by Westwood52 » 13 Aug 2021 15:36
RG30 Concussion sub
Westwood52RG30 Concussion sub
I see trouble ahead on the concussion subs.Who decides ?
NamelessWestwood52RG30 Concussion sub
I see trouble ahead on the concussion subs.Who decides ?
The pink rabbit in the corner....
RG30 Concussion sub
by Snowflake Royal » 13 Aug 2021 18:40
by Franchise FC » 13 Aug 2021 21:06
Snowflake Royal TBH, I'd be up for infinite subs for injury.
But you have to provide a medical report to support the sub post game with penalties for being unable to do so or it not showing a significant injury.
Also can't be used if the player entered the game with an existing injury if its related.
by Snowflake Royal » 14 Aug 2021 10:01
Franchise FCSnowflake Royal TBH, I'd be up for infinite subs for injury.
But you have to provide a medical report to support the sub post game with penalties for being unable to do so or it not showing a significant injury.
Also can't be used if the player entered the game with an existing injury if its related.
Really ?
How on earth are you going to set penalties ?
Let’s make the game infinitely more complicated
SutekhRG30 Concussion sub
Utterly farcical. Wonder what idiot came up with that stupid idea.
by The Royal Forester » 14 Aug 2021 12:31
If the referee stops a match for a potential concussion injury to a player, the medical staff of that player’s team will enter the field of play to make an assessment while the tunnel doctor will review video footage of the incident.
The team doctor will have as much time as is required to make an on-pitch clinical assessment of the player.
If there are clear symptoms of concussion, or the video provides clear evidence of concussion, the team will be permitted to apply to replace the player with an additional permanent concussion substitution.
The substituted player will not be allowed to return to the field of play.
by Forbury Lion » 16 Aug 2021 15:52
Someone who had a bump on the head and wasn't thinking straight?SutekhRG30 Concussion sub
Utterly farcical. Wonder what idiot came up with that stupid idea.
by linkenholtroyal » 16 Aug 2021 18:10
Forbury LionSomeone who had a bump on the head and wasn't thinking straight?SutekhRG30 Concussion sub
Utterly farcical. Wonder what idiot came up with that stupid idea.
Sutekh Can find naff all info on this type of substitution, all the articles I can see online are about the Premier League’s use of them nothing in relation to the FL but then we know that to mainstream media only the PL exists so it’s probably not a surprise.
Anyway this is how they were working when the PL used them last season…If the referee stops a match for a potential concussion injury to a player, the medical staff of that player’s team will enter the field of play to make an assessment while the tunnel doctor will review video footage of the incident.
The team doctor will have as much time as is required to make an on-pitch clinical assessment of the player.
If there are clear symptoms of concussion, or the video provides clear evidence of concussion, the team will be permitted to apply to replace the player with an additional permanent concussion substitution.
The substituted player will not be allowed to return to the field of play.
Teams are apparently allowed 2 such substitutes in addition to the normal 3, can find nothing about a player feigning if the team want to make another sub but then doesn’t the league recommend a 10 day gap between games for cincussed players or something?
Just seems so patently ludicrous to have such a substitution. If you’re allowed 3 subs that should be it.
Sutekh Can find naff all info on this type of substitution, all the articles I can see online are about the Premier League’s use of them nothing in relation to the FL but then we know that to mainstream media only the PL exists so it’s probably not a surprise.
Anyway this is how they were working when the PL used them last season…If the referee stops a match for a potential concussion injury to a player, the medical staff of that player’s team will enter the field of play to make an assessment while the tunnel doctor will review video footage of the incident.
The team doctor will have as much time as is required to make an on-pitch clinical assessment of the player.
If there are clear symptoms of concussion, or the video provides clear evidence of concussion, the team will be permitted to apply to replace the player with an additional permanent concussion substitution.
The substituted player will not be allowed to return to the field of play.
Teams are apparently allowed 2 such substitutes in addition to the normal 3, can find nothing about a player feigning if the team want to make another sub but then doesn’t the league recommend a 10 day gap between games for cincussed players or something?
Just seems so patently ludicrous to have such a substitution. If you’re allowed 3 subs that should be it.
In addition to the three substitutions permitted by Regulation 33.4.1, each Club shall
also be permitted to utilise up to two ‘concussion substitutes’ and/or two ‘additional
substitutes’ (as appropriate) from those substitutes listed on the Team Sheet, strictly in
accordance with the provisions of the International Football Association Board’s
‘Additional permanent concussion substitutes – Protocol B’ (‘IFAB Protocol’) and any
associated guidance issued by the League. Each Club must provide the League with
such information as is necessary to ensure compliance with the IFAB Protocol in
respect of any ‘concussion substitute’ made within 10 days of receiving such a request
from the League.
by Lower West » 16 Aug 2021 21:24
The Royal Forester When concussion subs were being trialed last season, the opposition team were allowed to make a fourth sub at any time. Has this part of the new rules been dropped? Or did Reading miss out by not bringing on a fourth sub?
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