by RoyalinBracknell » 09 Dec 2015 18:50
by RG7Fan » 09 Dec 2015 18:50
Mr.SwaineySCIAGMr.Swainey Absolutely delighted to be welcoming back Brian - should never have been sacked in the first place. I don't know why some are so miffed - Brian is Reading through and through and it's a game of oxf*rd football, you're not picking a wife or husband here.
We can all be thankful we don't still have Adkins in charge.
Adkins should never have been sacked in the first place either.
a) attendances were dropping.
b) he is a perma-tanned scouse nonce.
genome He's conveniently left out Ian Harte, who turned out to be a masterstroke.
Winston Smith Just said on the radio that no decision has been made, the club have a shortlist of 3 and will decide by Saturday who is the new manager
chaROFLes watts
by DangerousDogNonce » 09 Dec 2015 18:53
RustyRoyal @AmyLewisSport
Also being told Reading will not be announcing who their new manager is until after Sat game. Brian McDermott is 1 of the final 3 candidates
Looks like you have a 2/3 chance of losing £60.
by Gunny Fishcake » 09 Dec 2015 18:54
Winston Smith Just said on the radio that no decision has been made, the club have a shortlist of 3 and will decide by Saturday who is the new manager
chaROFLes watts
by CountryRoyal » 09 Dec 2015 18:56
by stealthpapes » 09 Dec 2015 18:56
Gunny FishcakeWinston Smith Just said on the radio that no decision has been made, the club have a shortlist of 3 and will decide by Saturday who is the new manager
chaROFLes watts
This could be one of the the biggest eggs on faces thread in HNA history , why decide by Saturday ? Must be another strong candidate ?
Another social media pandemic
by Kitsondinho » 09 Dec 2015 19:00
by genome » 09 Dec 2015 19:09
Kitsondinho Well if Sky were to be believed earlier in the week, Rowett and Stubbs were the other two on said which case why hasn't Brian been handed the job already?!
by Gunny Fishcake » 09 Dec 2015 19:12
genomeKitsondinho Well if Sky were to be believed earlier in the week, Rowett and Stubbs were the other two on said which case why hasn't Brian been handed the job already?!
He probably has but they want to wait until after Saturday
Gazzer (who is usually spot on) said earlier in the thread that he oversaw training today, so I can't imagine they would let him if they haven't given him the job.
by DangerousDogNonce » 09 Dec 2015 19:19
genomeKitsondinho Well if Sky were to be believed earlier in the week, Rowett and Stubbs were the other two on said which case why hasn't Brian been handed the job already?!
He probably has but they want to wait until after Saturday
Gazzer (who is usually spot on) said earlier in the thread that he oversaw training today, so I can't imagine they would let him if they haven't given him the job.
by genome » 09 Dec 2015 19:21
by Soul Man » 09 Dec 2015 19:25
DangerousDogNonce Now also been confirmed that the two in competition are foreign managers.
Garcia + ???
by genome » 09 Dec 2015 19:27
by Soul Man » 09 Dec 2015 19:30
by genome » 09 Dec 2015 19:30
by RoyalinBracknell » 09 Dec 2015 19:32
DangerousDogNonce Now also been confirmed that the two in competition are foreign managers.
Garcia + ???
by RustyRoyal » 09 Dec 2015 19:34
RoyalinBracknellDangerousDogNonce Now also been confirmed that the two in competition are foreign managers.
Garcia + ???
I'd definitely prefer McDermott to Garcia. Can't think of any foreign manager who's been linked who would come close to Brian in terms of my preference.
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