by OldBiscuit » 29 Jan 2022 21:46
by tidus_mi2 » 29 Jan 2022 21:55
OldBiscuit The traditional protest is to boycott the games, but that’s not popular with season ticket holders.
So long as fans buy in, the longer they’ll keep serving up the same.
by Pepe the Horseman » 29 Jan 2022 21:58
AthleticoSpizz Lol
by Snowflake Royal » 29 Jan 2022 22:03
OldBiscuit The traditional protest is to boycott the games, but that’s not popular with season ticket holders.
So long as fans buy in, the longer they’ll keep serving up the same.
by Lower West » 29 Jan 2022 22:28
Snowflake RoyalOldBiscuit The traditional protest is to boycott the games, but that’s not popular with season ticket holders.
So long as fans buy in, the longer they’ll keep serving up the same.
From the look of the crowds there's plenty of season ticket holders who've stopped going.
by windermereROYAL » 29 Jan 2022 22:52
Lower WestSnowflake RoyalOldBiscuit The traditional protest is to boycott the games, but that’s not popular with season ticket holders.
So long as fans buy in, the longer they’ll keep serving up the same.
From the look of the crowds there's plenty of season ticket holders who've stopped going.
Yep. With the increased cost of petrol and ridiculous catering prices at the ground amongst other things. Cannot be bothered. The accumulation of the past few seasons has finally worn me down. Wander over the road now and watch a club rebuild itself literally from bottom up. The owner doesn't sit in the Directors box to watch the game, but stands in the cheap seats (with his minder) . Totally accessible to the fans. The vision is clear. Start of the season was only 6 first team players on the books. An odd ball collection of free transfers and loanees has subsequently been melded into team. There's a monthly briefing by the CEO to the press. Covers all aspects. From legal proceedings, to stadium plans, players, current debt situation. The transparency is a breathe of fresh air. There's a reconnection to the community. Fans are happy as long as the players give a 100% on the pitch. There's an understanding that the project is long term. Better to have a club than none at all. Puts into clear perspective why Reading are never going to succeed under the current regime.
by Brogue » 29 Jan 2022 22:54
windermereROYALLower WestSnowflake Royal From the look of the crowds there's plenty of season ticket holders who've stopped going.
Yep. With the increased cost of petrol and ridiculous catering prices at the ground amongst other things. Cannot be bothered. The accumulation of the past few seasons has finally worn me down. Wander over the road now and watch a club rebuild itself literally from bottom up. The owner doesn't sit in the Directors box to watch the game, but stands in the cheap seats (with his minder) . Totally accessible to the fans. The vision is clear. Start of the season was only 6 first team players on the books. An odd ball collection of free transfers and loanees has subsequently been melded into team. There's a monthly briefing by the CEO to the press. Covers all aspects. From legal proceedings, to stadium plans, players, current debt situation. The transparency is a breathe of fresh air. There's a reconnection to the community. Fans are happy as long as the players give a 100% on the pitch. There's an understanding that the project is long term. Better to have a club than none at all. Puts into clear perspective why Reading are never going to succeed under the current regime.
What club would that be?
by Lower West » 29 Jan 2022 23:00
windermereROYALLower WestSnowflake Royal From the look of the crowds there's plenty of season ticket holders who've stopped going.
Yep. With the increased cost of petrol and ridiculous catering prices at the ground amongst other things. Cannot be bothered. The accumulation of the past few seasons has finally worn me down. Wander over the road now and watch a club rebuild itself literally from bottom up. The owner doesn't sit in the Directors box to watch the game, but stands in the cheap seats (with his minder) . Totally accessible to the fans. The vision is clear. Start of the season was only 6 first team players on the books. An odd ball collection of free transfers and loanees has subsequently been melded into team. There's a monthly briefing by the CEO to the press. Covers all aspects. From legal proceedings, to stadium plans, players, current debt situation. The transparency is a breathe of fresh air. There's a reconnection to the community. Fans are happy as long as the players give a 100% on the pitch. There's an understanding that the project is long term. Better to have a club than none at all. Puts into clear perspective why Reading are never going to succeed under the current regime.
What club would that be?
by Zip » 30 Jan 2022 00:10
by JR » 30 Jan 2022 00:10
by AthleticoSpizz » 30 Jan 2022 00:17
by bcubed » 30 Jan 2022 00:52
by Jackson Corner » 30 Jan 2022 01:56
by windermereROYAL » 30 Jan 2022 09:26
by Simmops » 30 Jan 2022 09:38
AthleticoSpizz But ‘DD’ not only attends Reading games, but also plays (himself) “at a high level” on a Saturday afternoon….he’s a gifted kid
by The Green Programme » 30 Jan 2022 10:07
BroguewindermereROYALLower West
Yep. With the increased cost of petrol and ridiculous catering prices at the ground amongst other things. Cannot be bothered. The accumulation of the past few seasons has finally worn me down. Wander over the road now and watch a club rebuild itself literally from bottom up. The owner doesn't sit in the Directors box to watch the game, but stands in the cheap seats (with his minder) . Totally accessible to the fans. The vision is clear. Start of the season was only 6 first team players on the books. An odd ball collection of free transfers and loanees has subsequently been melded into team. There's a monthly briefing by the CEO to the press. Covers all aspects. From legal proceedings, to stadium plans, players, current debt situation. The transparency is a breathe of fresh air. There's a reconnection to the community. Fans are happy as long as the players give a 100% on the pitch. There's an understanding that the project is long term. Better to have a club than none at all. Puts into clear perspective why Reading are never going to succeed under the current regime.
What club would that be?
Woodley hammers
by karbota » 30 Jan 2022 10:11
SimmopsAthleticoSpizz But ‘DD’ not only attends Reading games, but also plays (himself) “at a high level” on a Saturday afternoon….he’s a gifted kid
I don't go to many games now
I play sussex Saturday league which is known for being the hardest and best in all football that isn't pro or semi. But I'm injured so just not good now.
by blythspartan » 30 Jan 2022 10:16
by windermereROYAL » 30 Jan 2022 10:28
blythspartan Didn’t go to the game but paid £2.50 to listen to commentary and apart from the first 10 minutes it was painful. I won’t be bothering again this season if Pauno stays. I am resigned to the fact we’re going down as we have a oxf*rd clueless manager.
I thought Tim had a good idea about asking someone like Morrison to take over the role as manager/leader. Surely, that can’t be worse than the current shambles.
by Simmops » 30 Jan 2022 10:39
karbotaSimmopsAthleticoSpizz But ‘DD’ not only attends Reading games, but also plays (himself) “at a high level” on a Saturday afternoon….he’s a gifted kid
I don't go to many games now
I play sussex Saturday league which is known for being the hardest and best in all football that isn't pro or semi. But I'm injured so just not good now.
Head injury?.
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