Best wishes Bobby Convey

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Best wishes Bobby Convey

by FiNeRaIn » 03 Mar 2017 04:28

Many will remember him from the 106 team and how good he was that season. He was unlucky with injuries after that and eventually his career tailed off back to the US where he retired. He was always a good professional for us and although quiet and private I have fond memories of him, especially sticking it to Millwall with that run and finish, same with Wolves away. The excitement around that era and the surge of US fans that joined the forum signified my best times as a Reading fan. He retired a couple of years ago but I still follow him on Instagram and noticed a post from him this evening lying in hospital wired up.

"I retired from soccer and didn't really talk about it as it was just kind of forced upon me and extremely depressing at times. It has been a pretty big adjustment for my family and I and pretty tough when people keep asking me so what do you do now? Well I have had 2 separate surgeries and 4 separate hospitalizations since I retired 2 seasons ago. I have been on and off 10 different medicines and have gained and lost almost 40 pounds. Life for me with Asthma has not been fun but unfortunately this is my new reality. Yesterday I was walking with my son and wife on the beach taking in the waves, Sloanes new run-waddle style, and the sun. This morning I was almost unconscious being physically carried out of my house to the ambulance by four firefighters to the hospital where they cut my clothes off to administer four breathing treatments and three separate steroid injections as my airways were completely closed up. When you can't breath it is the scariest thing in the world and when they asked me if I have a living will it seemed hopeless. The doctor said I was way too close this time. I share my story just to say a big thank you to all the people at Roper Hospital who helped me today and my neighbor for calling 911. Thank you to Sloane and Grey for coming to the hospital all day. Thank you God for letting me stay around for a little awhile longer. It's been tough but Life rolls on for the Convey's PS- if you see me getting a little husky it's the medicine I have to take for the rest of my life not just the pretzels and donuts I am eating. Maybe some donuts but mostly medicine. God Bless everyone below I appreciate you all".

If this is the wrong forum feel free to remove it, a lot of the new kids probably won't remember him and some of you older ones may not care. But for those that do it seems the guy has really been dealt a tough hand so some positive thoughts or ideas to send his way im sure would be welcome. Maybe STAR can send something to him through the club as a reminder/thank you that his contribution to Reading folklore is not forgotten here and to pass on good wishes from the fans. One thing i've always liked about Reading was the community, we were decent to players and had at least some affiliation with them.

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Re: Best wishes Bobby Convey

by Tad Showbiz » 03 Mar 2017 07:49

Thank you for posting this. Until this post I was unaware Convey had even retired from playing football. For me he was an excellent player and was my favourite player during his time at Reading not just in the 106 season. I'm certain had he not had the injury problems he would have stayed with Reading longer than he did.

I hope he recovers in the best way possible and agree that STAR / Former Players Group , even if they're unable to do something themselves, can at least raise this with the club though for the foreseeable future it's unlikely they'll be able to invite him back to the club for any kind of presentation.

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Re: Best wishes Bobby Convey

by bobby1413 » 03 Mar 2017 08:03

Sad to hear he's not in good health. I really liked Convey and met him once outside the hotel on a non-matchday. Very nice, pleasant man who didn't mind taking a bit of time out to talk to me.

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Re: Best wishes Bobby Convey

by JamieY26 » 03 Mar 2017 08:27

Great player! I also seem to remember him being partially blind in one eye...? Possibly why he ran past players like they weren't there!

Best wishes Bobby. 106 Legend forever!

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Re: Best wishes Bobby Convey

by Stockport Royal » 03 Mar 2017 08:36

My best memory of Bobby was him banging one in from 20 yards away at Burnley in the 106 season, followed by a huge chorus of 'That's why we're going up!'

I was only a teenager then, and I remember my dad saying at half time in the concourse that I needed to enjoy this season as they don't come round too often!

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Re: Best wishes Bobby Convey

by bluerinse » 03 Mar 2017 08:43

Will always remember his goal against Millwall at home during the "106 " season. He started his run inside his own half,and just kept running before beating the goalkeeper.

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Re: Best wishes Bobby Convey

by lewesroyal » 03 Mar 2017 08:52
This one, loved him as a member of that team. Damn they were good. Total polar of what our current system is, soak it up then bang!

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Re: Best wishes Bobby Convey

by Forbury Lion » 03 Mar 2017 09:42

The Reading ex-players association (and I hear Sir John Madejski himself, personally) take care of their own, although it's possible they may not be aware of the situation here what with Bobby being in the USA and maybe falling though the cracks.

He may not need or want help, but maybe his family will one day.

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Re: Best wishes Bobby Convey

by Silver Fox » 03 Mar 2017 09:49

I bloody love Bobby Convey and this is shocking and sad news. Song for Bobby tomorrow?

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Re: Best wishes Bobby Convey

by Nameless » 03 Mar 2017 10:03

Integral part of our best ever team and a shame we didn't see more of him.
Hopefully his health issues are resolved, but agree 100% that it would be great for some sort of official message to be sent wishing him well.

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Re: Best wishes Bobby Convey

by Elm Park Old Boy » 03 Mar 2017 10:12

For some reason my most vivid memory of Bobby is this beautiful pass to play in Harper for the 3rd goal against Liverpool (at 6.33)

The most delicate of touches opened up the whole Liverpool half for Harps to run into. Just a pity we didn't get to see more of him at his best.

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Re: Best wishes Bobby Convey

by Brum Royal » 03 Mar 2017 10:14

A big rendition of "OLE OLE OLE Convey Convey" would be appropriate tomorrow, maybe in the 17th minute (his old squad number), as that seems to be the current trend.

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Re: Best wishes Bobby Convey

by tidus_mi2 » 03 Mar 2017 10:25

I still remember his radio interviews, he said "for sure" a lot. Quality player for the club and to this day I regret not being at the Millwall game, I believe it was the only home game I missed that season. I'm sure he'll recover but it must have been hard, especially as a professional footballer to live with asthma.

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Re: Best wishes Bobby Convey

by oh_ROAR » 03 Mar 2017 10:52

Real shame to hear this. I was young when he played but I used to love him when I first started attending games

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Re: Best wishes Bobby Convey

by Maguire » 03 Mar 2017 11:03

That goal against Millwall (in fact he also scored a free-kick in the same game) was the beginning for Bobby at Reading.

We'd had him all the previous season but he'd looked lightweight and inconsistent. Came back after the summer in 2005 and just looked so much better, going on to play a huge role in the 106 season.

I wish him well.

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Re: Best wishes Bobby Convey

by Sutekh » 03 Mar 2017 11:05

Be nice to think that the club - if it hasn't already - would reach out to Bobby and at least wish him the very best on our behalf.

Perhaps something STAR/Richard Wickson could look at doing with the club's blessing?

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Re: Best wishes Bobby Convey

by Basildon » 03 Mar 2017 11:06

So sad to hear, was my favourite player from the 106 era. Best wishes.

No Fixed Abode

Re: Best wishes Bobby Convey

by No Fixed Abode » 03 Mar 2017 11:06

Get well soon BC.

A mention for Champions League winner Fernando Torres too. Get well soon.

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Re: Best wishes Bobby Convey

by Top Flight » 03 Mar 2017 11:21

Bobby is a Reading FC legend along with every member of that 106 team.
Very sad to hear that he had such a close shave and is unwell. Get better soon Bobby. Definitely one of my favourite Reading FC players of all time.

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Re: Best wishes Bobby Convey

by Gunny Fishcake » 03 Mar 2017 11:29

How sad and thanks for letting us know, great player , get well soon Bobby

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