Rumour - Asamoah Gyan

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Re: Rumour - Asamoah Gyan

by Lacoste » 29 Aug 2016 10:42

Hogmeister Royal I see the press are saying Fulham were also interested, but couldn't afford his wages. Which makes it an exact parallel with Pog, in that Fulham couldn't afford him at the time either.

Anyone getting a feeling of deja vu here? :lol:

I don't think we should sign him mainly because if he wasn't a footballer he would be trying to get your credit card details and would be on every scam going, he's that type of character. He could easily disrupt team harmony and is generally a bad egg.

But to say it's like the pog deal is laughable. It's a year loan for ffs so at worst he'all be gone in a year so if the owners believe they can aford him for a season then so be it.

Not like we'll be stuck with him for three.

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Re: Rumour - Asamoah Gyan

by windermere_royal » 29 Aug 2016 11:24

Y21 Ferdinand/Yakubu/Roberts/Goater/Keown/Rasiak

Will we ever learn? Over the hill is over the hill. Doesn't matter who they are. We've always had more success getting them on the way up, rather than on the way down.

30 over the hill?

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Re: Rumour - Asamoah Gyan

by Simon's Church » 29 Aug 2016 11:49

Lol, not played at a decent level for almost 5 years. He's not gonna get us promoted so what's the point in the signing?
Why not just give Samuel or mendes the experience?

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Re: Rumour - Asamoah Gyan

by genome » 29 Aug 2016 12:27

I wonder how the Championship compares to the UAE Pro League?

He has 113 goals in 104 apps there...

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Re: Rumour - Asamoah Gyan

by paultheroyal » 29 Aug 2016 12:40

I'd genuinely rather sign someone like Omar Bogle but this signing is so far out of the box it's unreal.

Let's hope it's a spectacular Jason Roberts bit of business and the difference between mid table and a shot at the play offs.

Excited for week on Friday if confirmed.

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Re: Rumour - Asamoah Gyan

by paultheroyal » 29 Aug 2016 12:49

Not sure if this more sums up the state of Sunderland but heading over to their forum and they love the bloke and would have him back in a heartbeat. Certainly when story broke yesterday he might be heading there they were quite excited by the news.

Most of opinion he would "tear up" the championship.

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Re: Rumour - Asamoah Gyan

by Hogmeister Royal » 29 Aug 2016 13:10

Hogmeister Royal I see the press are saying Fulham were also interested, but couldn't afford his wages. Which makes it an exact parallel with Pog, in that Fulham couldn't afford him at the time either.

Anyone getting a feeling of deja vu here? :lol:

But to say it's like the pog deal is laughable. It's a year loan for ffs so at worst he'all be gone in a year so if the owners believe they can aford him for a season then so be it. Not like we'll be stuck with him for three.

Erm, I wasn't saying he'd be either the best thing since sliced bread or an utter disaster!

Was just highlighting the striking similarities between this and the Pog signing - a summer signing... of a high-profile striker... that takes people by surprise... where Fulham were interested... but said they couldn't afford his wages... while we apparently can.

If you think any similarity between the two deals is "laughable" then I respectfully beg to differ :lol:

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Re: Rumour - Asamoah Gyan

by Arnie_Pie » 29 Aug 2016 13:23

Having a medical this afternoon.

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Re: Rumour - Asamoah Gyan

by muirinho » 29 Aug 2016 13:26

paultheroyal Not sure if this more sums up the state of Sunderland but heading over to their forum and they love the bloke and would have him back in a heartbeat. Certainly when story broke yesterday he might be heading there they were quite excited by the news.

Most of opinion he would "tear up" the championship.

We thought that about Pog. At least this is a 1 year loan and not a 3 year millstone. Is it going to be Vydra-like in terms of cost?

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Re: Rumour - Asamoah Gyan

by Royal Ginger » 29 Aug 2016 13:29

Are we sure he's what we would consider 30 rather than a 'Yakubu' 30?

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Re: Rumour - Asamoah Gyan

by mumbo-jumbo » 29 Aug 2016 13:38

Would love to feel uplifted at the prospect of this signing but bearing in mind the following

How on earth are we planning to pay his wages: suggests to me one of our established team members is going out of the door - and does anyone have an inkling as to what those wages might be?
He seems to be a purely money led individual who has chased huge wages over playing proper football for the past several years
I wonder what effect a 'big name/big ego ' signing will have on the dressing room, which really does seem to be starting to gel
As we are not apparently in a promotion chasing season ( manager/owners/fans - all have said it will ''take time'' ) then is he really necessary?
How old is he really? Looks older than 30 and seems to have been around for ages And will he arrive fit or need several weeks to get up to speed? Fears for another walking sick note playing in a physical league, robbing a wage
Will disappear in January for Africa Cup

Eugh...too many concerns, no thank you from me. Having said that if he does come here I hope he is sensational enough to piss the Brighton fans off.

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Re: Rumour - Asamoah Gyan

by paultheroyal » 29 Aug 2016 13:56

Just take it on face value and not speculate.

The club are now on a sound footing and they are not going to piss money up the wall so oxf*rd the wages and assume his parent club are picking it up.

His bio says he is 30 so he is 30 end of.

Excellent goalscoring record.

Pre signing majority of clubs would want him, post signing "he's shit, journeyman, money grabber etc etc".

