Season Ticket Refund?

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Season Ticket Refund?

by Schards#2 » 30 Apr 2020 10:10

Is there any suggestion that season ticket holders will be refunded for the games that will not be played or are behind closed doors?

Personally, I'd be happy to waive this but only if the players/management accept a pay cut or do their bit in some other way

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by Zip » 30 Apr 2020 10:17

I can’t see there being any refunds. Maybe a discount off next season’s ST of something like £50?
That’s of course assuming we get to have a new season.

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by Hound » 30 Apr 2020 10:20

Zip I can’t see there being any refunds. Maybe a discount off next season’s ST of something like £50?
That’s of course assuming we get to have a new season.

yeah, expect it'll be some new deal for future years rather than a refund

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by Top Flight » 30 Apr 2020 10:22

I won't be asking for a refund. The last thing the club need is more financial pressure. But I agree with Schards that the players should show some solidarity with the supporters (Bowen & Howe already have) and take a temporary financial hit as well to help the club navigate tough times. We are all in this together aren't we lads?

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by Nameless » 30 Apr 2020 12:46

Not looking for or expecting a refund.
Not even looking for anything with relation to next season.
If at some point the finances allow a gesture to be made then that would be good.
Will be very disappointed if a gesture of some kind isn’t forthcoming from the players. If one or two,players are holding up a general agreement I would hope individuals would start talking to Howe directly. I don’t want to have names made public but an announcement from the club that players are helping ease the cash flow situation would be a positive step.

Should the owners shoulder the entire financial burden ? Possibly, they are by far the wealthiest (on paper) but they have already poured huge amounts into,the club with no real likelihood of getting it back.

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by One87One » 30 Apr 2020 13:31

Schards#2 Is there any suggestion that season ticket holders will be refunded for the games that will not be played or are behind closed doors?

Personally, I'd be happy to waive this but only if the players/management accept a pay cut or do their bit in some other way

I wont be asking for one considering the wider financial difficulties each football club will now be experiencing, but I had heard one suggestion put forward was to offer season ticket renewals with half the season off, which is in effect a refund, and they secure a season ticket for next season.

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by EverHopeful » 30 Apr 2020 20:23

I don't want a refund for this year and i will be happy to pay a full value for next season to support the Club but in return, I want the Players to step up to the plate and at least take a deferral (its not as if they are giving it up forever) and also I Follow for free to follow all the games as clearly we are not going to see any live football in least we can watch something if it ever re-starts.....

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by Jagermesiter1871 » 30 Apr 2020 21:59

I want a refund. I paid for a service I'm now not getting and I don't want my hard earn income going to pay the likes of Alukos mega wages when he doesn't even have the decency to take a pay cut. Bunch of oxf*rd. I'm expected to take a hit but multi millionaires and multi million pound business can't/won't? They've already taken my tax money to furlough non-playing staff so we can pay those oxf*rd.

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by Zip » 30 Apr 2020 23:37

It’s not just about the players. It’s about the club. Our owners have also played fair with the fans since taking over. I have no problem if there is no refund.
The circumstances are entirely out of the club’s control.

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by 72 bus » 01 May 2020 01:32

Sonny aluko is presently feet up, sipping a Pina Colada and laughing his tits off at this thread

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by Nameless » 01 May 2020 09:02

Jagermesiter1871 I want a refund. I paid for a service I'm now not getting and I don't want my hard earn income going to pay the likes of Alukos mega wages when he doesn't even have the decency to take a pay cut. Bunch of oxf*rd. I'm expected to take a hit but multi millionaires and multi million pound business can't/won't? They've already taken my tax money to furlough non-playing staff so we can pay those oxf*rd.

You really think our owners haven’t been ‘taking a hit’ since they bought the club ?
Not entirely disagreeing with your sentiment but it does rather ignore the millions that they have already spent and the way they have consistently kept prices low for fans.

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by Forbury Lion » 01 May 2020 09:20

Perhaps they will consider giving ST holders free access to the iFollow online service to watch the home games from home? (although if they gave everyone access, that would mean we're paying for something that is free anyway)

At the very least, they need something in place for next season as it's a financial risk for fans effectively buy 23 match day tickets in advance (admittedly at a discount) when the games may not actually take place either because the season starts behind closed doors or we face a second lockdown (particularly if this turns into a seasonal illness) whilst waiting for a cure/vaccine. I personally will not renew right now in these uncertain times.

