by genome » 30 Jan 2017 09:40
by Silverfox » 30 Jan 2017 10:31
by Maneki Neko » 30 Jan 2017 10:47
The Royal Forester Brian should never have been sacked, he is the only one who can get us out of this mess! What on earth are the Thais doing? Asking for trouble, to put a bloke in charge who does not know the Championship. Why do we play the Dutch way? This is England and we play the English way. Yes, that was my thoughts last Summer and Autumn, needless to say I have changed them now. One further thought has been blown right out of the water. That was "we will be lucky to stay up, I wonder what life will be like in the bottom two tiers after all this time?"
Anyone else care to admit they were wrong? The answer to the title of this thread is certainly not "rubbish" as was the usual response from Eric. I am enjoying the ride, long may it continue.
by muirinho » 30 Jan 2017 11:02
Maneki Neko
ive not changed my mind that the treatment of brian was disgraceful and he shouldn't have been sacked.
but im very happy with how its turned out, fer sher
by windermereROYAL » 30 Jan 2017 11:08
by LoyalRoyal22 » 30 Jan 2017 15:07
by muirinho » 30 Jan 2017 15:35
LoyalRoyal22 quick observation: have a look at our goals from this season, mostly come from really good build up play. The actual quality of our goals generally is really eye catching.
by West Stand Man » 30 Jan 2017 16:06
by NewCorkSeth » 30 Jan 2017 16:12
West Stand Man The OP has to be an angling exercise.
To paraphrase;
Only Brian can rescue us from being 3rd in the league and heading for our best season since we were last promoted to the PL.
Put that way it doesn't make much sense really.
by West Stand Man » 30 Jan 2017 16:15
NewCorkSethWest Stand Man The OP has to be an angling exercise.
To paraphrase;
Only Brian can rescue us from being 3rd in the league and heading for our best season since we were last promoted to the PL.
Put that way it doesn't make much sense really.
I dont understand.
by NewCorkSeth » 30 Jan 2017 16:16
West Stand ManNewCorkSethWest Stand Man The OP has to be an angling exercise.
To paraphrase;
Only Brian can rescue us from being 3rd in the league and heading for our best season since we were last promoted to the PL.
Put that way it doesn't make much sense really.
I dont understand.
Have a look at the original post and it ought to make a bit more sense, I hope!
by West Stand Man » 30 Jan 2017 18:09
NewCorkSethWest Stand ManNewCorkSeth I dont understand.
Have a look at the original post and it ought to make a bit more sense, I hope!
But his original post is him stating what he thought last summer then admitting he was wrong?
by stealthpapes » 30 Jan 2017 18:45
muirinhoIan Royalgenome Link? I certainly don't remember reading that.
Me either. I bet it's a case of someone reading hugely into a passing comment.
This is probably the interview that's being talked about. ... e-11972411
Some of the relevant bitsLittle things started disappearing last season. Even if it's a simple case of turning up on time or putting your kits in the right tubs after training.
All those things count because if you don't have discipline those sorts of things creep out onto the pitch and that’s what happened towards the end of last season. It wasn’t good at the end.
***It was really tough. Basically after the cup game against Crystal Palace I think people downed tools to be honest.
We had the perfect storm really because we had players who were coming to the end of their contracts, we had players who were on loan, we had all sorts of stuff going on.
And I think towards the end people were just going through the motions.
People found it hard to turn up every day and train to their best, which should be a given really. So it was really tough.
And talking about the vibe this season compared to lastThe games against Barnsley and Brighton when we went down to 10 and saw the games out were really positive.
I think it’s just down to the work we’ve been doing on the training pitch together and the honesty that the manager wants us to act with. If people have a problem they are encouraged to talk it through instead of maybe going behind people’s backs.
Taking McDermott out of the equation - team captains have a lot of influence, especially a strong character like McShane - I'm a bit surprised he wasn't able to stamp a bit more of that attitude. Or maybe it would have been worse without him - who knows? Would be very interested to hear an interview with him or one of the others some years down the line of what was going on the last two seasons behind the scenes, and who the trouble-makers were. He does seem to be pointing the finger a bit there at the loanees and people whose contracts were up (ahem, HRK).
There doesn't seem to be any morale problem now, with the players who have remained - which obviously has a lot to do with Stam - but it also seems Tevreden is very keen to avoid any loanees coming in. Which is maybe another reason to suspect it was the number of loanees that were a huge part of the problem, and having seen how that panned out before, he doesn't want it to go like that again.
When there's nothing left to play for in a season - you're either doing it for the fans, or to impress the manager for next season, or for your team-mates, or to get a new contract elsewhere. Or because that is your nature, and you'd try your best anywhere.
For loanees, only the last one could possibly apply - and tbh of all the loanees, the only one I'd say it would apply to is Alex Fernandez. Normally it's not a huge thing I guess, if you have only a few loanees. But sheer weight of numbers maybe made them have a disproportionate influence.
Very few of the players would have been in the squad during the previous McDermott reign so there wouldn't have been much personal loyalty to him either. (HRK, Gunter, McCleary?)
It's possible that if he'd stayed, brought in his own players, got rid of disaffected loanees, and had a fresh start over the summer, then things would have gone better. But I don't think we would be where we are now.
Basically after the cup game against Crystal Palace I think people downed tools to be honest.
We had the perfect storm really because we had players who were coming to the end of their contracts, we had players who were on loan, we had all sorts of stuff going on.
by harry » 30 Jan 2017 20:38
muirinhoManeki Neko
ive not changed my mind that the treatment of brian was disgraceful and he shouldn't have been sacked.
but im very happy with how its turned out, fer sher
by [/Rook] » 31 Jan 2017 15:21
by KC Royal » 31 Jan 2017 19:34
Ian Royal I thought it was poor to sack Brian at the time and I still do, although I've heard a rumour that there may have been a better reason than was apparent at the time. I doubt very much he'd have managed anywhere near as much progress as Stam has, but assuming his head was still in the game I think he'd had significantly improved us from where we were when he joined. If they didn't have the faith to give McDermott at least a full season in charge, they shouldn't have bowed to Madejski and agreed to give him the job in the first place.
The Thais rolled the dice and they appear to have come up 6s. But lets face it, no one could reasonably have predicted this turnaround with a foreign rookie 'name' manager.
I really like what we're trying to do with our play. I like the style of signings we're trying to bring in and I feel much happier with the club as a whole again. If we can keep a reasonable stability off the pitch and somehow manage to fund our enormous wage budget then I think we should be back on an upward trajectory.
It worked out in the end, just a shame we had to spend three or four years managing Anton's oxf*rd ups and put up with that clown Clarke. Let's now get some continuity back in the club for a couple of seasons.
by ronnyroyal » 01 Feb 2017 11:58
by Sutekh » 01 Feb 2017 12:54
ronnyroyal Jim White on TalkSport just announces he sees Reading winning or coming second this year, being impressed with Stam and the January acquisitions. Possibly a kiss of death??
by ronnyroyal » 01 Feb 2017 13:00
Sutekhronnyroyal Jim White on TalkSport just announces he sees Reading winning or coming second this year, being impressed with Stam and the January acquisitions. Possibly a kiss of death??
He should stick to playing snooker
by windermereROYAL » 01 Feb 2017 13:03
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