by The Royal Forester » 16 Jan 2022 15:01
by SCIAG » 16 Jan 2022 15:14
Snowflake Royal Moore couldn't really do anything but play injured party after that statement to be fair.
They've basically said he's a gutless money grubbing ingrate.
I mean, he is... but even I wouldn't say that in a statement.
After considerable discussions over several months between Liam Moore and Veljko Paunovic, a difficult decision has been made to appoint a new club captain. The club is going through a challenging time, both financially and on the pitch.
Liam's career has not progressed as he had hoped, and neither has the club's fortunes. Both parties agree it is time for a change and fresh start. With both the club and Liam looking at his future options elsewhere, it is not ideal for Liam to continue to lead the players, when his focus cannot be 100% on Reading FC.
We would like to join our fans in thanking Liam for all his hard work, and dedication over the years. We know he will continue to contribute his best when called upon, and be an influential figure in the squad.
Yadda yadda. I mean yeah it's fairly transparent there's a much bigger issue at play, but at least there's a degree of professionalism to the lie.
We just come across as a petty and vindicative jilted spouse with our actual statement.
by SCIAG » 16 Jan 2022 15:15
The Royal Forester Just how long has things been "brewing"? Bowen wanted Moore gone before he went himself, do we know why Bowen tried to get rid? Pauno came in and kept Moore as Captain. Moore used to make statements on behalf of the players and club, but they seem to have dried up for a few months now. If the rumours are true, is the fact that Clarke has not been seen on the pitch lately, anything to do with this dispute?
by The Royal Forester » 16 Jan 2022 15:30
SCIAGThe Royal Forester Just how long has things been "brewing"? Bowen wanted Moore gone before he went himself, do we know why Bowen tried to get rid? Pauno came in and kept Moore as Captain. Moore used to make statements on behalf of the players and club, but they seem to have dried up for a few months now. If the rumours are true, is the fact that Clarke has not been seen on the pitch lately, anything to do with this dispute?
Didn't Clarke stop playing roughly when we got Carroll in?
by Millsy » 16 Jan 2022 15:33
The Royal Forester Just how long has things been "brewing"? Bowen wanted Moore gone before he went himself, do we know why Bowen tried to get rid? Pauno came in and kept Moore as Captain. Moore used to make statements on behalf of the players and club, but they seem to have dried up for a few months now. If the rumours are true, is the fact that Clarke has not been seen on the pitch lately, anything to do with this dispute?
by Uke » 16 Jan 2022 15:43
The Royal ForesterSCIAGThe Royal Forester Just how long has things been "brewing"? Bowen wanted Moore gone before he went himself, do we know why Bowen tried to get rid? Pauno came in and kept Moore as Captain. Moore used to make statements on behalf of the players and club, but they seem to have dried up for a few months now. If the rumours are true, is the fact that Clarke has not been seen on the pitch lately, anything to do with this dispute?
Didn't Clarke stop playing roughly when we got Carroll in?
Maybe, but he has been on the bench after his injury, but other ineffectual forwards have been brought on (including Puscas) instead of him.
by King Cnut » 16 Jan 2022 18:12
by Snowflake Royal » 16 Jan 2022 18:29
King Cnut Let’s hope it doesn’t turn into a Gunter/ McCleary situation and Moore’s shoved out to under 9s. He deserves respect for what he’s brought to the club.
by Zip » 16 Jan 2022 19:05
Snowflake RoyalKing Cnut Let’s hope it doesn’t turn into a Gunter/ McCleary situation and Moore’s shoved out to under 9s. He deserves respect for what he’s brought to the club.
I'm not sure respect is what you usually give someone who has brought disharmony, failure and financial ruin.
by Snowflake Royal » 16 Jan 2022 19:06
ZipSnowflake RoyalKing Cnut Let’s hope it doesn’t turn into a Gunter/ McCleary situation and Moore’s shoved out to under 9s. He deserves respect for what he’s brought to the club.
I'm not sure respect is what you usually give someone who has brought disharmony, failure and financial ruin.
