by Sutekh » 22 Jan 2019 09:47
by NewCorkSeth » 22 Jan 2019 10:09
by Winston Biscuit » 22 Jan 2019 10:24
NewCorkSeth How many people were on the plane?
by genome » 22 Jan 2019 10:28
by Hendo » 22 Jan 2019 11:42
by Zip » 22 Jan 2019 12:04
Zip This happened last night so realistically he hasn’t survived. Heartbreaking especially as the fact he was doing so well this season led to him moving to the PL.
by Sanguine » 22 Jan 2019 12:15
Old Man AndrewsZip This happened last night so realistically he hasn’t survived. Heartbreaking especially as the fact he was doing so well this season led to him moving to the PL.
Theres a lot of factors in that though. The impact, how close he was to shore, how good a swimmer he is etc. All unknowns at the moment. If the pilot managed to bring it down on water in a controlled manner then he'd have every chance. I fear this isn't the case though as something would have been seen by now.
SanguineOld Man AndrewsZip This happened last night so realistically he hasn’t survived. Heartbreaking especially as the fact he was doing so well this season led to him moving to the PL.
Theres a lot of factors in that though. The impact, how close he was to shore, how good a swimmer he is etc. All unknowns at the moment. If the pilot managed to bring it down on water in a controlled manner then he'd have every chance. I fear this isn't the case though as something would have been seen by now.
As you say, you'd expect news by now - not least a distress beacon or something from the pilot if he's floating around on the sea. ATC say that they lost contact with the plane soon after it passed Guernsey, and that its last known altitude was 2,300 feet, having initially flow at 5,000 feet.
by Winston Biscuit » 22 Jan 2019 13:28
We went into EGJB about an hour or so before this happened.
Was a bit of icing around from 3000-5000ft. Some random windshear around 2000-2500. But nothing untoward.
Cloud tops were overcast from about 5-6000ft
Weather certainly wasn't VFR.
I'm more inclined to ask why a single engine piston/turboprop was flying in the clouds at low level over the English Channel at night, in IMC, in winter.
Winston Biscuit went into EGJB about an hour or so before this happened.
Was a bit of icing around from 3000-5000ft. Some random windshear around 2000-2500. But nothing untoward.
Cloud tops were overcast from about 5-6000ft
Weather certainly wasn't VFR.
I'm more inclined to ask why a single engine piston/turboprop was flying in the clouds at low level over the English Channel at night, in IMC, in winter.
by leon » 22 Jan 2019 14:13
Old Man AndrewsWinston Biscuit went into EGJB about an hour or so before this happened.
Was a bit of icing around from 3000-5000ft. Some random windshear around 2000-2500. But nothing untoward.
Cloud tops were overcast from about 5-6000ft
Weather certainly wasn't VFR.
I'm more inclined to ask why a single engine piston/turboprop was flying in the clouds at low level over the English Channel at night, in IMC, in winter.
Good find. The ice is certainly my top pick as to what caused any issues, especially if an inexperianced pilot was at the controls.
by 6ft Kerplunk » 22 Jan 2019 14:28
genome I usually get a gut feeling with these kinds of early reports that it's not going to work out the way we'd all hope.
6ft Kerplunkgenome I usually get a gut feeling with these kinds of early reports that it's not going to work out the way we'd all hope.
Hark at Mystic Meg over here, small plunges into the sea in winter at night and you've got a gut feeling all may not work out well... Or do you mean you hope Cardiff weren't paying in installments?
by genome » 22 Jan 2019 14:32
6ft Kerplunkgenome I usually get a gut feeling with these kinds of early reports that it's not going to work out the way we'd all hope.
Hark at Mystic Meg over here, small plunges into the sea in winter at night and you've got a gut feeling all may not work out well... Or do you mean you hope Cardiff weren't paying in installments?
by Sutekh » 22 Jan 2019 14:41
by Winston Biscuit » 22 Jan 2019 15:00
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