by Hendo » 12 Jul 2021 14:17
by Taffster » 12 Jul 2021 14:26
Snowflake Royal .
Unfortunately we just didn't exploit the Italian centrebacks lack of pace and got trapped in our half..
by WestYorksRoyal » 12 Jul 2021 14:33
Snowflake RoyalWestYorksRoyalSnowflake Royal They are football fans in many cases. But it's a wider societal problem.
Yes, but football seems to be the only sport where these wider societal problems surface so frequently and tarnishes our reputation. Why is it so much worse than in rugby and cricket, for example?
Where have you been the last decade? Its surfacing everywhere.
When was the last time a cricket or rugby match got 30m viewership here? Football is just bigger scale and far less middle class.
by Snowflake Royal » 12 Jul 2021 14:35
WestYorksRoyalSnowflake RoyalWestYorksRoyal Yes, but football seems to be the only sport where these wider societal problems surface so frequently and tarnishes our reputation. Why is it so much worse than in rugby and cricket, for example?
Where have you been the last decade? Its surfacing everywhere.
When was the last time a cricket or rugby match got 30m viewership here? Football is just bigger scale and far less middle class.
I just don’t think that's the right attitude. It is a big societal problem, but you can only address that by impacting what's in your power and control. Clubs control who enters their stadium, players have social media accounts and fan groups can influence what is chanted from the stands. Maybe, given football's popularity, it can drive wider societal change.
So the FA, Premier League and all the other bodies need to think more seriously about how to act instead of just releasing the occasional statement. And it needs to start with the smaller details; not just waiting until overtly racist material is posted online
by AthleticoSpizz » 12 Jul 2021 14:46
yup, top soothsaying brother.St Pauli Called it:
St PauliAthleticoSpizz Agree Wolfie, just such a shame that tales like this somewhat overshadow the game itself.
Booing National Anthems
Laser pens
Dominoes pizzas
Whatever next?
Crowd trouble. Assaults on opposition fans.
England fans haven’t had to accept defeat yet this tournament. Who knows how they’ll react with the stakes so high.
by Hendo » 12 Jul 2021 16:29
by Zip » 12 Jul 2021 16:35
I would've thought that Damsgaard should be in there.
Not 100% on Ronaldo being included
Spinazzola would be included if he didn't get injured, but well please to see Shaw included, thought he was excellent throughout.
The rest is probably fair.
by Donny Ironside » 12 Jul 2021 16:36
Snowflake RoyalZipSnowflake Royal Whilst I hate the stutter penalty, Rashford's was almost perfection. He waited and waited for their keeper and then went the other way. He just dragged it slightly. Possibly a product of barely touching the ball.
Sancho's was just plain poor. He tried the stutter, got out waited by the keeper and hit it flustered.
Saka, who has looked out of his depth since Germany after excelling in the group, had the right idea, but execution terrible. No excuses on late sub there, he'd been on long enough. But probably shouldn't have been on the list.
We (the team and Southgate) made some errors. We failed to counter the Italian change and fell deeper and deeper. And then when we did win the ball, the excellent Rice made poor decisions. Rather than turning back and retaining possession to kill the Italian momentum, he several times drove at multiple Italians and tried to thread the eye of a needle to force a goal.
In extra time, we really forced our way back in, but once again Kane looked heavy and tired. And we simply couldn't get Sterling on the ball. Yes, Grealish should have come on sooner. Sancho probably should have come on instead of Saka.
Pretty amazing performance to take the Italians to the 5th penalty with a number of mistakes against the best team in the tournament.
Unfortunately we just didn't exploit the Italian centrebacks lack of pace and got trapped in our half.
A couple of minor, but costly, errors from the manager and players in an otherwise near flawless tournament.
Shame I won't be watching the next World Cup thanks to corruption and human rights abuses.
Also, a word on England fans. The last 5 years has really brought a resurgence in the knuckledragging scum. Absolute disgrace. Should be fined into oblivion.
So it’s December 2022. England are in the World Cup Final. Are you seriously suggesting you are not watching the game?
I didn't go to a single League or Cup match for Reading after McDermott was sacked second time despite having had a season ticket for a couple years before and seeing at least one game a season since 94/95. And it being our best season for years
We'll see, but I don't think it will be that hard.
by Sanguine » 12 Jul 2021 16:45
TaffsterSnowflake Royal .
Unfortunately we just didn't exploit the Italian centrebacks lack of pace and got trapped in our half..
