What is Mark Bradley's role at the club?
Chief Communications Officer
And an appalling one at that.
I will 2nd that
by Royals and Racers » 15 Jun 2023 09:39
What is Mark Bradley's role at the club?
Chief Communications Officer
And an appalling one at that.
by YorkshireRoyal99 » 15 Jun 2023 09:41
Stranded The only "reputable" journalist talking about this is Alan Nixon and his understanding is the hold up is more to do with the EFL and the club finances than anything, which we are trying to sort out i.e. getting confirmation on what we can actually spend and that the embargo will be lifted in a couple of weeks.
If true, then I think we'll all have to cool our jets until 1st July.
by Elm Park Kid » 15 Jun 2023 09:46
by Stranded » 15 Jun 2023 09:55
by Sutekh » 15 Jun 2023 11:16
Royals and RacersRG30Readingfanman Chief Communications Officer
And an appalling one at that.
I will 2nd that
by traff » 15 Jun 2023 11:57
by On Strings » 15 Jun 2023 12:50
traff Nicky Hammond just joined Leeds on an interim basis. Maybe just feeling nostalgic but would have been happy to have him back on a consultancy basis this summer.
by Hound » 15 Jun 2023 13:14
On Stringstraff Nicky Hammond just joined Leeds on an interim basis. Maybe just feeling nostalgic but would have been happy to have him back on a consultancy basis this summer.
In a heart beat, but he'd also be a victim of the interfering and over-ruling Dai.
Rumours now that Bowen could be off to Norwich. LOL
by RoyalBlue » 15 Jun 2023 13:17
Stranded No-one is saying they are wrong but to take with a pinch of salt - someone like Nixon, for all his faults, is a pretty well respected journalist across football with a crazy amount of contacts.
Not saying he is right but if there are issues with the EFL regarding what we can spend and negotiations are going on behind the scenes then that could be a reason for silence, even internally, as it is clear things leak. It makes sense, but that doesn't mean it is right.
You could easily imagine the EFL giving us a budget of X but the club saying, hang on, your rules say we can do XYZ and spend accordingly but what you are looking to impose on us is against your rules - personally, I wouldn't want that getting out so silence could make sense. Though not a path I would take although communicating anything like "We are in discussions with the EFL about budget" could give off the wrong signal as well.
All fun.
by Forbury Lion » 15 Jun 2023 13:19
Royals and RacersRG30Readingfanman Chief Communications Officer
And an appalling one at that.
I will 2nd that
by Royals and Racers » 15 Jun 2023 13:36
SutekhRoyals and RacersRG30
And an appalling one at that.
I will 2nd that
To be fair, he probably has to be given something by the club to communicate, but all the same I'd have expected him to have started being proactive by telling the senior management that something needs to be said to the masses even if it's only "nothing to see here, everything is ok".
Does the the appalling Academy coverage also fall under his auspices I wonder?
When can we expect to see these words of wisdom?
by The Royal Forester » 15 Jun 2023 14:12
Forbury LionRoyals and RacersRG30
And an appalling one at that.
I will 2nd that
Bring back Andy West from the Madejski era, He was even on the Royalmail mailing list (is that still at thing?) and would reply to emails sent directly to him from fans, oh and he was on this board too (earlier version of it).
I remember people used to say "here's Sir John again giving another speech about the transfer kitty running away or we're going to push again for the promised land" but we never knew how good we had it, An owner who given the chance would be giving honest updates 24/7 and actually chat to fans when they bumped into him out and about and he actually listened.
I remember Boyd Butler was also approachable, he kindly replied in person when we contacted him directly when my Dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer and advised not to go to the football as his immune system was shot to pieces from treatment, he arranged a full refund of his season ticket and sent well wishes on behalf of the club.
I'm sure there still are people like this at the club but their hands seem to be tied, They're not allowed to interact/speak out or they're in the dark as much as us and probably concerned about job losses following relegation.
by Snowflake Royal » 15 Jun 2023 17:58
HoundStranded The only "reputable" journalist talking about this is Alan Nixon and his understanding is the hold up is more to do with the EFL and the club finances than anything, which we are trying to sort out i.e. getting confirmation on what we can actually spend and that the embargo will be lifted in a couple of weeks.
