Leeds (A) Saturday February 22nd

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Re: Leeds (A) Saturday February 22nd

by Royalclapper » 16 Feb 2020 13:12


:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Leeds (A) Saturday February 22nd

by andymcn14 » 16 Feb 2020 14:43

Lower West
andymcn14 Would anyone be kind enough to help sort me a ticket for this? I am a royals fan from Scotland who has just moved to Leeds so was waiting for this fixture. Don't have enough loyalty points as going to games hasn't been viable before, but totally understand if it will sell out then people deserve a ticket more than me.

Unlikely that we will sell the full allocation. Just looked. Plenty still available.

If anyone would be happy purchase me one that would be so appreciated as I don't have enough points. Happy to meet at the ground/pub (will throw in a pint for the trouble).

Old Man Andrews

Re: Leeds (A) Saturday February 22nd

by Old Man Andrews » 17 Feb 2020 12:47

Royalclapper £39

:lol: :lol: :lol:

When you go to the premier stadium in the league and watch us play the best team in the league what do you expect the price to be? :roll:

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Re: Leeds (A) Saturday February 22nd

by LUX » 17 Feb 2020 13:59


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Re: Leeds (A) Saturday February 22nd

by Hendo » 17 Feb 2020 14:09

Old Man Andrews
Royalclapper £39

:lol: :lol: :lol:

When you go to the premier stadium in the league and watch us play the best team in the league what do you expect the price to be? :roll:

£30, as per the Premier League price cap, for a supposed Premier League team.

Old Man Andrews

Re: Leeds (A) Saturday February 22nd

by Old Man Andrews » 17 Feb 2020 14:10

Old Man Andrews
Royalclapper £39

:lol: :lol: :lol:

When you go to the premier stadium in the league and watch us play the best team in the league what do you expect the price to be? :roll:

£30, as per the Premier League price cap, for a supposed Premier League team.

They are not in the Premier League yet...... :roll:

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Re: Leeds (A) Saturday February 22nd

by Hendo » 17 Feb 2020 14:14

Old Man Andrews
Old Man Andrews When you go to the premier stadium in the league and watch us play the best team in the league what do you expect the price to be? :roll:

£30, as per the Premier League price cap, for a supposed Premier League team.

They are not in the Premier League yet...... :roll:

I just suggested what I expected the price to be.

But seriously though, if there is a £30 cap in the premier league, I just don't understand how there isn't a Championship cap in place.

Old Man Andrews

Re: Leeds (A) Saturday February 22nd

by Old Man Andrews » 17 Feb 2020 14:17

Old Man Andrews
£30, as per the Premier League price cap, for a supposed Premier League team.

They are not in the Premier League yet...... :roll:

I just suggested what I expected the price to be.

But seriously though, if there is a £30 cap in the premier league, I just don't understand how there isn't a Championship cap in place.

Wasn't it argued that the TV rights in the Premier League make up for the shortfall in reducing admission costs for clubs? The bigger Championship teams such as Leeds charge more due to them not getting a bigger cut of the TV rights despite being on TV all the time. Its petty.

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Re: Leeds (A) Saturday February 22nd

by muirinho » 17 Feb 2020 14:23

Old Man Andrews
Old Man Andrews They are not in the Premier League yet...... :roll:

I just suggested what I expected the price to be.

But seriously though, if there is a £30 cap in the premier league, I just don't understand how there isn't a Championship cap in place.

Wasn't it argued that the TV rights in the Premier League make up for the shortfall in reducing admission costs for clubs? The bigger Championship teams such as Leeds charge more due to them not getting a bigger cut of the TV rights despite being on TV all the time. Its petty.

the hosting club gets paid extra when on TV, to compensate for hassle / lower attendance. So that's not an excuse. If anything, the clubs that aren't continuously selected for TV should be charging more - their attendance is also affected by the televised games, but they don't get the extra money for hosting.
Leeds charge more because they can, not because they somehow deserve it.

Old Man Andrews

Re: Leeds (A) Saturday February 22nd

by Old Man Andrews » 17 Feb 2020 14:24

Old Man Andrews
I just suggested what I expected the price to be.

But seriously though, if there is a £30 cap in the premier league, I just don't understand how there isn't a Championship cap in place.

Wasn't it argued that the TV rights in the Premier League make up for the shortfall in reducing admission costs for clubs? The bigger Championship teams such as Leeds charge more due to them not getting a bigger cut of the TV rights despite being on TV all the time. Its petty.

the hosting club gets paid extra when on TV, to compensate for hassle / lower attendance. So that's not an excuse. If anything, the clubs that aren't continuously selected for TV should be charging more - their attendance is also affected by the televised games, but they don't get the extra money for hosting.
Leeds charge more because they can, not because they somehow deserve it.

