McDermott Sacked (AGAIN)

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Re: McDermott Sacked (AGAIN)

by Gunny Fishcake » 27 May 2016 13:02

Just to lob a little grenade in.....Neil Warnock is available :wink:

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Re: McDermott Sacked (AGAIN)

by Hoop Blah » 27 May 2016 13:02

TFF This club is now everything I once took pride in it not being.

That's the worrying thing and the crux of the matter for me.

Now maybe they have some masterplan and McDermott is just the casualty of that but there are lots of small signs that make me think otherwise.

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Re: McDermott Sacked (AGAIN)

by From Despair To Where? » 27 May 2016 13:03

A little bit shocked but neither disgusted or pleased by this decision, just bemused by the increasingly surreal path our club is taking.

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Re: McDermott Sacked (AGAIN)

by Dr_Hfuhruhurr » 27 May 2016 13:04

TFF This club is now everything I once took pride in it not being.

We'll said. Remember when we rolled our eyes at the Leeds and Charltons of this world? Now we are one of them.

I think we're going to have a go at being Nottingham Forest first.
Who, incidentally, could possibly have been the worst side to have come to us last season.

TBF to Brian, I'm getting the impression he didn't quite realise what an omnishambles we are at the moment when he signed, so maybe he's better off out of it. Don't care who we get now, I mean I DON'T CARE.

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Re: McDermott Sacked (AGAIN)

by Royal Ginger » 27 May 2016 13:06

I always do my absolute best to be behind this club and see the good side of everything they do. But this has really upset me/pissed me off. Bad decision by a joke of a board. This sort of rubbish is taking the enjoyment out of the game for me.

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Re: McDermott Sacked (AGAIN)

by RoyallyFcuked » 27 May 2016 13:08

LWJ I would be in exactly the same camp. If you think 6 months, 1 January transfer window is enough to rebuild a squad shattered of confidence then you are deluded.

He should have been given the summer and then a minimum of 15 games into the season.

Not saying it is, but there were signs of improvment under Clarke when he joined in similar circumstances, there have been no signs of improvement under Brian.

You say that but you wouldn't be that bothered if we gave someone else a chance. The only reason everyone is up in arms about it is because its not just anyone, its Brian.

More than likely we would have been approaching Christmas in the bottom third of the table so they would have sacked him anyway, better to make the decision now rather risking wasting another season.

Clarke improved our defence but destroyed our attack. McDermott slightly improved things from the back end of Clarke's spell and produced some really good performances from the team. We saw big improvements from several individuals, most notably Al-Habsi.

I see no reason to believe that sacking McDermott has improved our chances of finishing above the bottom third. It's not like we're going to appoint someone with a better track record.

And I love how you think you know what other people would feel like better than they know themselves :lol:

Destroyed our attack? What attack did we have when Clarke joined? Murray was on his way out, Cox form was patchy and suffered after Murray left. Apart from that we just had the donkey Pogrebnyak so you're talking utter nonsense.

No individual players improved, Al Habsi included. He is still the same erratic keeper that he was when we signed him, regardless of whether we gave him player of the season.

Even if we appoint someone with no track record, chances are they will do better next season that McD would have.

McDermott did not slightly improve anything, take your head out of the sand.
Last edited by RoyallyFcuked on 27 May 2016 13:10, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: McDermott Sacked (AGAIN)

by Longhorn1970 » 27 May 2016 13:09

One8Seven1* Top of the what, Pops? Next season has to be the least looked forward to season for me in 25 years. Newcastle and Villa will walk it with the money they have available and the squads they can keep together. We're all hoping for a play-off. The man wont have a hope in hell and if they demand promotion next season we'll be in this postition again within 9 months.

Depends who we get and what reaction there is, my fear is the board will get it wrong again ..

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Re: McDermott Sacked (AGAIN)

by Longhorn1970 » 27 May 2016 13:10

Not saying it is, but there were signs of improvment under Clarke when he joined in similar circumstances, there have been no signs of improvement under Brian.

You say that but you wouldn't be that bothered if we gave someone else a chance. The only reason everyone is up in arms about it is because its not just anyone, its Brian.

More than likely we would have been approaching Christmas in the bottom third of the table so they would have sacked him anyway, better to make the decision now rather risking wasting another season.

