by karbota »
08 Aug 2020 08:40
From Despair To Where? Donald Maclean?
Guy Burgess?
Kim Philby?
Anthony Blunt?
We are so different? Something in our DNA?
We are no different to any other nation of people. You're right, it's just not cricket, it's the real world, not some sepia tinted belle epoche that never actually existed.
Its a changing world, it's evolution. Adapt, get on board and embrace change or wither in splendid isolation as the world passes you by.
Thank you for highlighting that infamous group, all left wing anti democratic Marxist traitors, and hardly your typical fair minded, tolerant, peace loving patriotic, democratic Brit.
The British as a race don't have the propensity for violence, murder, theft, cheating, corruption, nepotism, that is so rampant in foreign lands.
Gandhi said if I have to be ruled by anyone let it be the British.