31 Mar 2015 14:32
Hoop Blah Silver Fox Nobody who should be going has been needlessly restricted by anything other than their own choices
Yes they have.
The club created a perception that tickets wouldn't be available for those with low points or no existing member cards. They got that wrong and I know of at least 3 kids that won't be at the game because they didn't fit that profile and so their dads went ahead and bought tickets without. They assumed the clubs estimates were pretty robust and accurate and that as a result they wouldn't have been able to get their kids along.
Can you blame them though? If you think this is bad, imagine if they'd given people hope and then been unable to fulfil selling to certain groups. This happened against Man City a few years ago and the club were absolutely lambasted.
Tickets for a 12.45 kick off 4 hours away flew off the shelf. Equally so, we sold 18,000 tickets in next to no time for a Monday night kick off.
With this in mind, you can forgive the club for expecting tickets for this match to be highly sought after, and the ticket strategy reflects that.
They did their planning and worked out we had roughly 30,000 supporters who were either a STH or had 300+ points. Imagine how many supporters with several hundred points would have missed out if they had offered STHs 2 tickets?
We will sell out this game one way or another, and I can understand the frustration, but the club have done all the can/could to try and make this process as fair as possible.