Clarke improved our defence but destroyed our attack. McDermott slightly improved things from the back end of Clarke's spell and produced some really good performances from the team. We saw big improvements from several individuals, most notably Al-Habsi.

I see no reason to believe that sacking McDermott has improved our chances of finishing above the bottom third. It's not like we're going to appoint someone with a better track record.

And I love how you think you know what other people would feel like better than they know themselves :lol:

Destroyed our attack? What attack did we have when Clarke joined? Murray was on his way out, Cox form was patchy and suffered after Murray left. Apart from that we just had the donkey Pogrebnyak so you're talking utter nonsense.

No individual players improved, Al Habsi included. He is still the same erratic keeper that he was when we signed him, regardless of whether we gave him player of the season.

Even if we appoint someone with no track record, chances are they will do better next season that McD would have.

McDermott did not slightly improve anything, take your head out of the sand.


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Re: McDermott Sacked (AGAIN)

by Crux » 27 May 2016 13:12

Also, anyone who thinks we'll have a new manager is delusional. It will be a head coach with little or no influence.

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Re: McDermott Sacked (AGAIN)

by Top Flight » 27 May 2016 13:13

Not saying it is, but there were signs of improvment under Clarke when he joined in similar circumstances, there have been no signs of improvement under Brian.

You say that but you wouldn't be that bothered if we gave someone else a chance. The only reason everyone is up in arms about it is because its not just anyone, its Brian.

More than likely we would have been approaching Christmas in the bottom third of the table so they would have sacked him anyway, better to make the decision now rather risking wasting another season.

Clarke improved our defence but destroyed our attack. McDermott slightly improved things from the back end of Clarke's spell and produced some really good performances from the team. We saw big improvements from several individuals, most notably Al-Habsi.

I see no reason to believe that sacking McDermott has improved our chances of finishing above the bottom third. It's not like we're going to appoint someone with a better track record.

And I love how you think you know what other people would feel like better than they know themselves :lol:

Destroyed our attack? What attack did we have when Clarke joined? Murray was on his way out, Cox form was patchy and suffered after Murray left. Apart from that we just had the donkey Pogrebnyak so you're talking utter nonsense.

Even if we appoint someone with no track record, chances are they will do better next season that McD would have.

McDermott did not slightly improve anything, take your head out of the sand.

Royally, you don't recruit people based on your logic.

You can't just say "Even if we appoint someone with no track record, chances are they will do better next season that McD would have. "

The chances are that they wouldn't. It's a complete shot in the dark recruiting like that. There is more chance that someone with no record will completely fail. McDermott was a logical choice. Based on what we've heard from the Thais. When they say that they want to recruit from within and give youth a chance etc. Sacking McDermott seems crazy. I can only assume that they have changed strategy and will be ready to spend millions, otherwise, it really is looking like they don't know what they are doing.

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Re: McDermott Sacked (AGAIN)

by RoyallyFcuked » 27 May 2016 13:14

LWJ I would be in exactly the same camp. If you think 6 months, 1 January transfer window is enough to rebuild a squad shattered of confidence then you are deluded.

He should have been given the summer and then a minimum of 15 games into the season.

Not saying it is, but there were signs of improvment under Clarke when he joined in similar circumstances, there have been no signs of improvement under Brian.

Signs of improvement under Clarke?

Our position 30/12/14:
16 Reading 24 8 5 11 30 40 6 2 4 19 13 2 3 7 11 27 -10 29

Our finishing position 14/15:
19 Reading 46 13 11 22 48 69 8 5 10 24 25 5 6 12 24 44 -21 50

On the pitch performances still improved overall, particularly in defence. I thought you went to games?

McD inherited a much better squad in a better position in the table and the performances didn't improve ANYWHERE.

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Re: McDermott Sacked (AGAIN)

by Forbury Lion » 27 May 2016 13:17

Lower West
I predict Madejski will jump ship any time now.

Kept as a figure head. Hasn't spoken on behalf of the club for some time.

Club will be up for sale again soon...........
He may distance himself from them club now, previously being the figure head kept him in the spotlight for the right reasons

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Re: McDermott Sacked (AGAIN)

by Forbury Lion » 27 May 2016 13:18

LWJ Haven't renewed ST yet... :?
Me neither, I was going to do it when I logged on and read the news. Now hesitating.

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Re: McDermott Sacked (AGAIN)

by andrew1957 » 27 May 2016 13:19

Have only just heard the news.

