Snowflake RoyalPepe the HorsemanSnowflake Royal Dai won't get what he wants because he's a oxf*rd moron.
He speaks very highly of you, by all accounts.
Like he gives a single oxf*rd about any of us.

by Pepe the Horseman » 30 Aug 2020 10:02
Snowflake RoyalPepe the HorsemanSnowflake Royal Dai won't get what he wants because he's a oxf*rd moron.
He speaks very highly of you, by all accounts.
Like he gives a single oxf*rd about any of us.
by Sutekh » 30 Aug 2020 10:19
Snowflake RoyalPepe the HorsemanSnowflake Royal Dai won't get what he wants because he's a oxf*rd moron.
He speaks very highly of you, by all accounts.
Like he gives a single oxf*rd about any of us.
by Snowflake Royal » 30 Aug 2020 11:11
SutekhSnowflake RoyalPepe the Horseman He speaks very highly of you, by all accounts.
Like he gives a single oxf*rd about any of us.
Yeah, he cares so little that he subsidised away travel for fans last season
by Franchise FC » 30 Aug 2020 13:05
Snowflake RoyalSutekhSnowflake Royal Like he gives a single oxf*rd about any of us.
Yeah, he cares so little that he subsidised away travel for fans last season
Woo, big deal for the billionaire. Shame he doesn't care enough to make any effort to run the club properly.
by Hound » 30 Aug 2020 16:03
by muirinho » 30 Aug 2020 16:37
Hound Or kept ticket prices rock bottom, gave away Ifollow for free to season ticket holders if they wanted after lockdown, spent money on the team, subsidised 1871 at the expense of away ticket sales etc
He’s screwed up with some of the hirings but certainly he isn’t all bad
by Nameless » 30 Aug 2020 19:04
by Snowflake Royal » 30 Aug 2020 19:53
Hound Or kept ticket prices rock bottom, gave away Ifollow for free to season ticket holders if they wanted after lockdown, spent money on the team, subsidised 1871 at the expense of away ticket sales etc
He’s screwed up with some of the hirings but certainly he isn’t all bad
by From Despair To Where? » 31 Aug 2020 08:00
by Stranded » 31 Aug 2020 08:15
Snowflake RoyalHound Or kept ticket prices rock bottom, gave away Ifollow for free to season ticket holders if they wanted after lockdown, spent money on the team, subsidised 1871 at the expense of away ticket sales etc
He’s screwed up with some of the hirings but certainly he isn’t all bad
I'd challenge how much is actually him. We only hear about owner decisions on firings, hiring and sales. Loads of that is mundane day to day stuff I'd have expected Howe to have sorted out.
by Hound » 31 Aug 2020 09:11
by Nameless » 31 Aug 2020 11:34
by Snowflake Royal » 31 Aug 2020 12:51
StrandedSnowflake RoyalHound Or kept ticket prices rock bottom, gave away Ifollow for free to season ticket holders if they wanted after lockdown, spent money on the team, subsidised 1871 at the expense of away ticket sales etc
He’s screwed up with some of the hirings but certainly he isn’t all bad
I'd challenge how much is actually him. We only hear about owner decisions on firings, hiring and sales. Loads of that is mundane day to day stuff I'd have expected Howe to have sorted out.
Anything that would cost the club the level of money some of the deals fans have had would, at a bare minimum have had to been signed off by the owner - even if the idea originated from Howe. The free away travel was certainly an owner thing - it was his cash as he was paying for a service offered by the club.
You seem to be close to being in a place where everything bad is the owners fault but anything good done must have been done by someone else. It is of course perfectly reasonable to expect that the same indivduals can make errors of judgement whilst also getting other things right.
by Stranded » 31 Aug 2020 18:09
Snowflake RoyalStrandedSnowflake Royal I'd challenge how much is actually him. We only hear about owner decisions on firings, hiring and sales. Loads of that is mundane day to day stuff I'd have expected Howe to have sorted out.
Anything that would cost the club the level of money some of the deals fans have had would, at a bare minimum have had to been signed off by the owner - even if the idea originated from Howe. The free away travel was certainly an owner thing - it was his cash as he was paying for a service offered by the club.
You seem to be close to being in a place where everything bad is the owners fault but anything good done must have been done by someone else. It is of course perfectly reasonable to expect that the same indivduals can make errors of judgement whilst also getting other things right.
There's probably an element of that. I'm oxf*rd furious.
But I don't think it's only that. I don't really see the guy being involved in the day to day running. And I think it's fairly clear money doesn't mean anything to him. He seems to me to be used to just getting what he wants by throwing money at it. Yeah, maybe he does do some good stuff for the fans, but I don't see it as being particularly high value or important to him and I'm far more concerned with the consistent poor running of the club and decision making that leads to poor football, poor performance and financial problems.
I appreciate where you're coming from stranded, and there was a time when I too wanted to see everything in a positive light, but I'd say you're equally as guilty, maybe more so, of seeing only the positive and hoping for the best despite everything.
You're probably happier though, so don't change.
by morganb » 15 Sep 2020 11:41
by Nameless » 15 Sep 2020 11:51
morganb Doubt Swift will be going to Aston Villa now as -
@JackGrealish has signed a new five-year contract with Aston Villa!
by Stranded » 15 Sep 2020 12:44
by Nameless » 15 Sep 2020 13:13
Stranded Rumours north of the border that Rangers may be interested.
by morganb » 15 Oct 2020 19:43
by Chameleon » 15 Oct 2020 19:46
Reading wanted ‘more than double’ the £3.5mthat Sheffield United offered for John Swift earlier in the summer.
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