CONFIMRED - Charlie Adam

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Re: CONFIMRED - Charlie Adam

by URZZZZZZZZ » 22 Jul 2019 22:41

Old Man Andrews I will give any new signing a chance, it's the right thing to do but I have so much pessimism towards this one. Seems like the signing of a club desperate for bodies who know a relegation scrap is ahead of them.

David Meyler, Stephen Quinn, Dave Edwards and now Charlie Adam. Not a single 30+ year old "has premier league experience" has done well for us. This is the epitome of tried, tested, failed.

Jason Roberts
Wayne Bridge
John Salako
Paul McShane (almost 30)
Ian Harte
Andy Griffin
Mikele Leigertwood (almost 30)

I’m not saying he is guaranteed to be a huge success, but it’s ludicrous to write him off before a ball has been kicked.

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Re: CONFIMRED - Charlie Adam

by NewCorkSeth » 22 Jul 2019 22:47

Old Man Andrews I will give any new signing a chance, it's the right thing to do but I have so much pessimism towards this one. Seems like the signing of a club desperate for bodies who know a relegation scrap is ahead of them.

David Meyler, Stephen Quinn, Dave Edwards and now Charlie Adam. Not a single 30+ year old "has premier league experience" has done well for us. This is the epitome of tried, tested, failed.

Jason Roberts
Wayne Bridge
John Salako
Paul McShane (almost 30)
Ian Harte
Andy Griffin
Mikele Leigertwood (almost 30)

I’m not saying he is guaranteed to be a huge success, but it’s ludicrous to write him off before a ball has been kicked.

Go read my response to the other URZZZ.

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Re: CONFIMRED - Charlie Adam

by sandman » 22 Jul 2019 23:01

sandman Yes.

Well then you have lost grip on the reality of where we are as a club.

What, by saying a player who hasn't even kicked a ball for us shouldn't be written off completely before he has done anything?

I think it's you that have lost your grip on reality.

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Re: CONFIMRED - Charlie Adam

by bcubed » 22 Jul 2019 23:15

SpaghettiHoop Moneyball signing

If that's the case more wacky unexpected signings on the way!

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Re: CONFIMRED - Charlie Adam

by BR0B0T » 22 Jul 2019 23:20

56% passing for a midfielder. That's not even good for a GOALKEEPER.

I mean, sure. Whatever. Why not?

(255 passes. 120 Failure. These may be good reasons.) ... 7837629441

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Re: CONFIMRED - Charlie Adam

by genome » 22 Jul 2019 23:35


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Re: CONFIMRED - Charlie Adam

by Chameleon » 22 Jul 2019 23:38

Quality signing, low risk, high reward. Could teach our youngsters a few things. Very happy with this.

We have a very young squad and need some some senior players to bring them through well.

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Re: CONFIMRED - Charlie Adam

by Marcus Crassus » 22 Jul 2019 23:40

I know it's off topic, but hell yeah! ... ove-report

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Re: CONFIMRED - Charlie Adam

by Simon's Church » 23 Jul 2019 06:50

I guess someone had to take O'Shea's place in the squad

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Re: CONFIMRED - Charlie Adam

by blythspartan » 23 Jul 2019 07:10

I couldn’t see this happening in a million years. I don’t dislike the player but I just believed that we would stay well clear of this type of signing.

In saying that a 1 year contract is sensible and many years ago he was class. Maybe Howe etc. are trying to make sure that we don’t get relegated this season so are adding some experience to help the younger players. Hopefully, if we survive this season next season the owners will be able to invest more money into the team.

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Re: CONFIMRED - Charlie Ada

by Snowflake Royal » 23 Jul 2019 08:11

Wycombe Royal
Snowflake Royal
Wycombe Royal Charlie Adam might be slow physically, but mentally he is light years ahead of Kelly. Adam has great vision for picking a pass and has awareness of the game around him. Kelly was forever getting caught in position because he was just too slow in picking a pass.

On top of that, Adam is excellent at set pieces, and let’s be honest Kelly was pretty crap at those along with most others in our squad.

FYI, on an objective check, dispossessed per game stats for our midfielders last season:
Ejaria - 1.8
Meyler - 1.8
Swift - 1.6
Bacuna - 1.2
Rinomhota - 0.8
Kelly - 0.7
Baker - 0.6
Ezatolahi - 0.5
Olise ( :shock: ) - 0.3
East - 0

Unsuccessful touches per game:
Swift - 2.2
Ezatolahi - 2
Ejaria - 1.9
Rinomhota - 1.3
Baker - 1.3
Olise - 1.3
Bacuna - 1.2
East - 1
Meyler - 0.8
Kelly - 0.6

It's objectively not true really isn't it Wycombe.

If you went purely on stats Kelly would be first name on the team sheet for central midfield and Rino would be on the bench. But for those that live in the real world and not on FM/FIFA stats we know that is objectively not true.

I mean, this is wrong on so many levels Wycombe.

I've never advocated picking players solely on stats. I've always said they're only part of the picture. Rinomhota is actually better than Kelly in the stats based system of based on last year. Rino would be pretty much my first name on the team sheet.

But you suggested Kelly dwelt on the ball losing it a lot. That's an objective claim, which those objective stats don't support. An do you know why I checked them? Because having watched Kelly play numerous times, I thought he was a player who lost the ball rarely.

Plenty of reasons to criticise Kelly without making up false ones.

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Re: CONFIMRED - Charlie Adam

by Hendo » 23 Jul 2019 08:22

Not too fussed with this, comes across well in his interview, it’s only for a year and sounds like he actually wants to be a leader and for someone for the kids can come to for advice.

