in the context “how long can I bear a grudge, more than ten years have passed”, so clearly a reference to some bad blood between him and Spartak over their rejection of him, rather than a real potential move.

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Re: Pogrebnyak Speaks Out!

by Winston Smith » 21 Dec 2014 15:00

Pog can smoke my fat one

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Re: Pogrebnyak Speaks Out!

by photographer » 21 Dec 2014 15:38

I hate Adkins for not giving Pog a chance!

Murray is shit! Bring back pog

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Re: Pogrebnyak Speaks Out!

by John Madejski's Wallet » 21 Dec 2014 15:45

With the wing play we saw yesterday, I'd love Pog to get a decent run.

He's rubbish when it is just pumped up to him, but on the ground or facing goal Pog > Murray imho

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Re: Pogrebnyak Speaks Out!

by 3points » 21 Dec 2014 17:00

Pog is a decent finisher. He just doesn't get into the same number of goal scoring positions that Murray has been doing. But then Pog works a lot harder, defending from the front. I think that's one reason why we've been poor defensively as Murray is more of a goal hanger (which would be fine if he was scoring more frequently than he is).

I hope he gets fit and at least gives the new manager a decision to make. Murray and Cox combination yesterday really didn't look like it was working. Would like to see Cox and Pog with McCleary and Gunter providing some good balls into the box.

Can't see us shifting Pog on as we couldn't afford to pay up the outstanding amount under his signing on fee. So, we should look to get the most out of him and not let him rot in the reserves, like Birmingham have had to do with Zigic.

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Re: Pogrebnyak Speaks Out!

by Ian Royal » 21 Dec 2014 19:12

photographer I hate Adkins for not giving Pog a chance!

Murray is shit! Bring back pog

You are aware he gave him 60 chances right? In which Pog scored just 14 goals.

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Re: Pogrebnyak Speaks Out!

by photographer » 22 Dec 2014 04:42

Ian Royal
photographer I hate Adkins for not giving Pog a chance!

Murray is shit! Bring back pog

You are aware he gave him 60 chances right? In which Pog scored just 14 goals.

And how many of those 'chances' were at 85 minutes to replace ALF or blackman? He barely ever got a chance to start, and when he did, he would score!

14/60 is still a better ratio than Murray. But from reading your comments all around the forum about your love for Murray, I doubt you'll understand.

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Re: Pogrebnyak Speaks Out!

by Ian Royal » 22 Dec 2014 10:47

Ian Royal
photographer I hate Adkins for not giving Pog a chance!

Murray is shit! Bring back pog

You are aware he gave him 60 chances right? In which Pog scored just 14 goals.

And how many of those 'chances' were at 85 minutes to replace ALF or blackman? He barely ever got a chance to start, and when he did, he would score!

14/60 is still a better ratio than Murray. But from reading your comments all around the forum about your love for Murray, I doubt you'll understand.

This is wrong on every level. He started about 44 of those 60 games. I don't know what crazy universe you live in but 60 divided by 14 produces a mucher worse ratio than 16 divided by 6 in the real one. Almost twice as wose.

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Re: Pogrebnyak Speaks Out!

by Forbury Lion » 22 Dec 2014 10:53

He's bored!
Why not put in a transfer request then?

Only came to Reading because Zingarevith kept begging him
Maybe next time he should insist on speaking to the manager before signing and see if he fits into the plans.

and put a pot full of gold in front of him!
He took the money, he has no right to complain

There were recently skirmishes between the players at training under Nigel Atkins !
What happens in training stays in training, Nobody likes a grass. It's reassuring to hear the players showing passion.

He can't believe the high standard of the championship
A player looking for a move isn't going to talk down the level they are playing at, particularly if they can't get into the starting lineup, Despite what he says it's not on a level with the premiership but is ahead of many other countries top tier leagues

players swearing during matches has contributed to the negative atmosphere.
If he thinks that's bad, thank fcuk he can't hear what the fans are saying...... man up FFS.

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