The Non - League thread

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Re: The Non - League thread

by Sutekh » 13 Jun 2022 19:20

Royal Rother
NathStPaul Bracknell Town win the league.

Now the hard work begins.

Bracknell Council rejects football club's development plan

Looks like there’s some unanticipated work to do - a cynic might suggest that KSB didn’t grease the right palms.

Surely this has been an absolutely key element of his vision right from the get-go? Must be a right kick in the balls for him.

Plans to develop on the former ground of Bracknell Town FC were rejected at last night's planning meeting.

The proposal, which was widely expected to pass due to having officers' recommendation approval, was quashed as Bracknell Forest Councillors voted against the motion by eleven votes to one, with one abstention.

Had it been approved, the plan would have seen the current dwelling and sports building on Larges Lane demolished and replaced by 126 apartments and 167 parking spaces.

Key reasons for the objections included the parking situation, the loss of a stadium, issues around drainage and the lack of trees in the plan.

The executive member for adult services, health and housing, Councillor Dale Birch, said: “I recognise that it is an allocated site, I recognise also that it is a sustainable location. But there my positive comments must end.

“This is an absolute travesty of over development in an area that is very sensitive.”

The issue of parking was raised continually throughout the meeting, the consensus being that the number of spaces allocated fell short of the parking provision as part of new developments.

The vice-chairman of the planning committee, Councillor Michael Brossard, said: “If you use the number of one, two and three bedroom apartments, the requirement is actually for 233 spaces against the 167 that are proposed.”

The committee also raised concerns about a lack of allocated parking spaces. The development site is situated close to St Joseph’s Primary School, where there have already been complaints by residents of traffic congestion and inadequate parking.

Councillor Paul Bidwell said: “The traffic when I’ve gone to Larges Lane, at all times, has been awful and to have unallocated parking is going to lead to rioting.

“We already have stories across the borough of people getting into fist fights because of people taking their parking space.”

The application was submitted by Bracknell Town FC who saw the plans as “crucial” to enhance the facilities and community football in the area.

The club’s chairman and CEO, Kayne Steinborn-Busse, said: “That decision last night will rock Bracknell Town to the core. What they have done will put [the club] on the brink of extinction.

“They declined to come and look at the sites […] they didn’t have any comprehension of the project.”

When the council goes against an officer's recommendation in a virtual meeting it must be confirmed at a physical meeting. However, that is now likely to be refused based on the committee vote.

“We will be appealing, however the appeals process takes 12 months and it will cost us £50-100k,” said Steinborn-Busse.

The club won the Isthmian League South-Central Division title on Saturday and will now be promoted to the non-league pyramid.

“We now have to spend money that could be going on our children's provision for education and sport within our group,” said Steinborn-Busse.

“We are going to spend it on barristers because a group of councillors didn’t come and look at the project. It’s scandalous,” he said.

Well they better bloody sort it out because going up a division and an increase in crowds will be a nightmare down at Sandhurst as the parking is no where near what's needed

Believe this now sorted and slightly amended plans have now been approved by Bracknell Forest.

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Re: The Non - League thread

by Royal Rother » 17 Jun 2022 14:37

It’s long, but well worth reading!! :shock: :D


17th June 2022 by
Further to the Staines Town Football Club (STFC) statement that was made towards the end of March 2022 in regard of Downing LLP, the UK based investment fund that controls and funds the operation of STFC’s landlord, The Thames Club, STFC have had to make several difficult decisions in regard of the overall situation and future of the club.

As many of you will be aware, the club’s statement back in March 2022, attracted widespread attention from the world’s media and STFC received overwhelming global support for the strong stance that it took, from people and official bodies from as far afield as a classroom full of schoolkids in Botswana to the residents of a care home in Maentwrog.

You will remember that we regretfully had to announce that further to third party breaches of The Modern Slavery Act 2015, the club was forced to suspend all fixtures at its home stadium at Wheatsheaf Park and had to finish the balance of matches elsewhere, thanks to the goodwill of neighbouring clubs.

