by cavillerarusticana »
21 Aug 2017 15:09
As long as people are prepared to queue and pay exorbitant prices for rubbish there is no incentive for the food/drink outlets to change. Until people refuse to to pay for inferior service and food, they will continue to mug you off. For example £2.70 for a bag of Haribos, that can be bought elsewhere for £1.00, a small mark up is to be expected but that is daylight robbery, at least Dick Turpin worer a mask.
The Football Club bang on about how important the fans are, they are dead right but only in monetery terms, your are a source of cash and are there to be fleeced, the football club facilitate that by franchising out food outlets to those who are not concerned with the quality of food and service only how much cash they can take you for. They will only take notice if people in sufficient numbers hit them where it hurts in the pocket, until they start to lose money and custom, they will not change.