You can blame Moore for many things but certainly not financial ruin. As a club Reading FC have brought that on themselves.
by Barney » 16 Jan 2022 19:06
Simmops Anybody still saying support the club is clueless and the reason why nothing will change.
The time for a boycott is now.
by Zip » 16 Jan 2022 19:08
Snowflake RoyalZipSnowflake Royal I'm not sure respect is what you usually give someone who has brought disharmony, failure and financial ruin.
You can blame Moore for many things but certainly not financial ruin. As a club Reading FC have brought that on themselves.
I most certainly can. We didn’t force him to take an enormous wage for 4 years. There's no way we just gave him loads more than he wanted. He negotiated that salary.
by Royals and Racers » 16 Jan 2022 19:09
Snowflake RoyalZipSnowflake Royal I'm not sure respect is what you usually give someone who has brought disharmony, failure and financial ruin.
You can blame Moore for many things but certainly not financial ruin. As a club Reading FC have brought that on themselves.
I most certainly can. We didn’t force him to take an enormous wage for 4 years. There's no way we just gave him loads more than he wanted. He negotiated that salary.
by Snowflake Royal » 16 Jan 2022 19:10
ZipSnowflake RoyalZip
You can blame Moore for many things but certainly not financial ruin. As a club Reading FC have brought that on themselves.
I most certainly can. We didn’t force him to take an enormous wage for 4 years. There's no way we just gave him loads more than he wanted. He negotiated that salary.
Of course he did. We didn’t have to give it to him though did we?
Had we been sensibly run we would have let him go. We weren’t. Don’t blame him for getting the best deal he could.
The financial ruin was entirely self inflicted.,
by Snowflake Royal » 16 Jan 2022 19:13
Royals and RacersSnowflake RoyalZip
You can blame Moore for many things but certainly not financial ruin. As a club Reading FC have brought that on themselves.
I most certainly can. We didn’t force him to take an enormous wage for 4 years. There's no way we just gave him loads more than he wanted. He negotiated that salary.
24000 posts and you are still talking cr&p.
by Zip » 16 Jan 2022 19:15
Snowflake RoyalZipSnowflake Royal I most certainly can. We didn’t force him to take an enormous wage for 4 years. There's no way we just gave him loads more than he wanted. He negotiated that salary.
Of course he did. We didn’t have to give it to him though did we?
Had we been sensibly run we would have let him go. We weren’t. Don’t blame him for getting the best deal he could.
The financial ruin was entirely self inflicted.,
You'll notice I've never not also blamed the club management. Or said he was exclusively to blame.
by Zip » 16 Jan 2022 19:17
BarneySimmops Anybody still saying support the club is clueless and the reason why nothing will change.
The time for a boycott is now.
I assume you are having a pop at me, as it was me that said you should still support your club.
If you want to boycott. DO IT. Don't go looking for help. JUST DO IT. My preference is to pop along Wednesday and Saturday,
probably drink too much before the game, but get behind my club. You do what you want to do...just don't call me clueless.
by NathStPaul » 16 Jan 2022 19:18
Snowflake RoyalZipSnowflake Royal I'm not sure respect is what you usually give someone who has brought disharmony, failure and financial ruin.
You can blame Moore for many things but certainly not financial ruin. As a club Reading FC have brought that on themselves.
I most certainly can. We didn’t force him to take an enormous wage for 4 years. There's no way we just gave him loads more than he wanted. He negotiated that salary.
by Royals and Racers » 16 Jan 2022 19:19
Snowflake RoyalRoyals and RacersSnowflake Royal I most certainly can. We didn’t force him to take an enormous wage for 4 years. There's no way we just gave him loads more than he wanted. He negotiated that salary.
24000 posts and you are still talking cr&p.
But it's varied, unlike your moaning about the club not publicising youth games.
by Simmops » 16 Jan 2022 19:31
BarneySimmops Anybody still saying support the club is clueless and the reason why nothing will change.
The time for a boycott is now.
I assume you are having a pop at me, as it was me that said you should still support your club.
If you want to boycott. DO IT. Don't go looking for help. JUST DO IT. My preference is to pop along Wednesday and Saturday,
probably drink too much before the game, but get behind my club. You do what you want to do...just don't call me clueless.
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