Our actions, as a full member of The English Football Association (The FA), were compliant and fully concurred with The FA’s statement on Slavery and Human Trafficking which adhered to The Modern Slavery Act 2015 and one which had been adopted by all other National Football Association’s within the United Kingdom, as well as its major member clubs.

STFC had been provided with vast amounts of evidence, that Downing LLP, were involved through some of its holdings, in the financing of Environmental Crimes, Price Fixing, Deforestation, Forced Evictions, Human Rights Abuses, Child Labour, Slavery, Gender Discrimination and Murder.

Further to that abhorrence, STFC had also been made aware, again via substantive and vast evidence, that Downing LLP were involved through its other holdings, in the financing of large scale bribery and corruption, namely in the funding of a Swiss Bank with International operations, that had been found guilty in the United States Federal Court of Law of conspiring to launder over $36 million USD in bribes to officials within the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) and other football federations. These bribes were in furtherance of a scheme in which sports marketing companies bribed football officials in exchange for broadcasting rights to football matches.

Following our actions and the serious red flags that we had raised in regard to Downing LLP, STFC asked several bodies of significant influence including The FA, The Isthmian League and Spelthorne Borough Council for their support, advice and instruction. Despite numerous amounts of communication from us to all of these bodies in relation to this extremely serious matter, not one of them has had the morality or decency to offer STFC the courtesy of a proper reply. They have, it would appear, hidden once more behind their keyboards and decided to take the easy route out, which is to bury their heads in the sand and pretend that none of the abhorrent crimes we have highlighted, have actually happened, nor do they actually matter.

For the record, various members of The UK Government along with Member of Parliament for Staines-Upon-Thames and Secretary of State for Business, Mr Kwasi Kwarteng, have also flagrantly ignored these matters. Although Mr Kwarteng, says he represents the interests of all of his constituents, nothing he has done in regard of STFC’s sufferance at the outrageous hands of Downing LLP, has shown us anything of the sort. In short, Mr Kwarteng, as the clubs MP, has sat idle. We note that this avoidance of STFC and the incredibly serious matters we have brought to his attention, have not prevented Mr Kwarteng from attending several business meetings and functions at The Thames Club during our tenure, many of which were attended by senior management of Downing LLP’s funded entity.

The FA in particular, as the ruling body of English Football, should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves given that for many years their organisation has purported that it ,‘Stands alongside clubs and all those who have come together to reject racism and to show support for the message. We’ll continue to stand firm against all types of discrimination.’ Maybe STFC have missed something as a club but seeing as though The FA have done absolutely nothing in regard of the serious situation that STFC has found itself in, their words are extremely hollow and appear to be nothing more than their latest attempt at virtue signalling. Given the complete gravity of the situation that the FA have wilfully and blatantly ignored, it is apparent that that the old school tie network is still well and truly alive and kicking in many of the UK’s corridors of power.

For the record, for Downing LLP’s part, despite their risible statements that were solely intended to deflect culpability away from themselves, they have never followed up on their continual and bullying threats of taking legal action against STFC for defamation and all else. Further to this, STFC officially informed Downing LLP and also placed on the public record, that STFC welcomed court action, so the world could see exactly where the truth lay regarding the damning statements that STFC had made about Downing LLP. Unsurprisingly, Downing LLP were once more found to be bluffing and their vacuous threats have long since evaporated, sadly, much like the lives of the many who have suffered via their continued funding.

Downing LLP remain as the funders and owners of STFC’s landlord, The Thames Club and as we had very clearly stated in March, that until absolute resolution was guaranteed in regard of the crimes being committed, STFC would not, and could not go back to Wheatsheaf Park to play beneath the bloodied shadow of the profits of slavery, child abuse and all else.

Unfortunately, nothing has happened since then to have changed the minds of the club’s ownership on this. There has not been any affirmative action or pressure from any government officials or football authorities against Downing LLP, nor has there even been an apology or an attempt at reparation from any of the guilty parties to a single one of their victims. This is completely disgraceful on all counts.

