Royal Elm Park

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Re: Royal Elm Park

by Green » 15 Oct 2015 15:20

Yeh not in people's nature to object to large scale planning applications, this'll sail through :?

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Re: Royal Elm Park

by Za Vas » 15 Oct 2015 15:55

Agreed Green, nimbyism is alive and well so the inevitable objections will flood in. Having said that, it does seem like any negatives are vastly outweigh by the positives.

The only ground for refusal I can think of are an increased strain on an already struggling Junction 11 and potential contamination issues on the former landfill.

Massive thumbs up from me, would be fantastic for the club and the town.

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Re: Royal Elm Park

by RG30 » 15 Oct 2015 16:31

New images and detail on the website now

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Re: Royal Elm Park

by Samrfc01 » 15 Oct 2015 16:32

Still no mention of a spoons.

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Re: Royal Elm Park

by Norfolk Royal » 15 Oct 2015 16:37

Samrfc01 Still no mention of a spoons.

Indeed, a Spoons will see this sail through the planning process.

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Re: Royal Elm Park

by Nameless » 15 Oct 2015 16:55

There won't be any issues with planning and RBC as they have been involved in the proposals from the start I believe.
Problems may come from Wokingham who killed the stadium expansion plans by raising an incredibly late objection on the grounds that the impact on roads in Wokingham's area had not been considered. They will probably try a similar trick on essentially political grounds.
Park and ride would surely go as Merebrook is now in place,,presumably that would be the 'park' element with buses running through Royal Elm Park and then into town.
Bit scary that we could have 5 years of building work on the site. I wonder if the impact on people getting to the ground during that period has been fully worked through.

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Re: Royal Elm Park

by Platypuss » 15 Oct 2015 17:03

Can't see how those plans can be made consistent with a future stadium expansion though, so that should give you an idea on priorities.

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Re: Royal Elm Park

by RoyalJames101 » 15 Oct 2015 17:06

Looks the nuts tbf.

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Re: Royal Elm Park

by Geekins » 15 Oct 2015 17:10

Platypuss Can't see how those plans can be made consistent with a future stadium expansion though, so that should give you an idea on priorities.

I was thinking this but then we've not had to expand since talk began in 2004/5(ish) anyway.

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Re: Royal Elm Park

by Silver Fox » 15 Oct 2015 17:12

Maybe I've been here too long but does the aerial shot look like a cock and balls to anyone else?

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Re: Royal Elm Park

by Nameless » 15 Oct 2015 17:12

Platypuss Can't see how those plans can be made consistent with a future stadium expansion though, so that should give you an idea on priorities.

Well none of the development take place on land earmarked for stadium expansion, so that's not a problem. The only issue I can see is that having work on the stadium at the same time as this would be pretty chaotic so possibly the stadium would have to be post 2021.
Why would you see it as being incompatible ?

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Re: Royal Elm Park

by Forbury Lion » 15 Oct 2015 17:33

Platypuss Can't see how those plans can be made consistent with a future stadium expansion though, so that should give you an idea on priorities.
Plus all the residents in these new leisure and housing facilities may object to any stadium expansion. In fact those in the houses may object to the noise from the stadium and the proposed concert venue...... much like people who buy a cheap house right next to an airport start moaning about the noise.

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Re: Royal Elm Park

by Nameless » 15 Oct 2015 18:06

I wonder whether the name is a potential problem of etiquette ?

Towns such as Royal Wootten Bassett are granted the 'Royal' bit by the Queen.

Can someone simply decide to call something 'Royal' without permission ?

Might be on a par with calling somewhere a 'city' when it is still officially a town !

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Re: Royal Elm Park

by Huntley & Palmer » 15 Oct 2015 18:13

ZacNaloen I think i'd prefer a bowling alley, but other than that sounds sweet.

I have no idea how they'll fit it all in unless there's some other land they own...

I reckon they would put a false floor down over the ice to make the rink the conference/live venue. I think they do that to a venue in Nottingham

This is the Odyssey arena in Belfast, floor has been covered and all other items removed. Extends capacity to about 10,000 for shows. Though of course this one will be smaller

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Re: Royal Elm Park

by Platypuss » 15 Oct 2015 18:17

The obvious stadium re-naming has to happen of course.

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Re: Royal Elm Park

by Nameless » 15 Oct 2015 18:26

Have they considered flooding the stadium pitch and freezing it then getting Bas Savage back and killing multiple birds with one stone ?

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Re: Royal Elm Park

by Greatwesternline » 15 Oct 2015 18:37

Can't see any sign of a 10,470 sqm park in the pictures.

I am broadly in favour of it though. One nagging doubt though. The 'profit' of this development would probably not go towards the club.

As i understand the hotel profit was intended to go back towards the football side of the club, mainly because as far as i can see JM was a damn good egg.

I suspect the profit from houses and flats and office rental will not subsidise the football team, but just be a nice earner for the owners.

Which is fine, they seem to be doing us nicely for now, but puts the takeover into more perspective.

There long term plan could be as such:
Buy a club with good potential assets, i.e. land in the South East, put decent money into playing staff in first few years to win favour. Make millions out of property development. Stop putting money into football team as no longer needed.
Sell club, for nothing, consider it part of the cost of acquiring the land.

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Re: Royal Elm Park

by bobby1413 » 15 Oct 2015 18:42

Greatwesternline One nagging doubt though. The 'profit' of this development would probably not go towards the club.

I never in any way believed the profit would go towards the club. That in no way puts me off either.

These investors are obviously very informed and sensible. They also seem to genuinely want to progress RFC but more interestingly, the town which is pretty bloody great. It shows they are trying to build infrastructure, and better facilities.

The fact it just so happens to be close to the stadium has no bearing on where the money goes.

I hope it's profitable for them but I don't expect those funds to directly go to the club.

I'm actually quite pleased in a way. I want owners to want to be "here" not just build the club up into something articial or poor money in. It's great to have them wanting to be a part of the area and improve it

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Re: Royal Elm Park

by tmesis » 15 Oct 2015 18:49

Sutekh Personally I cannot see why there would be any objection to this from anyone. Park and Ride could still operate from the multi-storey. Only possible objection might be from the council on the additional housing and therefore the infrastructure that would be needed to support it.

Parking will definitely be an issue. It means the loss of over 1000 parking spaces, when we'll already be losing a fair number when the old Hewlett Packard site gets redeveloped.

It's fine saying use the shuttle buses, but they aren't really convenient for people from outside Reading.

I live in Bracknell, and It's a half hour journey door to door currently. If I can't drive in, I'd be doubling that at least.

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Re: Royal Elm Park

by Scutterbucketz » 15 Oct 2015 19:25

Greatwesternline Can't see any sign of a 10,470 sqm park in the pictures.

I am broadly in favour of it though. One nagging doubt though. The 'profit' of this development would probably not go towards the club.

As i understand the hotel profit was intended to go back towards the football side of the club, mainly because as far as i can see JM was a damn good egg.

I suspect the profit from houses and flats and office rental will not subsidise the football team, but just be a nice earner for the owners.

Which is fine, they seem to be doing us nicely for now, but puts the takeover into more perspective.

There long term plan could be as such:
Buy a club with good potential assets, i.e. land in the South East, put decent money into playing staff in first few years to win favour. Make millions out of property development. Stop putting money into football team as no longer needed.
Sell club, for nothing, consider it part of the cost of acquiring the land.

At least it shows they are thinking long term and are in it for the future. Rather than bankrolling a championship push and then fooking off with the Premiership proceeds.

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