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Re: CONFIMRED - Charlie Adam

by Ascotexgunner » 23 Jul 2019 08:26

Not sure what I think to be honest. Bit of a strange one.
I thought Roberts and Hart was a facepalm but was proved mega wrong. Then again there have been a few who have been just awful having turned up for one last payday. Oh well, lets just hope he has an Indian Summer for his career here and does add something.

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Re: CONFIMRED - Charlie Adam

by Snowflake Royal » 23 Jul 2019 08:26

Hendo Not too fussed with this, comes across well in his interview, it’s only for a year and sounds like he actually wants to be a leader and for someone for the kids can come to for advice.

I still think it's a stupid signing because we need people to play and he's unlikely to manage to start 10 games let alone 40

But if he can be available to play regularly at a decent level, he's a good signing. And he does come across extremely well in his interview.

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Re: CONFIMRED - Charlie Adam

by The Enfield Royal71 » 23 Jul 2019 08:28

So much meh.

He was decent 5ish years ago or whenever it was when he left Liverpool. Always struck me as the kind of player with an attitude of arrogance and he is better then others.

Fully in the Edwards and Meyler camp for me. But I will give him the chance and hope he prooves me wrong.

I would have kept Kelly then rather tbh. I think this isn't the sort of signing we need to progress.

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Re: CONFIMRED - Charlie Ada

by Nameless » 23 Jul 2019 08:31

Snowflake Royal
Wycombe Royal
Snowflake Royal FYI, on an objective check, dispossessed per game stats for our midfielders last season:
Ejaria - 1.8
Meyler - 1.8
Swift - 1.6
Bacuna - 1.2
Rinomhota - 0.8
Kelly - 0.7
Baker - 0.6
Ezatolahi - 0.5
Olise ( :shock: ) - 0.3
East - 0

Unsuccessful touches per game:
Swift - 2.2
Ezatolahi - 2
Ejaria - 1.9
Rinomhota - 1.3
Baker - 1.3
Olise - 1.3
Bacuna - 1.2
East - 1
Meyler - 0.8
Kelly - 0.6

It's objectively not true really isn't it Wycombe.

If you went purely on stats Kelly would be first name on the team sheet for central midfield and Rino would be on the bench. But for those that live in the real world and not on FM/FIFA stats we know that is objectively not true.

I mean, this is wrong on so many levels Wycombe.

I've never advocated picking players solely on stats. I've always said they're only part of the picture. Rinomhota is actually better than Kelly in the stats based system of based on last year. Rino would be pretty much my first name on the team sheet.

But you suggested Kelly dwelt on the ball losing it a lot. That's an objective claim, which those objective stats don't support. An do you know why I checked them? Because having watched Kelly play numerous times, I thought he was a player who lost the ball rarely.

Plenty of reasons to criticise Kelly without making up false ones.

Genuine question - how is ‘unsuccessful touches’ an objective statistic ? It involves a third party trying to guess what a player is trying to do. It’s subjective.
It also doesn’t consider whether the player was trying a brilliant touch which just failed or absolutely messed up a simple effort. It doesn’t consider whether the player had been stitched up by a poor pass, whether the touch was in a dangerous area or whether a rubbish touch happened to fall to a team mate rather than opponent.
I’m sure there is huge science behind it, but I remain sceptical.
The numbers quoted also seem to ignore a basic principle of having a decent sample size. East hasn’t even played a full game and hardly got a touch in the game he played. Meyler has barely played and I would suggest 0.8 touches represents his entire contribution rather than an average.

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Re: CONFIMRED - Charlie Adam

by The Enfield Royal71 » 23 Jul 2019 08:32

Simon's Church Hopefully Ross McCormack and Lee cattermole to follow

May aswell get Pierre Van Hooijedonk and Thomas Brolin out of retirement aswell.

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Re: CONFIMRED - Charlie Adam

by Nameless » 23 Jul 2019 08:34

The Enfield Royal71 So much meh.

He was decent 5ish years ago or whenever it was when he left Liverpool. Always struck me as the kind of player with an attitude of arrogance and he is better then others.

Fully in the Edwards and Meyler camp for me. But I will give him the chance and hope he prooves me wrong.

I would have kept Kelly then rather tbh. I think this isn't the sort of signing we need to progress.

Not every signing moves you immediately forward. Coppell’s initial signings came in to do a specific short term job while he assembled the Greatest Team Ever. Sometimes you need a short term player to tide you over (Adam plays a season while Holsgrove develops to take over next summer perhaps).

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Re: CONFIMRED - Charlie Adam

by Coppells Lost Coat » 23 Jul 2019 08:44

Very meh over this signing. . Could be shrewd addition to the squad....??? But it has a very O'Shea feeling to this but think Adam has a few years left in him. We needed options in CM and we got a older has been.
Focusing in on the positives though;
He has a decent dead ball on him, happy to put the boot in when needed and he adds a bit of height in the middle. Gives us more experience, with such a young squad atm it will only benefit our promising youngsters. Either way with him in the squad it does balance up our options.
I hope he proves all the doubters wrong.

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Re: CONFIMRED - Charlie Adam

by NewCorkSeth » 23 Jul 2019 08:47

sandman Yes.

Well then you have lost grip on the reality of where we are as a club.

What, by saying a player who hasn't even kicked a ball for us shouldn't be written off completely before he has done anything?

I think it's you that have lost your grip on reality.

No. By thinking that our transfer strategy since relegation has been good. I think Bacuna and Evans are the only players we have made a profit on. We have tried this exact type of signing several times since then. How many times has it worked out? It might sure but that is following the "throw enough shit at a wall and some might stick" mantra.

Williams, Norwood, Evans, Quinn, van den Berg, Wieser, Swift, Edwards, Bacuna and Meyler have all arrived since 2013. 10 CMs in 6 seasons not including loans and arguably only 5 could be called a success. There is something wrong with our scouting or transfer team.

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