That being the case, with no home stadium to play matches in and hence, no incoming revenue whatsoever, the owners of STFC set about passing on the baton to other parties. Several members of the STFC Supporters Club had previously made suggestions of STFC being a fan owned club, so we made contact with them and offered them the chance to take over the running of the club. They were given a first and exclusive option to acquire the club based on two flexible structures including one in which it was confirmed to them that should they take over, the football club would be completely free and clear of any liabilities, outstanding debts or charges and they would have full and free use of all of the club’s inventory as well as other resources. Further to this, all outstanding Directors loans, amounting to several hundred thousand pounds that were made to the club in order to keep it running during the previous four years, would also be written off.

Unfortunately, the exclusivity period offered to them expired and despite meetings and correspondence between the ownership and STFC Supporters Club Members, the end result was that they were not willing to take on the responsibility of running or indeed operating the club under the auspices of a landlord such as The Thames Club. Prior to this, STFC Supporters Club Chairman John Blair had confirmed to us on behalf of their members,‘That in regard of the documents released about Downing LLP and its associated parties, that he understood why STFC chose to take the course of action it did’. We will always be grateful for John’s support and are sorry to see that he has now stepped down from his role at Wheatsheaf Park, which included amongst other things, the unenviable task of cleaning the away team’s toilets.

With The Supporters Club out of the running, we broadened our search for new owners and whilst several parties made enquiries, only a couple of them were what we considered to be viable options. One of these soon became the front runner and an agreement was reached with them subject to full due diligence being carried out. Indeed, matters had progressed to such an extent that we asked that both STFC Club Chairman, Kevin Rowell and its Club Secretary, Steve Parsons, be kept on in their respective roles as part of any agreement that was reached. Kevin Rowell was informed of this several weeks prior to his formal resignation from all duties at Wheatsheaf Park.

STFC gave full disclosure in regard of all relevant financial and legal matters regarding the club, and it was during the incoming new owners legal due diligence process, that an outstanding issue was highlighted. Namely that the parcel of land towards the car park end of the football pitch was being wrongfully occupied by STFC as part of its lease with its landlord, The Thames Club. The land does in fact rightfully belong to a nearby resident and that resident has now legally been given back their land.

This unfortunately means that there is no longer room for a full eleven a side sized football pitch at Wheatsheaf Park, namely that the penalty box now belongs to another party.

The Thames Club as Freeholder have also accepted this and in correspondence between Steve Lewis (Chairman of The Thames Club) and STFC, Mr Lewis has stated the following in relation to this parcel of land, ‘The issue is that STFC appears to be occupying land outside of the area set out in the lease (and indeed outside our own land). Some knowledge of the history, together with our initial view of the relevant plans, support this. We understand that STFC (well before your personal involvement and ours as freeholder) knowingly or unknowingly occupied the land in question, now belonging to a nearby resident, for its own purposes; purposes which presumably resulted in the position of the football pitch today’.

As owners of STFC, we can confirm that we only became aware of this matter sometime after taking majority control of STFC and that the club’s previous owner, Mr Matthew Boon, was fully aware of this matter but only informed us, as the incoming owners of STFC, subsequent to us taking control. In effect, a fact that was so fundamentally crucial to the running and future of the football club, was deliberately left out of the full legal disclosure we had asked for and expected prior to purchasing STFC.

It has been well documented and has attracted widespread criticism by many people over the years, as to why The Boon Family, as the previous owners/fiduciary agent of STFC, sold the clubs stadium and land. Whilst this was most likely hugely beneficial financially to somebody, these were actions that have demonstrably been to the complete and utter detriment of the football club in almost every facet ever since. This has been universally accepted within the local community, although whispered, and we will leave it to others to determine why Mr Boon fled and has never returned to the Club, nor responded to any of our correspondence in regard of any matters relating to the stadium or land at Wheatsheaf Park or anything else, including the receipt of chasers from business associates who his electrical services company, that is now in liquidation, allegedly owed money to. We doubt that even the starriest eyed of publicity hungry stargazers can shine a ray of light on what has taken place in this regard and in astrological terms, if the reclaimed penalty area at Wheatsheaf Park can now be used as a metaphor, then around the rings of Uranus, someone will definitely be taking another few inches in the box tonight.

