Next seasons kit choice?

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Re: Next seasons kit choice?

by Brogue » 25 Jul 2022 15:57

Yeah a lot of environmental changes are incremental, there isn't usually a case of one particular activity that reduces an organisation's carbon footprint by a majority, but of course that's all subjective to the organisation.

The biggest change I'd imagine would be the use of technology for generating renewable electricity and heat at the stadium and training ground, possibly through the use of green tariffs, voltage optimisation etc.

Isn't there a giant fcuking windmill about 100 yards from the stadium?? why on earth haven't we hooked up to that to power the stadium?

Because it doesn't generate Much electricity ?

"How much power does the wind turbine produce?

Since 2005, it has generated 50 million kilowatts of energy - that's the equivalent of 25 million dishwasher loads.

It's also saved more than 10,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide.

The electricity produced by the turbine feeds straight into the National Grid.

About three quarters of the energy generated is used by homes and businesses within a two and a half square mile radius"

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Re: Next seasons kit choice?

by YorkshireRoyal99 » 25 Jul 2022 16:02

Isn't there a giant fcuking windmill about 100 yards from the stadium?? why on earth haven't we hooked up to that to power the stadium?

Because it doesn't generate Much electricity ?

"How much power does the wind turbine produce?

Since 2005, it has generated 50 million kilowatts of energy - that's the equivalent of 25 million dishwasher loads.

It's also saved more than 10,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide.

The electricity produced by the turbine feeds straight into the National Grid.

About three quarters of the energy generated is used by homes and businesses within a two and a half square mile radius"

It might already be, however if it feeds straight into the National Grid then there is still a fair bit that would be sent back to the stadium that ends up going to waste potentially as well, particularly when powering generators and drive motors in certain equipment.

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Re: Next seasons kit choice?

by Brogue » 25 Jul 2022 16:04

Because it doesn't generate Much electricity ?

"How much power does the wind turbine produce?

Since 2005, it has generated 50 million kilowatts of energy - that's the equivalent of 25 million dishwasher loads.

It's also saved more than 10,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide.

The electricity produced by the turbine feeds straight into the National Grid.

About three quarters of the energy generated is used by homes and businesses within a two and a half square mile radius"

It might already be, however if it feeds straight into the National Grid then there is still a fair bit that would be sent back to the stadium that ends up going to waste potentially as well, particularly when powering generators and drive motors in certain equipment.

I suspect this also, but they haven’t mentioned it in what the club does for sustainability in the list on the previous page. You would think that would be the number one thing on the list…

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Re: Next seasons kit choice?

by muirinho » 25 Jul 2022 16:09

Indeed, I they're quite happy to admit they're not perfect, but at least they're taking the first steps to making change. Would imagine this list grows as the years go by

Yeah a lot of environmental changes are incremental, there isn't usually a case of one particular activity that reduces an organisation's carbon footprint by a majority, but of course that's all subjective to the organisation.

The biggest change I'd imagine would be the use of technology for generating renewable electricity and heat at the stadium and training ground, possibly through the use of green tariffs, voltage optimisation etc.

Isn't there a giant fcuking windmill about 100 yards from the stadium?? why on earth haven't we hooked up to that to power the stadium?

Because they don't own the wind turbine, and therefore have no rights to the electricity it produces. The output from that turbine is going into the National Grid - we all get a little piece of it - just because you're close to it doesn't mean you can take power directly.
(Unless you know of some way how I can hook up to the solar panels on my neighbours house for instance)

As for the shirt - will contribute to the environment by not buying it :D . However, it's good that it's made from recycled materials. I'm curious about the 3rd shirt, we haven't often had one of those - maybe they will be going all out with the stripes on that one. Which would be mind-bogglingly hideous, and therefore may become some sort of collectors item.

Edit: back to the wind turbine - the whole point of a grid system is that you can send the power where it is needed. It would be absolutely wasteful to hook something like that up to specific businesses, as when they aren't using the power it goes to waste.

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Re: Next seasons kit choice?

by Brogue » 25 Jul 2022 16:11

Yeah a lot of environmental changes are incremental, there isn't usually a case of one particular activity that reduces an organisation's carbon footprint by a majority, but of course that's all subjective to the organisation.

The biggest change I'd imagine would be the use of technology for generating renewable electricity and heat at the stadium and training ground, possibly through the use of green tariffs, voltage optimisation etc.

Isn't there a giant fcuking windmill about 100 yards from the stadium?? why on earth haven't we hooked up to that to power the stadium?

Because they don't own the wind turbine, and therefore have no rights to the electricity it produces. The output from that turbine is going into the National Grid - we all get a little piece of it - just because you're close to it doesn't mean you can take power directly.
(Unless you know of some way how I can hook up to the solar panels on my neighbours house for instance)

As for the shirt - will contribute to the environment by not buying it :D . However, it's good that it's made from recycled materials. I'm curious about the 3rd shirt, we haven't often had one of those - maybe they will be going all out with the stripes on that one. Which would be mind-bogglingly hideous, and therefore may become some sort of collectors item.

‘‘About three quarters of the energy generated is used by homes and businesses within a two and a half square mile radius"

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Re: Next seasons kit choice?

by YorkshireRoyal99 » 25 Jul 2022 16:18

Yeah a lot of environmental changes are incremental, there isn't usually a case of one particular activity that reduces an organisation's carbon footprint by a majority, but of course that's all subjective to the organisation.

The biggest change I'd imagine would be the use of technology for generating renewable electricity and heat at the stadium and training ground, possibly through the use of green tariffs, voltage optimisation etc.

Isn't there a giant fcuking windmill about 100 yards from the stadium?? why on earth haven't we hooked up to that to power the stadium?

