Next Manager

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Gareth Ainsworth
Mark Hughes
Chris Hughton
John O’Shea
Alan Pardew
Phil Parkinson
Gary Rowett
Other (please specify)
Someone unknown from the continent
Ian Royal
Total votes: 202
Old Man Andrews

Re: Next Manager

by Old Man Andrews » 10 Oct 2019 09:52

genome Ainsworth isn't going to shag you mate

You have no evidence to suggest he won't. Until he closes the door on that then I will not give up hope.

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Re: Next Manager

by Hendo » 10 Oct 2019 09:53

Old Man Andrews
genome Ainsworth isn't going to shag you mate

You have no evidence to suggest he won't. Until he closes the door on that then I will not give up hope.

He'd probably want to start a shared calendar with you...

Old Man Andrews

Re: Next Manager

by Old Man Andrews » 10 Oct 2019 09:54

Old Man Andrews
genome Ainsworth isn't going to shag you mate

You have no evidence to suggest he won't. Until he closes the door on that then I will not give up hope.

He'd probably want to start a shared calendar with you...

He can have whatever he wants. He has dreamy hair.

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Re: Next Manager

by WestYorksRoyal » 10 Oct 2019 10:03

Be careful what you wish for with Ainsworth. He's done a good job at Wycombe and they play exciting football. But we're a step up in terms of size and level.

He could work out very well, but it's a gamble. Paul Hurst to Ipswich after doing a great job at Shrewsbury is an example. On the other side, managers like Adkins and Wilder did very well after moving from Scunthorpe and Northampton to bigger clubs, so it can work. I'll be interested to see how the Cowley brothers get on at Huddersfield; they have made a good start.

If we go for Ainsworth, Bowen needs to be able to say with confidence that the squad we have suits his style and will fit together with him. I don't think he'll be well suited to a squad rebuild challenge at this stage of his career.

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Re: Next Manager

by Stranded » 10 Oct 2019 10:06

Snowflake Royal Actually got them playing pretty decent football whilst getting better results iirc.

I doubt there's many club's of Stoke's size that make many more than 15 years unbroken in the PL and they must have been close to that if not beyond it. It only takes one season of bad recruitment and your blown.

Then it's odd that no Stoke fans speak positively about him.

A lot do but all accept he should have left after his 4th season when they slipped from 9th to 13th as it was clear things were sliding and he was stale at the club.

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Re: Next Manager

by Hound » 10 Oct 2019 10:08

Id be happy enough with Ainsworth. Im not too sure how he'd cope with some of the egos in the squad, but I'd certainly back him

He's certainly a manager I think the fans would get behind

Old Man Andrews

Re: Next Manager

by Old Man Andrews » 10 Oct 2019 10:10

Hound Id be happy enough with Ainsworth. Im not too sure how he'd cope with some of the egos in the squad, but I'd certainly back him

He's certainly a manager I think the fans would get behind

I have reservations about how he would be with a transfer budget too. Not something he has ever had before. Would the owners trust him enough to let him make his own transfer decsions?

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Re: Next Manager

by Hound » 10 Oct 2019 10:11

Old Man Andrews
Hound I'll be very annoyed if there is no manager in place by the start of next week tbh. Surely they must have been sounding out candidates for a while.

Just hoping they didn't put all their eggs into the Mark Hughe basket for him to turn us down, like that Castro chap did

The longer it takes the more it suggests we are after a manager already in a job, these things take a lot longer. Hopefully that means Gareth Ainsworth.

Yes. I think it certainly suggests Parkinson or Rowett arent likely to get it, or he'd be either in or at least very strongly rumoured by now

probably same goes for Pulis. Hughes would probably take quite a bit more persuading but sounds like he isnt on the list anyway

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Re: Next Manager

by WestYorksRoyal » 10 Oct 2019 10:14

Apparently Bowen is favourite with the bookies. What the actual oxf*rd oxf*rd?

Old Man Andrews

Re: Next Manager

by Old Man Andrews » 10 Oct 2019 10:16

WestYorksRoyal Apparently Bowen is favourite with the bookies. What the actual oxf*rd oxf*rd?

This will be because the bookies and media have no noises coming out of the club or solid rumours surfacing since it was reported that Hughes wasn't on the shortlist. It will just be an assumption that its because Bowen is going to give himself the job.