So, the owners of STFC are now left with two thirds of a pitch and not one big enough to comply with FA rules. In light of this, we understand that there have been several ideas put forward to combat this shortfall including the setting up of a Middlesex over sixties walking football league, with the rationale being that the participants would not have to walk as far to attack each other’s goals.

Mater semper certa est.

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Re: The Non - League thread

by Royals and Racers » 02 Jul 2022 12:20

My mate went to a lot of games in 21/22 season but someone has posted that he saw 302 games last season with new grounds 189
Total goals scored 1326 (ave 4.39 per game)
That is some total !!!!

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Re: The Non - League thread

by Sutekh » 02 Jul 2022 14:06

Anyone know when the fixtures for each of the non-leagues get announced?

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Re: The Non - League thread

by Royals and Racers » 04 Jul 2022 11:55

FA have confirmed that Hilltop FC have been moved up to CCL Premier North to replace the gone Staines Town FC.

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Re: The Non - League thread

by Four Of Clubs » 04 Jul 2022 17:18

Royals and Racers FA have confirmed that Hilltop FC have been moved up to CCL Premier North to replace the gone Staines Town FC.

...odd sort of merger/ absorption gone on here with Staines Town FC aka 'massive' shifting down the road a bit to play at/with Lammas - nice ground small club bar in a green space just off the road in to Laleham (The Lucan Pavilion) ... been a couple of times.
I think the plan is for some kind of presence to mark time, until the ownership/footprint/leisure centre fallout has settled up at Wheatsheaf Park then they may make an effort to move back - think they are tagging themselves Staines & Lammas for 22/23 and have sort of melded the badges/logos together too.......

...expect they'll be in on of the Surrey League for a spell as there's no prospect of uplifting facilities for grading where they are now.
Lammas were ex-CCL until they were demoted due to ground facilities - even shared somewhere for a spell I think - Short Lane before Southall moved in maybe.....

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Re: The Non - League thread

by Royals and Racers » 06 Jul 2022 10:08

National league North and South will be competitive this season as 4 teams will be relegated from each in 2022/23.

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Re: The Non - League thread

by Royals and Racers » 06 Jul 2022 13:19

Jersey Bulls have withdrawn from the FA cup

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Re: The Non - League thread

by BraisingsteakRoyal » 07 Jul 2022 15:45

Eastleigh chairman steps down due to gambling issues:-

Plus: ... -chairman/

From the BBC - "The FA say he breached FA Rule E8 - Misconduct under FA Rule E1 (b) - after placing 13,919 bets on football between March 2015 and February 2022."

14000, bets over 7 years = 2000 bets per year / 5.4 bets a day.

Nothing excessive there.

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Re: The Non - League thread

by Four Of Clubs » 08 Jul 2022 20:30

Sutekh Anyone know when the fixtures for each of the non-leagues get announced?

... here's the National League's - fresh out today - openers on 06/08
- Maidenhead start at Notts Co - Banbury being sent to Curzon Ashton - Farnborough go to Hemel. ... es/2022-08

FA Cup & Trophy draws have been made too - will post extracts of these later - Binfield away at Lydney or Kidlington in the Prelim Round (20/08) : in the Trophy they're at Marlow on 10th Sept.

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Re: The Non - League thread

by AthleticoSpizz » 08 Jul 2022 21:14


Just an hour away from Reading, a few minutes north of oxf*rd and still ‘Northern’ ….some grim trips ahead for them, again.

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Re: The Non - League thread

by Royals and Racers » 09 Jul 2022 11:03

Good start to the season for Bracknell - beat Wycombe 2-0 in a friendly.

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Re: The Non - League thread

by bcubed » 09 Jul 2022 13:12

AthleticoSpizz Brackley

Just an hour away from Reading, a few minutes north of oxf*rd and still ‘Northern’ ….some grim trips ahead for them, again.

You’re not wrong there
Blyth must be the furthest at 245 miles!

