Old Man AndrewsSimon's ChurchOld Man Andrews From the legendary Eddie on Twitter:
He's not gonna shag you m8
You have no idea if that is true or not. He has great taste.
Mate, he's 14.
by Pepe the Horseman » 27 Aug 2020 09:31
Old Man AndrewsSimon's ChurchOld Man Andrews From the legendary Eddie on Twitter:
He's not gonna shag you m8
You have no idea if that is true or not. He has great taste.
Pepe the HorsemanOld Man AndrewsSimon's Church He's not gonna shag you m8
You have no idea if that is true or not. He has great taste.
Mate, he's 14.
by Hound » 27 Aug 2020 09:37
Snowflake RoyalStranded From my side, am of the view that I can't change what us happening, we are a soap opera and our character is either about to win the lottery or be killed off.
Might as well enjoy the ride.
My perspective is I can't change it, but I can decide whether to be a part of it.
This is no longer the club I fell in love with and admired. It offers me very little right now, and I completely disagree with the way we operate.
by Snowflake Royal » 27 Aug 2020 09:54
HoundSnowflake RoyalStranded From my side, am of the view that I can't change what us happening, we are a soap opera and our character is either about to win the lottery or be killed off.
Might as well enjoy the ride.
My perspective is I can't change it, but I can decide whether to be a part of it.
This is no longer the club I fell in love with and admired. It offers me very little right now, and I completely disagree with the way we operate.
At the moment all we have done is moved Bowen upstairs (where it sounds like he did a good job initially) and looking to bring in a new coach. Not convinced Howe was doing a spectacularly good job anyway, but he is still involved.
Lets not jump the gun too much
by Hound » 27 Aug 2020 10:26
Old Man Andrews The superb Eddie has confirmed Ejaria will be signing a 4 year deal this morning.
by paultheroyal » 27 Aug 2020 10:27
Old Man Andrews The superb Eddie has confirmed Ejaria will be signing a 4 year deal this morning.
paultheroyalOld Man Andrews The superb Eddie has confirmed Ejaria will be signing a 4 year deal this morning.
I am loving this Eddie - love to know his links!
by Hound » 27 Aug 2020 10:39
paultheroyalOld Man Andrews The superb Eddie has confirmed Ejaria will be signing a 4 year deal this morning.
I am loving this Eddie - love to know his links!
by genome » 27 Aug 2020 10:49
Old Man AndrewspaultheroyalOld Man Andrews The superb Eddie has confirmed Ejaria will be signing a 4 year deal this morning.
I am loving this Eddie - love to know his links!
I speculated about it briefly yesterday. He has been pretty much on the ball for about 2 seasons which would indicate he knows someone on the inside who joined around that sort of time. I would guess at John O'Shea if you pressed me for a name.
by Pepe the Horseman » 27 Aug 2020 10:51
genomeOld Man Andrewspaultheroyal
I am loving this Eddie - love to know his links!
I speculated about it briefly yesterday. He has been pretty much on the ball for about 2 seasons which would indicate he knows someone on the inside who joined around that sort of time. I would guess at John O'Shea if you pressed me for a name.
He's able to name full team sheets ahead of them being announced so I guess it's someone on the coaching side. Or possibly, someone on the social media/content creation side (as they will be informed of these things early so they can whip up graphics/edit photos etc)
Cracking news about Ejaria
Pepe the HorsemangenomeOld Man Andrews I speculated about it briefly yesterday. He has been pretty much on the ball for about 2 seasons which would indicate he knows someone on the inside who joined around that sort of time. I would guess at John O'Shea if you pressed me for a name.
He's able to name full team sheets ahead of them being announced so I guess it's someone on the coaching side. Or possibly, someone on the social media/content creation side (as they will be informed of these things early so they can whip up graphics/edit photos etc)
Cracking news about Ejaria
Would rule out social media/content creation, as you'd think they'd be a bit more cautious about leaking things so they don't lose their job.
by genome » 27 Aug 2020 10:55
genome Imagine if it was Mark Bowen
by tidus_mi2 » 27 Aug 2020 11:06
by WestYorksRoyal » 27 Aug 2020 11:26
HoundpaultheroyalOld Man Andrews The superb Eddie has confirmed Ejaria will be signing a 4 year deal this morning.
I am loving this Eddie - love to know his links!
tbh Low and Friday are just openly looking at his twitter feed for news now
I am loving this Eddie - love to know his links!
tbh Low and Friday are just openly looking at his twitter feed for news now
If his link is ever revealed then it's probably all over for him. He definitely knows someone with influence in the club. Must be infuriating for Low and Friday to always be 2 steps behind some random twitter account.
by NewCorkSeth » 27 Aug 2020 11:31
Old Man AndrewsWestYorksRoyalHound
tbh Low and Friday are just openly looking at his twitter feed for news now
If his link is ever revealed then it's probably all over for him. He definitely knows someone with influence in the club. Must be infuriating for Low and Friday to always be 2 steps behind some random twitter account.
I can only assume Eddie has something in place with fake journalist Courtney Friday, the two of them seem pretty much in line with what they say. Poor old Jonathan Low is on a 3 week delay bless him.
by Hound » 27 Aug 2020 11:46
Old Man Andrewsgenome Imagine if it was Mark Bowen
It isn't a bad shout. No idea why he would want to do it though.
Hope Eddie makes a lot of money in terms of betting on certain players/managers coming in.
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