Well the Thais can just f*** off now as far as I am concerned,

I cannot see me attending RFC games again under their tenure. Why waste more good money.

League 1 beckons and serves those that run this shambles right.

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Re: McDermott Sacked (AGAIN)

by RG7Fan » 27 May 2016 13:20

Top Flight
Top Flight
I don't know what to say...

I'm gutted.

At least the rest of us are saved from reading your hundreds of posts about Brian keeping us up next year and that in itself being good enough.
Will you say the same about the new managaer or do you expect a return to flight?

The Thais actions suggest that they are ready to spend millions on taking us back to the top flight. If they are not about to spend millions and actually don't have any money, then what they have just done in sacking McDermott is completely mental. If next season's recruitment will be like what we witnessed last season, I can't see us staying up. We are certs for the drop.

Theres a logic to what you are saying there - if they just wanted a team that would stay in the Championship (as opposed to pushing for the PL) then why sack a manager who would likely give you that? The fact that come August we will have 3 managers on the payroll (assuming Clarke is still being paid out) shows that they are prepared to spend some cash to achieve their aims. You have to question their decision making though by doing this.

If it was indeed Howe who brought them round to the McDermott choice then I would imagine he's on sticky ground as well - although losing the Chief Exec, Manager, and Coach in one month would be a disaster so he's probably safe for now.

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Re: McDermott Sacked (AGAIN)

by RoyallyFcuked » 27 May 2016 13:21

Top Flight
SCIAG Clarke improved our defence but destroyed our attack. McDermott slightly improved things from the back end of Clarke's spell and produced some really good performances from the team. We saw big improvements from several individuals, most notably Al-Habsi.

I see no reason to believe that sacking McDermott has improved our chances of finishing above the bottom third. It's not like we're going to appoint someone with a better track record.

And I love how you think you know what other people would feel like better than they know themselves :lol:

Destroyed our attack? What attack did we have when Clarke joined? Murray was on his way out, Cox form was patchy and suffered after Murray left. Apart from that we just had the donkey Pogrebnyak so you're talking utter nonsense.

Even if we appoint someone with no track record, chances are they will do better next season that McD would have.

McDermott did not slightly improve anything, take your head out of the sand.

Royally, you don't recruit people based on your logic.

You can't just say "Even if we appoint someone with no track record, chances are they will do better next season that McD would have. "

The chances are that they wouldn't. It's a complete shot in the dark recruiting like that. There is more chance that someone with no record will completely fail. McDermott was a logical choice. Based on what we've heard from the Thais. When they say that they want to recruit from within and give youth a chance etc. Sacking McDermott seems crazy. I can only assume that they have changed strategy and will be ready to spend millions, otherwise, it really is looking like they don't know what they are doing.

So based on your logic, people like Mark Warburton, Aitor Karanka and Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink should never be given a chance at management?

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Re: McDermott Sacked (AGAIN)

by Lower West » 27 May 2016 13:25

RoyallyFcuked So based on your logic, people like Aitor Karanka at management?

Was assistant manager at Real Madrid. Which suggests above average pedigree. Whether he cuts it in the premiership only time will tell.

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Re: McDermott Sacked (AGAIN)

by MmmMonsterMunch » 27 May 2016 13:29

I've successfully managed to remove Reading FC from my thoughts for quite some time but fcuk me wasn't expecting this today.


The cynic in me thinks this is to get season tickets renewals up.

Fcuking hell this club us a shambles now it really is.

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Re: McDermott Sacked (AGAIN)

by Bob1871 » 27 May 2016 13:30

9 wins from 30 and losing 6 out of the last 7, hardly surprising that he's gone.

Timing of it seems very strange tho, I would have thought if they were going to sack him, they would have done it after the Blackburn game?

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Re: McDermott Sacked (AGAIN)

by Ouroboros » 27 May 2016 13:30

From Despair To Where? A little bit shocked but neither disgusted or pleased by this decision, just bemused by the increasingly surreal path our club is taking.

I wouldn't mind it if it were genuinely a surreal path. Install a pineapple as manager, say, or play future home games on a giant silver spoon.

But this isn't surreal, it's exactly what every shit foreign-owned club do these days at some point before their owners throw their hands up, amazed that their brilliant strategies have seen the club tumble down the league, and f uck off, leaving the club millions in debt and beholden to an even less scrupulous chancer as its next owner.

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