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Re: Next Manager

by Hound » 10 Oct 2019 10:16

WestYorksRoyal Apparently Bowen is favourite with the bookies. What the actual oxf*rd oxf*rd?

yes, don't think that would please anyone. I'm not too sure where that has come from tbh, not actually seen anything concrete to back it up

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Re: Next Manager

by paddy20 » 10 Oct 2019 10:19

WestYorksRoyal Apparently Bowen is favourite with the bookies. What the actual oxf*rd oxf*rd?

yes, don't think that would please anyone. I'm not too sure where that has come from tbh, not actually seen anything concrete to back it up

Now 1/3 on Skybet. Doubt its just guessing. This will go down like a lead balloon with fans I think. How will that look? Advise board to sack Gomes and take the job for himself?

Old Man Andrews

Re: Next Manager

by Old Man Andrews » 10 Oct 2019 10:21

WestYorksRoyal Apparently Bowen is favourite with the bookies. What the actual oxf*rd oxf*rd?

yes, don't think that would please anyone. I'm not too sure where that has come from tbh, not actually seen anything concrete to back it up

Now 1/3 on Skybet. Doubt its just guessing. This will go down like a lead balloon with fans I think. How will that look? Advise board to sack Gomes and take the job for himself?

Yes it is, that is what the majority of bookies do........

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Re: Next Manager

by royalsroyalsroyals92 » 10 Oct 2019 10:30

Really surprised that there's not more for Gary Rowett!
Would be happy with Hughton, though.

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Re: Next Manager

by Hound » 10 Oct 2019 10:31

Old Man Andrews
yes, don't think that would please anyone. I'm not too sure where that has come from tbh, not actually seen anything concrete to back it up

Now 1/3 on Skybet. Doubt its just guessing. This will go down like a lead balloon with fans I think. How will that look? Advise board to sack Gomes and take the job for himself?

Yes it is, that is what the majority of bookies do........

Have to remember the market is tiny. any bet probably moves the odds massively

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Re: Next Manager

by Hampshire Royal » 10 Oct 2019 11:04

It'll be Bowen's great mate Hughes. That was, after all, the reason Bowen was appointed.

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Re: Next Manager

by Ascotexgunner » 10 Oct 2019 11:12

WestYorksRoyal Apparently Bowen is favourite with the bookies. What the actual oxf*rd oxf*rd?

If that happens we are down.....and League 1 next season. Seriously it would just confirm on here that the owners know f*ck all about football and Nigel Howe has gone senile or had his brain removed by the Chinese in a "Manchurian Candidate" kind of way.
It just cant happen......IT CANT!!!!!!!!

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Re: Next Manager

by Millsy » 10 Oct 2019 11:30

WestYorksRoyal Apparently Bowen is favourite with the bookies. What the actual oxf*rd oxf*rd?

If that happens we are down.....and League 1 next season. Seriously it would just confirm on here that the owners know f*ck all about football and Nigel Howe has gone senile or had his brain removed by the Chinese in a "Manchurian Candidate" kind of way.
It just cant happen......IT CANT!!!!!!!!

Does he have a bad managerial record or something?

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Re: Next Manager

by sandman » 10 Oct 2019 11:30

WestYorksRoyal Apparently Bowen is favourite with the bookies. What the actual oxf*rd oxf*rd?

If that happens we are down.....and League 1 next season. Seriously it would just confirm on here that the owners know f*ck all about football and Nigel Howe has gone senile or had his brain removed by the Chinese in a "Manchurian Candidate" kind of way.
It just cant happen......IT CANT!!!!!!!!

What if I told you that in the welsh language the name Mark Bowen means Graham Potter?

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Re: Next Manager

by Ascotexgunner » 10 Oct 2019 11:33

WestYorksRoyal Apparently Bowen is favourite with the bookies. What the actual oxf*rd oxf*rd?

If that happens we are down.....and League 1 next season. Seriously it would just confirm on here that the owners know f*ck all about football and Nigel Howe has gone senile or had his brain removed by the Chinese in a "Manchurian Candidate" kind of way.
It just cant happen......IT CANT!!!!!!!!

What if I told you that in the welsh language the name Mark Bowen means Graham Potter?

HAHAHA......Sign him now. NOW!!!!!
You know I was so hoping Spurs were gonna trounce Brighton last weekend and he would be available as there were rumours......Typical!!!!
Bloody Spurs.....useless....

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