by Notts Royal »
08 Sep 2019 19:46
Snowflake Royal Notts Royal Snowflake Royal It's frequently counter productive if they've been quiet too because there's a decent chance it'll rile them into action.
A bit of too and fro is decent occasionally. But so much of it these days is just running down the tedious checklist of:
Your support is shit
This is shit I want to go home
Like a library
Empty seats
Rinse repeat regardless of how noisy anyone is, how nice the stadium is, how full any stand is. Trying to manufacture antagonism where there is none between the clubs.
Yawn. It's like any defeat has to spark a major rivalry or something.
Try something original for a change.
Agree - hate those chants. Beyond the point of letting opposition fans annoy me. But to younger men whose pride is at stake, can understand why they want to retaliate.
C1871 have to accept that if they are happy to be positioned next to the away fans, this kind of thing will always happen. Still don’t understand personally why they couldn’t have moved to the North/East corner; it would have been good to have noise in Y26 and then noise for the players to play into in the 2nd half. Maybe in the future
C1871 mostly don't get involved. A bit here and there. The antagonism was more Y25/6's thing... and frequently backfired.
C1871 didn't go in the North (IMO) because:
- There are existing STHs who d have to be moved, which isn't ok
- It's the family stand, so children, families etc. That doesn't work with standing and loud chanting for long periods
It had to start somewhere empty so only people who wanted to participate would be there and no one else was directly affected.
Admittedly as an exile, I rarely get to the Mad Stad these days but whenever I see the north stand on the highlights/live games, it’s a sea of empty seats. So yes I agree it’s never good to upset existing ST holders, surely it would only be a few hundred at most who’d have to move?
If the north is the family stand, what does that make the West stand? Remember that used to be the family stand
Just seems a shame that, whilst C1871 has been a really positive thing, rather than having noise dotted around the stadium, it’s dragged people into 1 area at the expense of the rest of the ground. Can completely understand how it’s happened though, and it’s a positive start