How may ST holders do we have? - If they have to implement social distancing we may see only ST holders permitted into the ground sat 4 seats/3 rows apart of something with no spare tickets therefore available for other fans.

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by Hound » 01 May 2020 09:37

72 bus Sonny aluko is presently feet up, sipping a Pina Colada and laughing his tits off at this thread

tbf to him, he is earning his money as much now as he has in the last 3 years

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by Nameless » 01 May 2020 12:17

Forbury Lion Perhaps they will consider giving ST holders free access to the iFollow online service to watch the home games from home? (although if they gave everyone access, that would mean we're paying for something that is free anyway)

At the very least, they need something in place for next season as it's a financial risk for fans effectively buy 23 match day tickets in advance (admittedly at a discount) when the games may not actually take place either because the season starts behind closed doors or we face a second lockdown (particularly if this turns into a seasonal illness) whilst waiting for a cure/vaccine. I personally will not renew right now in these uncertain times.

How may ST holders do we have? - If they have to implement social distancing we may see only ST holders permitted into the ground sat 4 seats/3 rows apart of something with no spare tickets therefore available for other fans.

Seating in the stadium won’t be an issue.
As it will be imposs8ble to get into the ground how you sit doesn’t even become a question.

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by Nameless » 01 May 2020 12:20

Forbury Lion Perhaps they will consider giving ST holders free access to the iFollow online service to watch the home games from home? (although if they gave everyone access, that would mean we're paying for something that is free anyway)

At the very least, they need something in place for next season as it's a financial risk for fans effectively buy 23 match day tickets in advance (admittedly at a discount) when the games may not actually take place either because the season starts behind closed doors or we face a second lockdown (particularly if this turns into a seasonal illness) whilst waiting for a cure/vaccine. I personally will not renew right now in these uncertain times.

How may ST holders do we have? - If they have to implement social distancing we may see only ST holders permitted into the ground sat 4 seats/3 rows apart of something with no spare tickets therefore available for other fans.

Obvious way to change ST is rather than take all the money upfront the money only gets taken as each game gets played, so you effectively sell 23 separate match tickets.
Not foolproof and not gre at for the club’s cash flow but might persuade more people to sign up. I agree I would be reluctant to commit to a full season currently

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by Silver Fox » 01 May 2020 15:11

72 bus Sonny aluko is presently feet up, sipping a Pina Colada and laughing his tits off at this thread

Because Jagermesiter (sic) is such a massive helmet? It certainly made me chuckle, don't know why Sone should miss out

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by paultheroyal » 01 May 2020 23:01

Season tickets for 20/21 season to be offered to existing season tickets holders at a discounted price. Think there is approximately 9500 of them. Supporters then will not have a direct choice of seating but within family member groups allocated a seat socially distanced from everyone else. Other teams are preparing for all games behind closed doors, Reading are preparing for socially distanced matches but based on 19/20 season ticket allocation.

No matchday type tickets to be made available.

Just a thought.

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by Jagermesiter1871 » 02 May 2020 00:24

Jagermesiter1871 I want a refund. I paid for a service I'm now not getting and I don't want my hard earn income going to pay the likes of Alukos mega wages when he doesn't even have the decency to take a pay cut. Bunch of oxf*rd. I'm expected to take a hit but multi millionaires and multi million pound business can't/won't? They've already taken my tax money to furlough non-playing staff so we can pay those oxf*rd.

You really think our owners haven’t been ‘taking a hit’ since they bought the club ?
Not entirely disagreeing with your sentiment but it does rather ignore the millions that they have already spent and the way they have consistently kept prices low for fans.

Yeh you're right tbf. I retract my statement. Except the Sunny Aluko stuff.

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by RoyalBlue » 02 May 2020 11:08

72 bus Sonny aluko is presently feet up, sipping a Pina Colada and laughing his tits off at this thread

Why pick on him? For all we know, he might have been one of those who already agreed to defer. The trouble is, it seems that all of the players have to agree before the club can move forward. Personally, I suspect that Charlie Adam might be one of those resisting as he seems to have been quite outspoken about football players being picked on unfairly.

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Re: Season Ticket Refund?

by RoyalBlue » 02 May 2020 11:12

It's going to come down to a question of survival for many clubs, our own included. In our case it's not because we don't have owners able and seemingly willing to dip deep into their pockets to help club and fans out. Instead it's the FFP regulations that were brought in for an entirely different set of circumstances and, even if they worked at the time (jury out), should probably be suspended for the foreseeable future.

So I don't expect/want a refund on our season tickets.

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