Looking forward

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Looking forward

by Rfl » 27 Mar 2016 08:31

How long does McDermott get? (That's a question not an argument) Do we stick with him until the next season, give him time to get the players in that he wants? What if he does go? taking into account the kind of players we are linked with such as Dack, Winnall, Ajose etc the experience of managing such players from that level, and one who knows the club has Parky written all over it, should of course the above situation roll out in front of us. He has the passion we are missing and which he could easily install, plus the fit would lend well to our academy players coming through, to see a man who has worn the shirt and became a fans favourite.

What's your thoughts? Personally spending my hard earned cash watching a team lacking desire and effort is not only frustrating, but furthermore shows me that the players have other things on their mind and potentially have no respect for the manager. So it leads me to the same old solution Phil Parkinson = passion, respect, knowledge and experience working with the level of players we seem to be aiming towards.

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Re: Looking forward

by 72 bus » 27 Mar 2016 10:15

Rfl taking into account the kind of players we are linked with such as Dack, Winnall, Ajose etc the experience of managing such players from that level, and one who knows the club has Parky written all over it, should of course the above situation roll out in front of us.

Parkys teams play absolutely dire football, no thanks

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Re: Looking forward

by sandman » 27 Mar 2016 11:43

Rfl How long does McDermott get? (That's a question not an argument) Do we stick with him until the next season, give him time to get the players in that he wants? What if he does go? taking into account the kind of players we are linked with such as Dack, Winnall, Ajose etc the experience of managing such players from that level, and one who knows the club has Parky written all over it, should of course the above situation roll out in front of us. He has the passion we are missing and which he could easily install, plus the fit would lend well to our academy players coming through, to see a man who has worn the shirt and became a fans favourite.

What's your thoughts? Personally spending my hard earned cash watching a team lacking desire and effort is not only frustrating, but furthermore shows me that the players have other things on their mind and potentially have no respect for the manager. So it leads me to the same old solution Phil Parkinson = passion, respect, knowledge and experience working with the level of players we seem to be aiming towards.

Technique? Skill? Never mind those what we need is passion, passion passion. If I hear that word on BBCRB or see it on HNA? too many more times I may go on a killing spree.

Murts put it perfectly at the fans forum the other day, players today do care, it's just that in the modern day they don't want to show it as much as those in the past did.

Do you think Brian doesn't have passion for RFC? He's been at Reading longer than Parkinson, just because he never wore the shirt, ran across the pitch, beat his chest and assaulted Spencer Prior with his elbow doesn't mean he doesn't care. Look through the academy profiles, most of the young players in the academy weren't even born when Parkinson and co won promotion in 1994 and they weren't in the academy when he left. They were around during McDermott's several seasons of success. That's the club they grew up in not Parkinson's, so why would they respect him more than Brian?

I have no doubt in my mind that Parkinson would get us out of this division though...

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Re: Looking forward

by Rfl » 27 Mar 2016 14:40

Well if that's Murty's response and unless there is some content missing we may as well give up now, not only as a club but as a sport. Why would you not want to show passion? Often I hear grumbles of the atmosphere and agree it's not the best, but one thing that would lift it, would be if we had even half the team of the likes of Parky, Bernal, Hunter and Butler and more recently Doyle, Long and Hunt the kind who put there head on the line, and who would do not stop running. I don't doubt Brian's passion but perhaps he is not the motivator that's needed?

I don't care if we loose, but it's when we loose without fight. I just want to see a team of fighters.

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Re: Looking forward

by grey_squirrel » 27 Mar 2016 16:36

Rfl Well if that's Murty's response and unless there is some content missing we may as well give up now, not only as a club but as a sport. Why would you not want to show passion? Often I hear grumbles of the atmosphere and agree it's not the best, but one thing that would lift it, would be if we had even half the team of the likes of Parky, Bernal, Hunter and Butler and more recently Doyle, Long and Hunt the kind who put there head on the line, and who would do not stop running. I don't doubt Brian's passion but perhaps he is not the motivator that's needed?

I don't care if we loose, but it's when we loose without fight. I just want to see a team of fighters.


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Re: Looking forward

by Rfl » 27 Mar 2016 18:34

Wow someone's bored, well done. Go and eat your dinner before it gets cold, there's a good boy!

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Re: Looking forward

by SCIAG » 27 Mar 2016 23:04

I'd give McDermott the job for as long as he wants it. The only way I'd consider sacking him, bar gross misconduct, is if we got relegated to League One.
Rfl if we had even half the team of the likes of Parky, Bernal, Hunter and Butler and more recently Doyle, Long and Hunt the kind who put there head on the line, and who would do not stop running.

Give me Norwood, Gunter, Ferdinand and Vydra over Parky, Bernal, Hunter and Butler any day of the week - and I don't think any of them lack commitment.

I think our problem is that same as it has been for three or four years (with a couple of brief intermissions) - balance.

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Re: Looking forward

by Ian Royal » 27 Mar 2016 23:12

Lack of passion, the complaint of choice from people who don't know what they're talking about.