Edit: back to the wind turbine - the whole point of a grid system is that you can send the power where it is needed. It would be absolutely wasteful to hook something like that up to specific businesses, as when they aren't using the power it goes to waste.

Well it wouldn't go to "waste" as it would be stored before use, but I know what you mean because it wouldn't be going elsewhere at a time where it might be needed.

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Re: Next seasons kit choice?

by Hendo » 25 Jul 2022 16:26

Isn't there a giant fcuking windmill about 100 yards from the stadium?? why on earth haven't we hooked up to that to power the stadium?

Because they don't own the wind turbine, and therefore have no rights to the electricity it produces. The output from that turbine is going into the National Grid - we all get a little piece of it - just because you're close to it doesn't mean you can take power directly.
(Unless you know of some way how I can hook up to the solar panels on my neighbours house for instance)

As for the shirt - will contribute to the environment by not buying it :D . However, it's good that it's made from recycled materials. I'm curious about the 3rd shirt, we haven't often had one of those - maybe they will be going all out with the stripes on that one. Which would be mind-bogglingly hideous, and therefore may become some sort of collectors item.

‘‘About three quarters of the energy generated is used by homes and businesses within a two and a half square mile radius"

To be honest, in the current energy crisis, I'd rather that cheaper renewable energy went to homes and local business that might need it more than us.

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Re: Next seasons kit choice?

by genome » 25 Jul 2022 16:29

New kit appears to have wound up the GB news lot so I now officially love it

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Re: Next seasons kit choice?

by Hendo » 25 Jul 2022 16:37

I'm loving how many people are frothing at the mouth about this shirt.

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Re: Next seasons kit choice?

by Uke » 25 Jul 2022 16:37

Isn't there a giant fcuking windmill about 100 yards from the stadium?? why on earth haven't we hooked up to that to power the stadium?

Edit: back to the wind turbine - the whole point of a grid system is that you can send the power where it is needed. It would be absolutely wasteful to hook something like that up to specific businesses, as when they aren't using the power it goes to waste.

Well it wouldn't go to "waste" as it would be stored before use, but I know what you mean because it wouldn't be going elsewhere at a time where it might be needed.

It's not stored, but neither does it go to waste.

In fact it means that less electricity is generated by other means - so less gas, coal, etc. is burned

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Re: Next seasons kit choice?

by Uke » 25 Jul 2022 16:38

genome New kit appears to have wound up the GB news lot so I now officially love it

Now I might have to buy it!

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Re: Next seasons kit choice?

by Greatwesternline » 25 Jul 2022 16:38

Because they don't own the wind turbine, and therefore have no rights to the electricity it produces. The output from that turbine is going into the National Grid - we all get a little piece of it - just because you're close to it doesn't mean you can take power directly.
(Unless you know of some way how I can hook up to the solar panels on my neighbours house for instance)

As for the shirt - will contribute to the environment by not buying it :D . However, it's good that it's made from recycled materials. I'm curious about the 3rd shirt, we haven't often had one of those - maybe they will be going all out with the stripes on that one. Which would be mind-bogglingly hideous, and therefore may become some sort of collectors item.

Edit: back to the wind turbine - the whole point of a grid system is that you can send the power where it is needed. It would be absolutely wasteful to hook something like that up to specific businesses, as when they aren't using the power it goes to waste.

Boring irrelevant point, but lets say its a sunny day and your neighbour is in holiday, so all his appliances are off, has no big battery set up, well, if you switch on your washing machine, you probably will be using the electricity from his solar panels, because your neighbours excess will get exported to the electricity supply mains, and it will travel to where it is demanded. That would be your house next door. Its how the grid works. Your neighbour doesn't benefit from it, nor do you, but that's another matter.

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Re: Next seasons kit choice?

by Greatwesternline » 25 Jul 2022 16:40

I'd love it if i could derail the new kit thread into a thread about how local, regional and national electricity grids work. There seems to be utter confusion about this. But i won't. because no one wants that.

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Re: Next seasons kit choice?

by Sebastian the Red » 25 Jul 2022 17:18

I have fallen out of love with football in recent years, but I find this new kit genuinely exciting. It’s the most interested I’ve been in the club since about 2009. I am really delighted that the club has taken this step, and will probably come to a game for the first time in a decade to show support as a result. First class.

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Re: Next seasons kit choice?

by Brogue » 25 Jul 2022 17:19

didn't realise the kit is made from recycled bottles, and the kit itself is completely recyclable.

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Re: Next seasons kit choice?

by Hound » 25 Jul 2022 17:29

Brogue didn't realise the kit is made from recycled bottles, and the kit itself is completely recyclable.

Yeah nice touch

Pleased to see its getting a fair bit of noise on the socials

Job done really. If it was nicely hidden away somewhere on the kit no one would give a monkeys.

Obvs always good to annoy the RW climate change doesn’t exist types as well

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Re: Next seasons kit choice?

by Hendo » 25 Jul 2022 18:28

It has triggered this monumental helmet -

Another win.

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Re: Next seasons kit choice?

by Stranded » 25 Jul 2022 18:45

I like the kit. It jarrs but I think that actually makes it a better kit. May even fork out for one.

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Re: Next seasons kit choice?

by Scutterbucketz » 25 Jul 2022 18:54

Only just seeing this. I love that it’s winding up all the right people. The kit itself looks pretty putrid, but that sort of thing doesn’t concern me. I’m sure it’s already been said, but having a climate change kit with a car leasing sponsor on it seems like a massive and rather ridiculous contradiction.

It will be a long season if we have to read articles every other week from the usual pcunts about how the team didn’t walk to every away game though.

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Re: Next seasons kit choice?

by Hound » 25 Jul 2022 19:52

Woke hero Gary Lineker has ‘liked’ the kit on Twitter

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