When you consider their level and support base it can be argued they do deserve special treatment.

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Re: Leeds (A) Saturday February 22nd

by BarryWhiteRFC » 17 Feb 2020 16:03

Old Man Andrews
Old Man Andrews Wasn't it argued that the TV rights in the Premier League make up for the shortfall in reducing admission costs for clubs? The bigger Championship teams such as Leeds charge more due to them not getting a bigger cut of the TV rights despite being on TV all the time. Its petty.

the hosting club gets paid extra when on TV, to compensate for hassle / lower attendance. So that's not an excuse. If anything, the clubs that aren't continuously selected for TV should be charging more - their attendance is also affected by the televised games, but they don't get the extra money for hosting.
Leeds charge more because they can, not because they somehow deserve it.

When you consider their level and support base it can be argued they do deserve special treatment.


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Re: Leeds (A) Saturday February 22nd

by Royality creeps In » 17 Feb 2020 18:07

I take it OMA will be going with his half and half scarf. :roll:

Mind you it doesn’t look like he goes to our home games :roll:

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Re: Leeds (A) Saturday February 22nd

by Simmops » 17 Feb 2020 20:31

Royality creeps In I take it OMA will be going with his half and half scarf. :roll:

Mind you it doesn’t look like he goes to our home games :roll:

He doesn't. I know this for a fact.

Old Man Andrews

Re: Leeds (A) Saturday February 22nd

by Old Man Andrews » 17 Feb 2020 21:10

Royality creeps In I take it OMA will be going with his half and half scarf. :roll:

Mind you it doesn’t look like he goes to our home games :roll:

I haven't missed a home game in about 7 years. Try again.

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Re: Leeds (A) Saturday February 22nd

by Jagermesiter1871 » 17 Feb 2020 21:20

Old Man Andrews
Royality creeps In I take it OMA will be going with his half and half scarf. :roll:

Mind you it doesn’t look like he goes to our home games :roll:

I haven't missed a home game in about 7 years. Try again.

Why do you waste your time watching Reading when you could be watching the mighty Leeds United? Plastic.

Old Man Andrews

Re: Leeds (A) Saturday February 22nd

by Old Man Andrews » 17 Feb 2020 21:22

Old Man Andrews
Royality creeps In I take it OMA will be going with his half and half scarf. :roll:

Mind you it doesn’t look like he goes to our home games :roll:

I haven't missed a home game in about 7 years. Try again.

Why do you waste your time watching Reading when you could be watching the mighty Leeds United? Plastic.

Because I support Reading. Hope that helps.

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Re: Leeds (A) Saturday February 22nd

by mot » 17 Feb 2020 22:28

£39 for a ticket and free travel and everyone is still moaning. Look, its a big club with a big sell out atmosphere and they play great football and you get all of this for less than £40. They have even sold out the lower tier of the away stand to Leeds fans. Its not as if Reading fans travel in numbers anyway so all those whinging wouldn't go if it was £10...... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Re: Leeds (A) Saturday February 22nd

by Elm Park Kid » 17 Feb 2020 22:40

I think that £20 would be a good gesture to recognise the effort and expense that away fans go to.

However, £25 is an acceptable price in my opinion, and should be the Championship cap.

I don't think it matters who the team is - should cost the same to watch Leeds as it does to watch Luton.

Don't forget that pretty much 100% of all additional revenue a club brings in ends up going on players wages. If you gave every Championship club £2m tomorrow then by Friday everyone's wage bill would be £2m higher (well, not literally, but you get the idea). Increasing and reducing income does not have any meaningful impact on clubs if it's done in a uniform way.

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Re: Leeds (A) Saturday February 22nd

by tidus_mi2 » 17 Feb 2020 23:01

mot £39 for a ticket and free travel and everyone is still moaning. Look, its a big club with a big sell out atmosphere and they play great football and you get all of this for less than £40. They have even sold out the lower tier of the away stand to Leeds fans. Its not as if Reading fans travel in numbers anyway so all those whinging wouldn't go if it was £10...... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I refuse out of principle, oxf*rd your club and oxf*rd you for defending shit ticket prices.

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Re: Leeds (A) Saturday February 22nd

by mot » 17 Feb 2020 23:44

Demand inflates prices, unfortunately demand to go and watch Leeds is high. Nobody here would run a business for less if demand out stripped supply. Half of Readings allocation has been sold off to home fans so in theory they are quite happy less then a thousand of you are travelling. Those not going are going to miss an awesome atmosphere and maybe even an away win. But no worries, you can save £15 and go away to Luton. You maybe the cheapest ticket in the league but you are there to support your team and that unfortunately is by putting money into0 your club, Leeds fans are more than happy to do that.

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