I know, lets solve our problems by getting in Bruno Tonioli. :roll:

We need continuity. We've rolled the dice on switching manager twice now. Switching at the first sign of mediocrity hasn't worked. Enough is enough. We know McDermott can do it. We know he's dedicated. We know he's a good fit. We do not need to become Leeds Utd.

Unless it's spectacularly poor, McDermott gets until December 2017 for me.

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Re: Looking forward

by Royal_jimmy » 28 Mar 2016 10:25

He should get til at least November/December and if we are near the bottom then we should get rid.

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Re: Looking forward

by Rfl » 28 Mar 2016 12:00

Bit of a sweeping statement about knowledge there?

I campaigned for Brian to be appointed, if it makes you feel better perhaps credit him with steadying the ship! I just don't feel after watching this team for the last 20yrs he is what we need.

He is a world class scout and his recent stint at Arsenal proves that, but at the moment in this job he isn't for me. But I still, as I have always done with all our managers chant his name, I'll also add I do want him to succeed but just can't see it.

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Re: Looking forward

by sandman » 28 Mar 2016 12:19

You'll have to come up with a better suggestion than Phil oxf*rd Parkinson for "what we need".

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Re: Looking forward

by moonwalklikebas » 28 Mar 2016 12:58

Love the guy and everything he stand for, his passion for the club is second to none but wrong decision to bring him back.

It worked so well last time because he was so integrated into the club at that time. Coming back after a few seasons with new owners, a team full of egos and only a few members of playing staff knowing him. Whereas in the promotion season he knew every player incredibly well and they knew him and wanted to play for Brian.

Looking forward I hope the club give him time as I dont want us to be a chop and change club. I fear though that he may even go in the summer and failing that will go in the winter, which is quickly becoming a club tradition.

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Re: Looking forward

by sandman » 28 Mar 2016 13:16

He knew the likes of Harte, Leigertwood, Roberts and Le Fondre so well from their decades at RFC.

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Re: Looking forward

by moonwalklikebas » 28 Mar 2016 13:24

sandman He knew the likes of Harte, Leigertwood, Roberts and Le Fondre so well from their decades at RFC.

Le fondre aside, he knew all those players pretty well actually if you've ever heard any of them speak, But yeh your point totally stands!! :?

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Re: Looking forward

by paultheroyal » 28 Mar 2016 15:36

Rfl How long does McDermott get? (That's a question not an argument) Do we stick with him until the next season, give him time to get the players in that he wants? What if he does go? taking into account the kind of players we are linked with such as Dack, Winnall, Ajose etc the experience of managing such players from that level, and one who knows the club has Parky written all over it, should of course the above situation roll out in front of us. He has the passion we are missing and which he could easily install, plus the fit would lend well to our academy players coming through, to see a man who has worn the shirt and became a fans favourite.

What's your thoughts? Personally spending my hard earned cash watching a team lacking desire and effort is not only frustrating, but furthermore shows me that the players have other things on their mind and potentially have no respect for the manager. So it leads me to the same old solution Phil Parkinson = passion, respect, knowledge and experience working with the level of players we seem to be aiming towards.

To answer your question he will get as long as any other manager would get. Top 10 consistently and there will be no questions asked of his tenure next season. Anything less and yep pressure will be on.

Shouldn't this thread be named Looking forward to Parkinson being manager sometime maybe or never.

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Re: Looking forward

by Lower West » 28 Mar 2016 21:30

Rfl How long does McDermott get?

The club needs stability and time to rebuild it's identity. The players that want to stay will, and those that don't will leave. Going to take time to build a balanced squad. Expect a few more "oldies" to be signed to blend with the promoted academy players. Hopefully no more loan players next season.

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Re: Looking forward

by scumbag » 28 Mar 2016 23:42

He's only had 3 months ffs.

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Re: Looking forward

by Maneki Neko » 29 Mar 2016 09:07

Lower West
Rfl How long does McDermott get?

The club needs stability and time to rebuild it's identity. The players that want to stay will, and those that don't will leave. Going to take time to build a balanced squad. Expect a few more "oldies" to be signed to blend with the promoted academy players. Hopefully no more loan players next season.


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Re: Looking forward

by Maneki Neko » 29 Mar 2016 09:07

scumbag He's only had 3 months ffs.

& that^^

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Re: Looking forward

by The Sum of the Parts » 29 Mar 2016 10:08

This seems to be one of the worst things about English football and its fans - this automatic assumption that teams only ever lose because they don't try hard enough, or that there's "no passion."

It's the way it's always been here - teams don't lose because they're not good enough, they don't have the right players or the right tactics - they lose because they don't want it enough. (A similar theme to the bullsh*t x-factor mantra of 'if you dream enough it will happen')

Jonathan Wilson in 'Inverting the Pyramid - a history of football tactics.' page 146, talking about England in 1962 His reaction was typical. England may have been outwitted by disciplined opponents sticking to an intelligent plan, but the assumption was - as it so often had been and would continue to be - that they hadn't tried hard enough, that they hadn't shown enough pride in the shirt.

Passion's good, passion's necessary, but it's not the great panacea so many seem to think it is.

PS - Expect more of the same in Summer when England get knocked out.

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