How exciting is this transfer window after years of drivel. Bloody enjoy it fans for Christ sake!!

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Re: Rumour - Asamoah Gyan

by Mr Optimist » 29 Aug 2016 14:03

From the article on SSN it appears he is still sticking his pecker out in the hope he can get a bigger nibble than from little old Reading. Still appears to be pining for a return to Sunlun, failing that anyone in the Premier Greed league, failing that a big club in the Championship who will still be paying Greed League wages, and failing that, us. So yay.

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Re: Rumour - Asamoah Gyan

by Winston Smith » 29 Aug 2016 14:08

paultheroyal His bio says he is 30 so he is 30

When you say 'his bio says', do you mean 'someone wrote on Wikipedia'?

No way in the world is he 30. Doesn't mean he is a bad player or bad signing or whatevs, just that I agree with his dad that he is absolutely not 30.

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Re: Rumour - Asamoah Gyan

by Silver Fox » 29 Aug 2016 14:18

This will obviously be a cracking signing, so no surprise to see so many against it on here, I really don't know why some of you bother, although claims that if he wasn't a footballer he'd be running credit card scams give some clue to the motivation.

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Re: Rumour - Asamoah Gyan

by marcusopp » 29 Aug 2016 14:18

Winston Smith
paultheroyal His bio says he is 30 so he is 30

When you say 'his bio says', do you mean 'someone wrote on Wikipedia'?

No way in the world is he 30. Doesn't mean he is a bad player or bad signing or whatevs, just that I agree with his dad that he is absolutely not 30.

Rubbish. Some blokes do look older than their age, but why would he lie?
There aren't many 40 year olds who can play at any professional level, not up front anyway.
Ghana is one of the most developed African countries, so i very much doubt falsifying birth certificates occurs very often, no more than it would here. It's not like when i got hold of a fake NUS card and changed my DOB so i could get served booze at the offy near Reading west station before a trip to the golden pagoda for a rat and dog spring roll and a 1-0 win over port vale!

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Re: Rumour - Asamoah Gyan

by Stranded » 29 Aug 2016 14:48

mumbo-jumbo Would love to feel uplifted at the prospect of this signing but bearing in mind the following

How on earth are we planning to pay his wages: suggests to me one of our established team members is going out of the door - and does anyone have an inkling as to what those wages might be?
He seems to be a purely money led individual who has chased huge wages over playing proper football for the past several years
I wonder what effect a 'big name/big ego ' signing will have on the dressing room, which really does seem to be starting to gel
As we are not apparently in a promotion chasing season ( manager/owners/fans - all have said it will ''take time'' ) then is he really necessary?
How old is he really? Looks older than 30 and seems to have been around for ages And will he arrive fit or need several weeks to get up to speed? Fears for another walking sick note playing in a physical league, robbing a wage
Will disappear in January for Africa Cup

Eugh...too many concerns, no thank you from me. Having said that if he does come here I hope he is sensational enough to piss the Brighton fans off.

Well gazza is normally a good source, and he says we aren't paying any of his wages, his Chinese club will. We are simply paying them a fee.

As I said earlier, if this happens it is clearly a shop window deal. He wants to get back to England/Europe and will use us to show what he can do and can still score goals in a more competitive league. If it goes well, we've either gone up or he has sufficiently shown to other clubs that he can still cut it. His club will then get whatever fee they are after or him off the books.

He says he is 30, and all official records say the same, so that's what he is. If he is older and rubbish, then it's not costing us anything bar the loan fee, so he can sit on the bench.

He has clearly been money led, but maybe he wants one last challenge as he is already set for life.

A stirker is necessary as we have lost Rakkels for 5 months. The management clearly think this is potentially too good a deal to turn down. We may not be in a promotion season, but then Leicester were just trying to avoid relegation last season. If the option comes to improve the team/squad and suddenly a season of consolidation becomes a play-off push, then I can't believe anyone would complain.

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Re: Rumour - Asamoah Gyan

by Hendo » 29 Aug 2016 14:48

Silver Fox This will obviously be a cracking signing, so no surprise to see so many against it on here, I really don't know why some of you bother, although claims that if he wasn't a footballer he'd be running credit card scams give some clue to the motivation.

Massive +1 on this.

"Show some ambition and spend some money to buy a striker with a proven goal-scoring record!"

"Proven Premier League goal scorer Assamoha Gyan?"

" oxf*rd Off, some drivel about him being a bad egg, playing in a crap league, he is older than he says he is, some more crap."


He will be an excellent signing and I'm happy to go on record saying that. At the end of the day we have been crying out for a natural goal scorer and the club are putting together a deal to bring one to the club yet people still moan. Reading fans will never cease to amaze me. Thank god we actually have people in charge who know what they are doing and don't have to listen to mong fans!

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Re: Rumour - Asamoah Gyan

by paultheroyal » 29 Aug 2016 14:49

Winston Smith
paultheroyal His bio says he is 30 so he is 30

When you say 'his bio says', do you mean 'someone wrote on Wikipedia'?

No way in the world is he 30. Doesn't mean he is a bad player or bad signing or whatevs, just that I agree with his dad that he is absolutely not 30.

In answer to your first paragraph, no.

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Re: Rumour - Asamoah Gyan

by Franchise FC » 29 Aug 2016 14:52

As for being a trouble maker, which one of the squad is going to argue with Stam ... with the possible exception of Gravenberch

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