Chris Davies in as first team coach - Terry Burton departs

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Re: Chris Davies in as first team coach - Terry Burton depar

by melonhead » 03 Jan 2016 14:16

Terry burton was on talksport with Danny Baker last night as new co-host.

Sounds like he just fancied the media work

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Re: Chris Davies in as first team coach - Terry Burton depar

by bagman » 03 Jan 2016 14:39

Thought Chris Davies was excellent after the game when he immediately ran onto pitch to stop Blackman making a real nob of himself by confronting Cottrell. Steven Reid was also there giving support. Despite Cottrell's antics Blackman does have serious issues and the quicker he goes the better.

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Re: Chris Davies in as first team coach - Terry Burton depar

by sandman » 03 Jan 2016 14:43

bagman Thought Chris Davies was excellent after the game when he immediately ran onto pitch to stop Blackman making a real nob of himself by confronting Cottrell. Steven Reid was also there giving support. Despite Cottrell's antics Blackman does have serious issues and the quicker he goes the better.


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Re: Chris Davies in as first team coach - Terry Burton depar

by Royal Rother » 03 Jan 2016 16:35

melonhead Terry burton was on talksport with Danny Baker last night as new co-host.

Sounds like he just fancied the media work

Are either of those names correct?

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Re: Chris Davies in as first team coach - Terry Burton depar

by West Stand Man » 03 Jan 2016 18:04

That is very definitely not the message that was put out when McDermott was announcing Burton's arrival. Anyone who suggests that something unexpected hasn't happened is either delusional or a club apologist of the highest order. To make matters worse they then have the bare-faced cheek of criticising people for 'imagining/inventing problems where there aren't any'.

Perhaps those who are now categorically stating that Burton was only a stopgap/short term appointment would care to produce even the smallest shred of evidence to support that, frankly ridiculous, claim.

Wow, raw nerve or what!? My point is that none of us has a clue what went on. Hence 'who knows' - simple English really.

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Re: Chris Davies in as first team coach - Terry Burton depar

by Longhorn1970 » 03 Jan 2016 18:35

melonhead Terry burton was on talksport with Danny Baker last night as new co-host.

Sounds like he just fancied the media work

He should update his wiki page then lol, strange how nothing official announced or have I missed something ..

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Re: Chris Davies in as first team coach - Terry Burton depar

by Longhorn1970 » 03 Jan 2016 18:37

bagman Thought Chris Davies was excellent after the game when he immediately ran onto pitch to stop Blackman making a real nob of himself by confronting Cottrell. Steven Reid was also there giving support. Despite Cottrell's antics Blackman does have serious issues and the quicker he goes the better.

No disrespect but anyone in the same position would do that ..

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Re: Chris Davies in as first team coach - Terry Burton depar

by leon » 04 Jan 2016 01:46

Royal Rother The fans are all twats?

Possibly. But I thought you'd given up on Reading and hadn't been for ages because non league was so much more pure?

In that case I might post on winnersh triangle athletics fan site. I'm sure theyd appreciate an Arsenal/insert premier league team here fans view on something he hadn't seen.

Unless you actually went???shock etc

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Re: Chris Davies in as first team coach - Terry Burton depar

by Z175 » 04 Jan 2016 12:19

I think the most plausible explanation is that Terry Burton (or his wife/family etc) decided that missing Christmas Day to watch players train wasn't really what he wanted to do in his 60s. He probably doesn't particularly need the money as WBA paid off his last contract so why would he bother? I mean theres not really a professional challenge in a former manager becoming assistant, he was probably just doing Brian a favour in coming in as "his man". (The delay in appointing McDermott and the fact that Burton wasn't at the press conference probably indicates it wasn't something one or both jumped at...).

Perhaps he doesn't want to spend the entire weekend trekking round the country either, Chris Davies former role at Liverpool as Head of Opposition Analysis perhaps shows what Brian wants someone to do, maybe Burton saw this as a more passive role when he took it.

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Re: Chris Davies in as first team coach - Terry Burton depar

by Pepe the Horseman » 04 Jan 2016 12:26

^ sense

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Re: Chris Davies in as first team coach - Terry Burton depar

by RoyalBlue » 04 Jan 2016 12:36

West Stand Man
That is very definitely not the message that was put out when McDermott was announcing Burton's arrival. Anyone who suggests that something unexpected hasn't happened is either delusional or a club apologist of the highest order. To make matters worse they then have the bare-faced cheek of criticising people for 'imagining/inventing problems where there aren't any'.