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Re: The Non - League thread

by Sutekh » 09 Jul 2022 16:13

AthleticoSpizz Brackley

Just an hour away from Reading, a few minutes north of oxf*rd and still ‘Northern’ ….some grim trips ahead for them, again.

You’re not wrong there
Blyth must be the furthest at 245 miles!

To be fair there’s also Leamington, Gloucester and Hereford in that league, still can’t help but think a journey to somewhere like Maidstone from Gloucester is easier than the extra 100 miles Gloucester would have to do to get to somewhere like Darlington. But then I presume the NLS must be mostly Kent, Essex, Sussex and central/East London based teams to make it worth the while.

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Re: The Non - League thread

by AthleticoSpizz » 17 Jul 2022 18:53

Barry Hayles (50) returning to Windsor in some kind of assistant managerial capacity…
also in ‘negotiations’ about putting his boots back on when required :shock:

Elsewhere, The Beast, Ade Akinfenwa (40) plays a half for Hashtag United.

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Re: The Non - League thread

by Royals and Racers » 20 Jul 2022 16:59

Wargrave FC have announced they are ground sharing Burnham FC `s artificial pitch in 2022/23.

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Re: The Non - League thread

by Sutekh » 21 Jul 2022 14:16

Step 3 & 4 opening day fixtures for clubs in this locale:

Southern Premier South

Saturday 6 August

Bracknell Town v Weston-Super-Mare
Hanwell Town v Truro City
Hartley Wintney v Swindon Supermarine
Plymouth Parkway v Chesham United
Salisbury v Beaconsfield Town
Winchester City v Poole Town

Isthmian South Central

Saturday 13 August 2022

Ashford Town (Middx) v Binfield
Basingstoke Town v Bedfont Sports
Chertsey Town v South Park (Reigate)
Guernsey v Thatcham Town
Marlow v Walton & Hersham

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Re: The Non - League thread

by paultheroyal » 21 Jul 2022 15:45

Royals and Racers Good start to the season for Bracknell - beat Wycombe 2-0 in a friendly.

Then beat Basingstoke Town 3:1

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Re: The Non - League thread

by paultheroyal » 21 Jul 2022 15:47

Sutekh Step 3 & 4 opening day fixtures for clubs in this locale:

Southern Premier South

Saturday 6 August

Bracknell Town v Weston-Super-Mare
Hanwell Town v Truro City
Hartley Wintney v Swindon Supermarine
Plymouth Parkway v Chesham United
Salisbury v Beaconsfield Town
Winchester City v Poole Town

Isthmian South Central

Saturday 13 August 2022

Ashford Town (Middx) v Binfield
Basingstoke Town v Bedfont Sports
Chertsey Town v South Park (Reigate)
Guernsey v Thatcham Town
Marlow v Walton & Hersham

So important for Basingstoke to get up this season and then move across like Bracknell have. So many good games to be had, and far more local too. Gates be regularly hitting a 1000+

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Re: The Non - League thread

by Four Of Clubs » 21 Jul 2022 18:16

Also on the 6th August

FA Cup Extra Preliminary Round (southern-ish ties only)

