by Oxon_Royal »
30 May 2017 16:25
Maguire bobby1413 It's not immature to get frustrated by fans and supporters just sitting on their hands, especially on a big occasion
Yes it is, it's pathetic. WTF does it have to do with you how other people behave? There are no bigger pcunts at football matches that self-appointed fan police who scream at strangers for not singing their daft little song.
The players wanted more support
Yeah and I wanted them to turn up and not play like dogshit but they couldn't grant me that small wish either.
Agree with Bobby1413, although don't condone screaming at strangers as you mention.
Immature to scream at strangers...yes...but to be frustrated for the lack of, and why should it be?
Football matches used to be FUN, which didn't necessarily depend on whether your team won or lost.
Obviously a winning team helps, but I've been to away games before that we've lost but still come away having had an amazing time - mainly generated by strangers in a crowd MAKING SOME NOISE AND ACTUALLY CONNECTING WITH EACH OTHER, not just sitting there in stony silence wishing there was no-one else sat within a million miles of them!
Bolton in '95 was more disappointing for sure, but I definitely remember having a far, far better day than I did yesterday.
Yesterday was in no way, shape or form 'fun'.
Perhaps I'm just going back too many years