Perhaps those who are now categorically stating that Burton was only a stopgap/short term appointment would care to produce even the smallest shred of evidence to support that, frankly ridiculous, claim.

Wow, raw nerve or what!? My point is that none of us has a clue what went on. Hence 'who knows' - simple English really.

Simple English? Yes, but so was the rest of your comment that you have conveniently chosen to forget/ignore. You clearly suggested that it might have been a stopgap appointment (before stating the obvious i.e that none of us know). However, the latter does nothing to make the former suggestion less nonsensical. No-one in their right mind would have set up a stopgap solution of just a few days/three games and not announced it at the time as such. Instead McDermott and the club made a big thing of the fact that he was the only person coming in and a great solution at that!

Z175 I think the most plausible explanation is that Terry Burton (or his wife/family etc) decided that missing Christmas Day to watch players train wasn't really what he wanted to do in his 60s. He probably doesn't particularly need the money as WBA paid off his last contract so why would he bother? I mean theres not really a professional challenge in a former manager becoming assistant, he was probably just doing Brian a favour in coming in as "his man". (The delay in appointing McDermott and the fact that Burton wasn't at the press conference probably indicates it wasn't something one or both jumped at...).

Perhaps he doesn't want to spend the entire weekend trekking round the country either, Chris Davies former role at Liverpool as Head of Opposition Analysis perhaps shows what Brian wants someone to do, maybe Burton saw this as a more passive role when he took it.

Really?! Burton hasn't been in the game long enough to realise exactly what is involved ? :shock: He really thought Assistant Manager would be a more passive role? :shock:

It is staggering that anyone would put forward the above as the 'most plausible explanation' .

So was there a fall out? Did someone renege on what had been agreed? Was the role mis-sold? Did McDermott rush into things and then realise he had appointed the wrong man? Did Burton commit and then quickly jump ship when another offer came in (very unprofessional). If he had this personal project that was so dear to his heart, why did he accept the role at Reading? What is that personal project that supposedly led to him walking out on our club so quickly?

Above all, why are the local journalists allowing themselves to be fobbed off with silly comments from McDermott like "I don't really need an old head around me, I've got my own old head," (so why did you waste time and money appointing Burton in the first place Brian?), rather than ferreting out the facts? Isn't the latter the challenging/interesting part of their job, indeed their raison d'etre?
Last edited by RoyalBlue on 04 Jan 2016 12:51, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Chris Davies in as first team coach - Terry Burton depar

by Forbury Lion » 04 Jan 2016 12:49

Didn't something similar happen with Frank Lampard Snr? Also John Gorman?

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Re: Chris Davies in as first team coach - Terry Burton depar

by Sutekh » 04 Jan 2016 12:50

Wonder if Chris will find any problems with the senior professionals given his age (30).

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Re: Chris Davies in as first team coach - Terry Burton depar

by RoyalBlue » 04 Jan 2016 12:53

bagman Thought Chris Davies was excellent after the game when he immediately ran onto pitch to stop Blackman making a real nob of himself by confronting Cottrell. Steven Reid was also there giving support. Despite Cottrell's antics Blackman does have serious issues and the quicker he goes the better.

I thought it was 'Lurch' who escorted Blackman off the pitch? I remarked at the time that Cotterill wouldn't be as keen to pick a fight with him.

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Re: Chris Davies in as first team coach - Terry Burton depar

by genome » 04 Jan 2016 13:01

If anyone ever asks me the definition of the word conjecture, I'll probably link them to this thread

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Re: Chris Davies in as first team coach - Terry Burton depar

by Pepe the Horseman » 04 Jan 2016 13:03

I saw the definition of genome on a colleague's screensaver a few weeks ago.

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Re: Chris Davies in as first team coach - Terry Burton depar

by genome » 04 Jan 2016 13:05

Mongboard Spacktard?

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Re: Chris Davies in as first team coach - Terry Burton depar

by Pepe the Horseman » 04 Jan 2016 13:06

That's the urban dictionary definition.

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Re: Chris Davies in as first team coach - Terry Burton depar

by Archer » 04 Jan 2016 13:06

The clubs a shambles.

Why aren't they giving us the exact details behind a 62 year old's sudden departure from the club?

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Re: Chris Davies in as first team coach - Terry Burton depar

by genome » 04 Jan 2016 13:08

Pepe the Horseman That's the urban dictionary definition.

A crazy guy on msn and IRC. Does stuff and thinks about the consequences later.
genome just glined another poor soul just for a laugh.
by John Paul McAuley October 02, 2004


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