RFC accounts for 2021/2 published

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Re: RFC accounts for 2021/2 published

by Snowflake Royal » 11 Apr 2023 12:44

Dirk Gently
Snowflake Royal
Dirk Gently
ISTR - although I may well be wrong on this - that SJM reclaimed some of his soft debt at this time. But it gets complicated - TSI bought 51% of the club for £12.7m, and had an option to buy the other 49% for £12.3m, and I don't believe that either instalment was ever actually paid by the Russians/charlatans. But SJM didn't just give the club away, so maybe an/both instalment was made from PL money? I don't remember - that's if we ever knew in the first place.

Recollection also hazy, but I think the first payment went through or the deal wouldn’t have happened, and the second didn’t, hence the club essentially reverting to Madejski.

SJM presumably got his money from the initial salw fee, and subsequent sale to the Thais, as new owners buy the debt as much as they buy the club iirc.

I definitely remember hearing that the first payment was never made.

How could the ownership transfer have taken place and been ratified then? No payment, no sale.

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Re: RFC accounts for 2021/2 published

by Dirk Gently » 11 Apr 2023 13:30

Snowflake Royal
Dirk Gently
Snowflake Royal Recollection also hazy, but I think the first payment went through or the deal wouldn’t have happened, and the second didn’t, hence the club essentially reverting to Madejski.

SJM presumably got his money from the initial salw fee, and subsequent sale to the Thais, as new owners buy the debt as much as they buy the club iirc.

I definitely remember hearing that the first payment was never made.

How could the ownership transfer have taken place and been ratified then? No payment, no sale.

You'd think so, wouldn't you? Perhaps things were taken on a promise that never materialised, or were paid out of PL income? No idea, but I can categorically say I was told that TSI/AZ didn't pay a penny themselves.

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Re: RFC accounts for 2021/2 published

by Snowflake Royal » 11 Apr 2023 18:19

Dirk Gently
Snowflake Royal
Dirk Gently
I definitely remember hearing that the first payment was never made.

How could the ownership transfer have taken place and been ratified then? No payment, no sale.

You'd think so, wouldn't you? Perhaps things were taken on a promise that never materialised, or were paid out of PL income? No idea, but I can categorically say I was told that TSI/AZ didn't pay a penny themselves.

No offence, but you 'were told' on something that happened 10 years ago isn't particularly convincing.

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Re: RFC accounts for 2021/2 published

by Dirk Gently » 12 Apr 2023 09:26

Snowflake Royal
Dirk Gently
Snowflake Royal How could the ownership transfer have taken place and been ratified then? No payment, no sale.

You'd think so, wouldn't you? Perhaps things were taken on a promise that never materialised, or were paid out of PL income? No idea, but I can categorically say I was told that TSI/AZ didn't pay a penny themselves.

No offence, but you 'were told' on something that happened 10 years ago isn't particularly convincing.

If you say so, and I'm not going to spend the time rising to your perpetual need to manufacture arguments.

But I was told it by someone who absolutely was at the centre of the football club at the time and would absolutely know this. I may even have it on tape, but I honestly can't be bothered to search through and check just so I can convince myself I outwitted someone on the internet...

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Re: RFC accounts for 2021/2 published

by Snowflake Royal » 12 Apr 2023 10:12

Dirk Gently
Snowflake Royal
Dirk Gently
You'd think so, wouldn't you? Perhaps things were taken on a promise that never materialised, or were paid out of PL income? No idea, but I can categorically say I was told that TSI/AZ didn't pay a penny themselves.

No offence, but you 'were told' on something that happened 10 years ago isn't particularly convincing.

If you say so, and I'm not going to spend the time rising to your perpetual need to manufacture arguments.

But I was told it by someone who absolutely was at the centre of the football club at the time and would absolutely know this. I may even have it on tape, but I honestly can't be bothered to search through and check just so I can convince myself I outwitted someone on the internet...

I'm not manufacturing an argument, I'm just not accepting an extraordinary claim on someone's word. You're getting pissy because I'm not just treating everything you say as gospel.

It's got nothing to do with out witting anyone.

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Re: RFC accounts for 2021/2 published

by Dirk Gently » 12 Apr 2023 12:35

Snowflake Royal
Dirk Gently
Snowflake Royal No offence, but you 'were told' on something that happened 10 years ago isn't particularly convincing.

If you say so, and I'm not going to spend the time rising to your perpetual need to manufacture arguments.

