by South Coast Royal » 16 May 2023 11:14
by NathStPaul » 16 May 2023 11:23
by SouthDownsRoyal » 16 May 2023 11:40
NathStPaul Tom Ince can go in the bin.
by Snowflake Royal » 16 May 2023 12:08
by tidus_mi2 » 16 May 2023 12:13
South Coast Royal Slow down chaps.
I like the positivity but let's not forget that the back 4 or 5 that we expect to be with us again next season had almost the worst record in the division.
Unlike Sheffield Wednesday we don't have a Barry Bannan to run games-we do have a Tom Ince and his retention could be vital to our chances next season.
We still have Andy Carroll who will hopefully stay mainly injury free.
We still have Ejaria who we hope will be reborn.
Apart from those we will have a number of new signings and loans which will have to be as good as last season's at the very least for us to make a promotion challenge. -a statement of the obvious perhaps but without it I don't see us necessarily challenging.
So, recruitment of players ready to perform at this new level is vital and, if Ince were to leave, a midfield playmaker would be essential as we haven't recently created enough chances to win matches let alone keep the opposition out..
by Sutekh » 16 May 2023 12:22
tidus_mi2South Coast Royal Slow down chaps.
I like the positivity but let's not forget that the back 4 or 5 that we expect to be with us again next season had almost the worst record in the division.
Unlike Sheffield Wednesday we don't have a Barry Bannan to run games-we do have a Tom Ince and his retention could be vital to our chances next season.
We still have Andy Carroll who will hopefully stay mainly injury free.
We still have Ejaria who we hope will be reborn.
Apart from those we will have a number of new signings and loans which will have to be as good as last season's at the very least for us to make a promotion challenge. -a statement of the obvious perhaps but without it I don't see us necessarily challenging.
So, recruitment of players ready to perform at this new level is vital and, if Ince were to leave, a midfield playmaker would be essential as we haven't recently created enough chances to win matches let alone keep the opposition out..
We're not going to be conceding as many attacking opportunities as we have done in recent seasons for a start. Add to that, a competent manager should be able to put a good team and tactics together for the division, despite everything that has happened we are, as of right now, a big fish in a small pond when it comes to League One, if we allow a decline to set in that could change, hopefully not.
by paultheroyal » 16 May 2023 12:35
by Hound » 16 May 2023 12:45
by Pepe the Horseman » 16 May 2023 13:05
by NathStPaul » 16 May 2023 13:06
Pepe the Horseman Cardiff have sacked Lamouchi. Expect Nathan Jones will be their next manager.
by Orion1871 » 16 May 2023 14:33
by PATRIQT » 16 May 2023 15:04
Pepe the Horseman Cardiff have sacked Lamouchi. Expect Nathan Jones will be their next manager.
by Pepe the Horseman » 16 May 2023 15:05
PATRIQTPepe the Horseman Cardiff have sacked Lamouchi. Expect Nathan Jones will be their next manager.
As long as they leave Wilder alone.
by Sutekh » 16 May 2023 15:19
Pepe the HorsemanPATRIQTPepe the Horseman Cardiff have sacked Lamouchi. Expect Nathan Jones will be their next manager.
As long as they leave Wilder alone.
Wilder's a Swansea fan and has previously said he'd never manage Cardiff.
by Pepe the Horseman » 16 May 2023 15:45
SutekhPepe the HorsemanPATRIQT
As long as they leave Wilder alone.
Wilder's a Swansea fan and has previously said he'd never manage Cardiff.
So was that before or after he grew up supporting Sheffield United?
by Green » 16 May 2023 15:48
Pepe the HorsemanSutekhPepe the Horseman Wilder's a Swansea fan and has previously said he'd never manage Cardiff.
So was that before or after he grew up supporting Sheffield United?
Before. He grew up in Merthyr Tydfil. He supported Swansea, but always had a soft spot for Sheff Utd after meeting Brian Deane at a charity ball.
by YorkshireRoyal99 » 16 May 2023 16:25
Snowflake Royal We all know what we want and hope for, just as long as we're not throwing our toys and demanding yet more change if we miss out but are still safe.
Brick by brick. Learn from failure, not just scrap everything and start again.
We should not be the sort of team that sacks a manager in January for being 11th.
by South Coast Royal » 16 May 2023 16:38
by Snowflake Royal » 16 May 2023 17:31
YorkshireRoyal99Snowflake Royal We all know what we want and hope for, just as long as we're not throwing our toys and demanding yet more change if we miss out but are still safe.
Brick by brick. Learn from failure, not just scrap everything and start again.
We should not be the sort of team that sacks a manager in January for being 11th.
We aren't the sort of team who hastily sacks an underperforming manager, in fact we are the exact opposite, we keep hold of most for too long (Ince, Pauno, Stam and I'd argue even Clement). So by not sacking an underperforming manager, that's not learning from previous mistakes.
If the demands are to be challenging for promotion next season, with the play offs being a minimum, then if we are 11th come January I'd be expecting the manager to be under a huge amount of pressure, particularly if the manager is a high profile name like Chris Wilder.
by Notts Royal » 16 May 2023 22:08
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