Such an over simplification that everyone has trotted out about the back line of Italy, the two centre back in Chiellini and Bonucci have been two of the best cb's around for years and have never had pace so to suggest that we should just "exploit" this when so many others other the years have tried and failed quite simply shows why we are fans and not professional managers.
by Royal Rother » 12 Jul 2021 16:53
by Zip » 12 Jul 2021 17:00
Royal Rother Gary Lineker insisted that England should have been braver in trying to win in normal time.
“I think going forward England have to find a way of being more attack minded,” he wrote.
“Braver in possession and throwing more people forward.
“We have the forward talent to scare teams, at present we seem scared ourselves to release that talent.”
Spot on, but the word “we” should be replaced by “he”.
by Ascotexgunner » 12 Jul 2021 17:28
Snowflake RoyalZipSnowflake Royal Whilst I hate the stutter penalty, Rashford's was almost perfection. He waited and waited for their keeper and then went the other way. He just dragged it slightly. Possibly a product of barely touching the ball.
Sancho's was just plain poor. He tried the stutter, got out waited by the keeper and hit it flustered.
Saka, who has looked out of his depth since Germany after excelling in the group, had the right idea, but execution terrible. No excuses on late sub there, he'd been on long enough. But probably shouldn't have been on the list.
We (the team and Southgate) made some errors. We failed to counter the Italian change and fell deeper and deeper. And then when we did win the ball, the excellent Rice made poor decisions. Rather than turning back and retaining possession to kill the Italian momentum, he several times drove at multiple Italians and tried to thread the eye of a needle to force a goal.
In extra time, we really forced our way back in, but once again Kane looked heavy and tired. And we simply couldn't get Sterling on the ball. Yes, Grealish should have come on sooner. Sancho probably should have come on instead of Saka.
Pretty amazing performance to take the Italians to the 5th penalty with a number of mistakes against the best team in the tournament.
Unfortunately we just didn't exploit the Italian centrebacks lack of pace and got trapped in our half.
A couple of minor, but costly, errors from the manager and players in an otherwise near flawless tournament.
Shame I won't be watching the next World Cup thanks to corruption and human rights abuses.
Also, a word on England fans. The last 5 years has really brought a resurgence in the knuckledragging scum. Absolute disgrace. Should be fined into oblivion.
So it’s December 2022. England are in the World Cup Final. Are you seriously suggesting you are not watching the game?
I didn't go to a single League or Cup match for Reading after McDermott was sacked second time despite having had a season ticket for a couple years before and seeing at least one game a season since 94/95. And it being our best season for years
We'll see, but I don't think it will be that hard.
by Snowflake Royal » 12 Jul 2021 18:48
ZipRoyal Rother Gary Lineker insisted that England should have been braver in trying to win in normal time.
“I think going forward England have to find a way of being more attack minded,” he wrote.
“Braver in possession and throwing more people forward.
“We have the forward talent to scare teams, at present we seem scared ourselves to release that talent.”
Spot on, but the word “we” should be replaced by “he”.
He was cautious but it worked right the way through the tournament. Just felt in the first half last night they should have gone for it as the Italians were rattled. Lessons to be learnt.
by Rfc_suzannah » 12 Jul 2021 19:22
by BR0B0T » 12 Jul 2021 19:34
by Zip » 12 Jul 2021 19:37
Rfc_suzannah Wow, what a night, Absolutely gutted by the result, but certainly an experience I won't forget.
There was a lot of people on the same underground train as me to Wembley that didn't have tickets and were going to "chance" getting in.
Arrived at the stadium at about 17.30, Wembley way was an absolute nightmare to even get down. Upon arrival at the stadium, got held outside the turnstiles as it was in lockdown and they were trying to get fans with fake tickets out. Got in about 18.00. It very quickly became clear that there was way more than the maximum allowed capacity as fans were arguing over seats. Ended up standing the whole game, thankfully my row wasn't oversubscribed. The stairs were lined with fans, bloke a couple rows in front was swigging out of a litre bottle of Jack Daniels, fans behind all had cans of fosters, and the stewards did absolutely nothing. After the game a 19 year old lad was bragging to me that he'd got in, evaded the stewards who tried to throw him out, and watched the whole game. He said he also did it at the game against Scotland.
I've never felt unsafe at a match before, but it is worrying that so many managed to get in, luckily it didn't turn nasty around me, but I don't think it would have taken a lot. A chav in front of me stood on the chair just as England were lining up a free kick in front of us, so I pushed him off, think if I was a bloke, I would have got punched!!