But I was told it by someone who absolutely was at the centre of the football club at the time and would absolutely know this. I may even have it on tape, but I honestly can't be bothered to search through and check just so I can convince myself I outwitted someone on the internet...

I'm not manufacturing an argument, I'm just not accepting an extraordinary claim on someone's word. You're getting pissy because I'm not just treating everything you say as gospel.

It's got nothing to do with out witting anyone.

If you say so...

But I'm certainly not pissy. I shared something in good faith to try to contribute to the discussion, but at the end of the day I don't give a flying fcuk whether you believe it or not.

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Re: RFC accounts for 2021/2 published

by Tilehurstsouthbank » 12 Apr 2023 14:50

Get a room you two...

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Re: RFC accounts for 2021/2 published

by Dirk Gently » 12 Apr 2023 15:00

Tilehurstsouthbank Get a room you two...

Don't worry, I'm done with this...

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Re: RFC accounts for 2021/2 published

by Royals and Racers » 18 Apr 2023 14:50

Document description: Termination of appointment of secretary
Comments: Termination of appointment of Bryan Stabler as a secretary on 2023-04-14

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Re: RFC accounts for 2021/2 published

by Mid Sussex Royal » 18 Apr 2023 15:04

Royals and Racers Document description: Termination of appointment of secretary
Comments: Termination of appointment of Bryan Stabler as a secretary on 2023-04-14

Think he's retiring

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Re: RFC accounts for 2021/2 published

by Royals and Racers » 19 Apr 2023 12:53

Mid Sussex Royal
Royals and Racers Document description: Termination of appointment of secretary
Comments: Termination of appointment of Bryan Stabler as a secretary on 2023-04-14

Think he's retiring

Document description: Appointment of secretary
Comments: Appointment of Mr Graham Peter Odell as a secretary on 2023-04-19

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Re: RFC accounts for 2021/2 published

by Royals and Racers » 08 Jun 2023 14:35

Just had notification of a new posting re Reading FC and companies house title return of allotment of shares.- which was on May 2nd.
Anyone know if that’s important or a paperwork exercise ?

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Re: RFC accounts for 2021/2 published

by Anfield Royal » 08 Jun 2023 14:41

Royals and Racers Just had notification of a new posting re Reading FC and companies house title return of allotment of shares.- which was on May 2nd.
Anyone know if that’s important or a paperwork exercise ?

Things are that bad we're now growing our own veg.

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Re: RFC accounts for 2021/2 published

by Sutekh » 08 Jun 2023 14:56

Anfield Royal
Royals and Racers Just had notification of a new posting re Reading FC and companies house title return of allotment of shares.- which was on May 2nd.
Anyone know if that’s important or a paperwork exercise ?

Things are that bad we're now growing our own veg.

But can only afford to do so on a part time basis.

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Re: RFC accounts for 2021/2 published

by Snowflake Royal » 08 Jun 2023 18:00

Royals and Racers Just had notification of a new posting re Reading FC and companies house title return of allotment of shares.- which was on May 2nd.
Anyone know if that’s important or a paperwork exercise ?

Geberally curious why you get notifications if you don't know what it means?

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Re: RFC accounts for 2021/2 published

by Clyde1998 » 08 Jun 2023 18:14

Royals and Racers Just had notification of a new posting re Reading FC and companies house title return of allotment of shares.- which was on May 2nd.
Anyone know if that’s important or a paperwork exercise ?

"Statement of capital following an allotment of shares on 2 May 2023
GBP 122,803,005"

I wonder if that's transferring debt to shares (debt/equity swap)? https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answer ... tyswap.asp

EDIT: It appears the actual value is around £6m from the documents - which seems like a owner cash injection rather than anything like a debt/equity swap.

The £122,803,005 figure is the nominal value of all shares outstanding.

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Re: RFC accounts for 2021/2 published

by dizzynewheights » 08 Jun 2023 19:31

Big man pumps in 6 large just moments after I buy a season ticket.

Coincidence :?:

Seems unlikely 8)

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Re: RFC accounts for 2021/2 published

by paultheroyal » 08 Jun 2023 19:36

So in summary, Dai don’t deal with words or benign statements fans want to drool over but comes up with hard positive cash investment.

Is that the crux of it?

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Re: RFC accounts for 2021/2 published

by dizzynewheights » 08 Jun 2023 19:48

It appears his top priority is not babying twitter virgins crying out for constant reassurance, yes.

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Re: RFC accounts for 2021/2 published

by Stranded » 08 Jun 2023 20:46

So under L1 rules, this 6m will be considered part of the clubs turnover along with the Puscas fee.

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