41 Malvern Town v Worcester City
45 Hereford Lads Club v Hanley Town
52 Evesham United v Hinckley Leicester Road
76 Kempston Rovers v Long Melford
86 Eynesbury Rovers v Newmarket Town
94 Leighton Town v Baldock Town
96 Stotfold v Newport Pagnell Town
98 Leverstock Green v Halstead Town
99 F.C. Romania v London Lions
107 Milton Keynes Irish v Tilbury
108 Edgware & Kingsbury v Hoddesdon Town
109 White Ensign v St. Panteleimon
110 West Essex v Crawley Green
111 Enfield v Hullbridge Sports
112 Barton Rovers v Arlesey Town
113 Hertford Town v Colney Heath
114 Waltham Abbey v Woodford Town
115 Dunstable Town v Great Wakering Rovers
116 Romford v Saffron Walden Town
117 Ilford v Sawbridgeworth Town
118 Ashton & Backwell United v Aylesbury United
119 Flackwell Heath v Keynsham Town
120 Brimscombe & Thrupp v Fairford Town
121 Ardley United v Wokingham & Emmbrook
122 Longlevens v Aylesbury Vale Dynamos
123 Risborough Rangers v Holyport
124 Highworth Town v Reading City
125 Tuffley Rovers v Slimbridge
126 Ascot United v Cribbs
127 Clevedon Town v Chalfont St. Peter
128 Burnham v Easington Sports
129 Thornbury Town v Chipping Sodbury Town
130 Royal Wootton Bassett Town v Windsor
131 Bitton v Cinderford Town
132 Cadbury Heath v Mangotsfield United
133 Bishop's Cleeve v Wantage Town
134 Roman Glass St.George v Tring Athletic
135 Lydney Town v Kidlington
136 Didcot Town v Shrivenham
137 Canterbury City v Newhaven
138 Raynes Park Vale v Erith & Belvedere
139 Rusthall v Loxwood
140 Glebe v Holmesdale
141 Horsham Y.M.C.A. v Beckenham Town
142 Stansfeld v Wembley
143 Virginia Water v Hilltop
144 Whitehawk v K Sports
145 Banstead Athletic v Sheerwater
146 Southall v Redhill
147 Harefield United v Lordswood
148 Pagham v Erith Town
149 Chipstead v Tunbridge Wells
150 Punjab United v Balham
151 Alfold v Knaphill
152 East Grinstead Town v Hollands & Blair
153 Lancing v Roffey
154 Oxhey Jets v Phoenix Sports
155 Deal Town v Egham Town
156 Hassocks v Lingfield
157 Broadfields United v Guildford City
158 Sutton Athletic v Welling Town
159 Eastbourne Town v Steyning Town
160 Crowborough Athletic v Crawley Down Gatwick
161 Little Common v Chatham Town
162 Faversham Town v Colliers Wood United
163 Horley Town v Sevenoaks Town
164 Westfield v Eastbourne United
165 Peacehaven & Telscombe v A.F.C. Croydon Athletic
166 Three Bridges v Whitstable Town
167 Chichester City v Frimley Green
168 Athletic Newham v Sheppey United
169 A.F.C. Uckfield Town v Midhurst & Easebourne
170 Northwood v South Park (Reigate)
171 Saltdean United v Ashford Town (Middlesex)
172 Walton & Hersham v Kennington
173 Littlehampton Town v Broadbridge Heath
174 Cobham v Tooting & Mitcham United
175 Abbey Rangers v Hanworth Villa
176 Fisher v Sutton Common Rovers
177 Bexhill United v North Greenford United
178 Bearsted v Spelthorne Sports
179 A.F.C. Varndeanians v Hythe Town
180 Bradford Town v Hamworthy United
181 Alresford Town v Laverstock & Ford
182 Fareham Town v Hythe & Dibden
183 Badshot Lea v Brockenhurst
184 Lymington Town v Portland United
185 Baffins Milton Rovers v Alton
186 Warminster Town v Andover New Street
187 Welton Rovers v United Services Portsmouth
188 Thatcham Town v Horndean
189 Corsham Town v A.F.C. Portchester
190 Shaftesbury v Camberley Town
191 Larkhall Athletic v Folland Sports
192 Westbury United v Bournemouth F.C.
193 Cowes Sports v Hamble Club
194 Fleet Town v Newport (IoW)
195 Christchurch v Blackfield & Langley
196 Tadley Calleva v Wincanton Town
197 Moneyfields v Bemerton Heath Harlequins
198 A.F.C. Stoneham v Bashley
199 Street v Helston Athletic
200 Buckland Athletic v Exmouth Town
201 Willand Rovers v Wellington A.F.C.
202 Liskeard Athletic v Shepton Mallet
203 Torpoint Athletic v Millbrook
204 Tavistock v Brixham
205 Falmouth Town v Saltash United
206 Bideford v Bridgwater United
207 Sherborne Town v Ilfracombe Town
208 Barnstaple Town v Mousehole

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