It's embarrasing to be associated with England fans, and I am not sure I want to go to another game in a hurry. Mini Wiz wants to go to an England game so I'll take her to see the Lionesses.
by Snowflake Royal » 12 Jul 2021 19:57
ZipRfc_suzannah Wow, what a night, Absolutely gutted by the result, but certainly an experience I won't forget.
There was a lot of people on the same underground train as me to Wembley that didn't have tickets and were going to "chance" getting in.
Arrived at the stadium at about 17.30, Wembley way was an absolute nightmare to even get down. Upon arrival at the stadium, got held outside the turnstiles as it was in lockdown and they were trying to get fans with fake tickets out. Got in about 18.00. It very quickly became clear that there was way more than the maximum allowed capacity as fans were arguing over seats. Ended up standing the whole game, thankfully my row wasn't oversubscribed. The stairs were lined with fans, bloke a couple rows in front was swigging out of a litre bottle of Jack Daniels, fans behind all had cans of fosters, and the stewards did absolutely nothing. After the game a 19 year old lad was bragging to me that he'd got in, evaded the stewards who tried to throw him out, and watched the whole game. He said he also did it at the game against Scotland.
I've never felt unsafe at a match before, but it is worrying that so many managed to get in, luckily it didn't turn nasty around me, but I don't think it would have taken a lot. A chav in front of me stood on the chair just as England were lining up a free kick in front of us, so I pushed him off, think if I was a bloke, I would have got punched!!
It's embarrasing to be associated with England fans, and I am not sure I want to go to another game in a hurry. Mini Wiz wants to go to an England game so I'll take her to see the Lionesses.
What a shame the thugs spoilt what should have been something really special for you. Hard to believe they were able to rush the stewards and get in.
by fartdad » 12 Jul 2021 20:29
Rfc_suzannah Wow, what a night, Absolutely gutted by the result, but certainly an experience I won't forget.
There was a lot of people on the same underground train as me to Wembley that didn't have tickets and were going to "chance" getting in.
Arrived at the stadium at about 17.30, Wembley way was an absolute nightmare to even get down. Upon arrival at the stadium, got held outside the turnstiles as it was in lockdown and they were trying to get fans with fake tickets out. Got in about 18.00. It very quickly became clear that there was way more than the maximum allowed capacity as fans were arguing over seats. Ended up standing the whole game, thankfully my row wasn't oversubscribed. The stairs were lined with fans, bloke a couple rows in front was swigging out of a litre bottle of Jack Daniels, fans behind all had cans of fosters, and the stewards did absolutely nothing. After the game a 19 year old lad was bragging to me that he'd got in, evaded the stewards who tried to throw him out, and watched the whole game. He said he also did it at the game against Scotland.
I've never felt unsafe at a match before, but it is worrying that so many managed to get in, luckily it didn't turn nasty around me, but I don't think it would have taken a lot. A chav in front of me stood on the chair just as England were lining up a free kick in front of us, so I pushed him off, think if I was a bloke, I would have got punched!!
It's embarrasing to be associated with England fans, and I am not sure I want to go to another game in a hurry. Mini Wiz wants to go to an England game so I'll take her to see the Lionesses.
by Royal Rother » 12 Jul 2021 21:55
Snowflake RoyalZipRoyal Rother Gary Lineker insisted that England should have been braver in trying to win in normal time.
“I think going forward England have to find a way of being more attack minded,” he wrote.
“Braver in possession and throwing more people forward.
“We have the forward talent to scare teams, at present we seem scared ourselves to release that talent.”
Spot on, but the word “we” should be replaced by “he”.
He was cautious but it worked right the way through the tournament. Just felt in the first half last night they should have gone for it as the Italians were rattled. Lessons to be learnt.
I'm sure it wasn't Gareth's game plan to sit around our 18 yard box and waste every scrap of possession we had. He let the players down a bit by not adapting and changing it to counter Italy's growing confidence. The team let him down by retreating into their shell and panicking every time they got the ball.
The lack of experience on the pitch told. The players could have sorted out the problem themselves and tried to play more to the original strategy. But they didn't. And Southgate could have done more to force that fix on the pitch with subs, but he didn't.
Trying to blame Southgate as the cause of the problem, is just trying to find a scapegoat. We know what Rother's position has been from the start. Sterling, Southgate and the style hasn't been good enough for him at any point. So I think we can just dismiss his criticisms of someone disgruntled finally able to find fault to push their transparent agenda
by NathStPaul » 12 Jul 2021 22:06
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