Big Foot as lolz as it was, it's a bit of a shambles that away goals still counted after ET - plus we all would've loved Chelsea to bottle it in another penalty shoot out I'm sure? Imagine that![]()
Yeah. Like we did in Munich 2012.

Big Foot as lolz as it was, it's a bit of a shambles that away goals still counted after ET - plus we all would've loved Chelsea to bottle it in another penalty shoot out I'm sure? Imagine that![]()
Sutekh Even biggerat the CheLOLsea supporters now calling for Mourinho to be sacked
bobby1413 Chelsea fans moaning they should have the chance to play an extra 30 minutes in Paris - so they too have the same amount of time to score an away goal
Are they the sorest of losers?
Watching players faces and the reaction of Costa, it's easy to see why people hate this filthy club.
It was the same feeling I had when they beat Spurs in the final last week.
Nameless Slightly bemused by the banner pre match. Supposedly in response to the racism thing it said 'we are all Blue'. Which really helps the guy who was abused. Chelsea rather missing the point I feel.
by Mr.Swainey » 12 Mar 2015 11:41
by ZacNaloen » 12 Mar 2015 11:54
by Sanguine » 12 Mar 2015 11:56
by TBM » 12 Mar 2015 12:04
Mr.Swainey Empty seats as well for such a big game.
by SPARTA » 12 Mar 2015 12:22
No Fixed AbodeMr.Swainey Empty seats as well for such a big game.
Although it was sold out.
by TFF » 12 Mar 2015 12:30
SPARTANo Fixed AbodeMr.Swainey Empty seats as well for such a big game.
Although it was sold out.
Even worse, they couldn't be bothered to turn up..
by floyd__streete » 12 Mar 2015 12:58
Kes People are the same everywhere
floyd__streeteKes People are the same everywhere
I agree m8. Shame your racist fans don't
by Sanguine » 12 Mar 2015 13:23
by Big Foot » 12 Mar 2015 13:31
No Fixed AbodeBig Foot as lolz as it was, it's a bit of a shambles that away goals still counted after ET - plus we all would've loved Chelsea to bottle it in another penalty shoot out I'm sure? Imagine that![]()
Yeah. Like we did in Munich 2012.
by SPARTA » 12 Mar 2015 13:35
No Fixed Abode The back few rows in the Matthew Harding stand etc have to be clear. We've been through this before, it always happens at UCL games - but you knew that.
SPARTANo Fixed Abode The back few rows in the Matthew Harding stand etc have to be clear. We've been through this before, it always happens at UCL games - but you knew that.
No longer a problem, m8.
by AthleticoSpizz » 12 Mar 2015 14:26
by Nameless » 12 Mar 2015 15:56
No Fixed AbodeNameless Slightly bemused by the banner pre match. Supposedly in response to the racism thing it said 'we are all Blue'. Which really helps the guy who was abused. Chelsea rather missing the point I feel.
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