If true, then I think we'll all have to cool our jets until 1st July.
This seems the most likely to me
Also whilst the club are not really able to say a lot at the risk of upsetting them.
I thought it was a given that we wouldn’t be allowed free rein this year finance wise. Also has been mentioned before by Bowen that the EFL are very slow when it comes to this sort of thing - only have to look at the Sarr transfer and the ridiculous time it took to impose the 6 points after it had been common knowledge for a month or so
by Vision » 15 Jun 2023 22:19
tmesisSouth Bank Den
So how he became Reading owner is a good question especially given his supposed previous clubs he left in tatters.
both folded after he bought us, so you can't blame the EFL for not taking that into consideration.
by Stranded » 16 Jun 2023 08:12
VisiontmesisSouth Bank Den
So how he became Reading owner is a good question especially given his supposed previous clubs he left in tatters.
both folded after he bought us, so you can't blame the EFL for not taking that into consideration.
Yep. In fact the reality is they folded because of us and his need to be the owner of a team in the top European Leagues. . So as long as he doesn't go buying anything in Serie A or La Liga it's not really that relevant.
by Sutekh » 16 Jun 2023 08:53
StrandedVisiontmesis both folded after he bought us, so you can't blame the EFL for not taking that into consideration.
Yep. In fact the reality is they folded because of us and his need to be the owner of a team in the top European Leagues. . So as long as he doesn't go buying anything in Serie A or La Liga it's not really that relevant.
The Belgian club were declared bankrupt due to an upaid bill of 20k that allegedly the owners were not made aware of by previous incumbants - in any case I doubt that would have been a barring offence - christ 20k wouldn't even have covered Liam Moore's salary for a week.
Beijing is a weird one - the club really had no "home" and they moved across China fairly regularly before settling in Beijing - it was bought by Rehne mainly as a marketing tool hence the club name. The club were forced to change names just before it was dissolved - suggesting it was only ever really a marketing thing.
Worth noting - when the club was dissolved by the owners (Dai was not the sole owner) it had no debt at all it was believed to be the only club in China in the situation but due to poor performance on the pitch, the enforced name change and lack of interest from fans - they made the decision to shut the club.
Not saying anyone should take any comfort from the above but the "He killed two clubs" narrative isn't quite as clear cut as some would like to think.
by YorkshireRoyal99 » 16 Jun 2023 08:53
StrandedVisiontmesis both folded after he bought us, so you can't blame the EFL for not taking that into consideration.
Yep. In fact the reality is they folded because of us and his need to be the owner of a team in the top European Leagues. . So as long as he doesn't go buying anything in Serie A or La Liga it's not really that relevant.
The Belgian club were declared bankrupt due to an upaid bill of 20k that allegedly the owners were not made aware of by previous incumbants - in any case I doubt that would have been a barring offence - christ 20k wouldn't even have covered Liam Moore's salary for a week.
Beijing is a weird one - the club really had no "home" and they moved across China fairly regularly before settling in Beijing - it was bought by Rehne mainly as a marketing tool hence the club name. The club were forced to change names just before it was dissolved - suggesting it was only ever really a marketing thing.
Worth noting - when the club was dissolved by the owners (Dai was not the sole owner) it had no debt at all it was believed to be the only club in China in the situation but due to poor performance on the pitch, the enforced name change and lack of interest from fans - they made the decision to shut the club.
Not saying anyone should take any comfort from the above but the "He killed two clubs" narrative isn't quite as clear cut as some would like to think.
by Sanguine » 16 Jun 2023 08:55
by From Despair To Where? » 16 Jun 2023 11:28
Yep. In fact the reality is they folded because of us and his need to be the owner of a team in the top European Leagues. . So as long as he doesn't go buying anything in Serie A or La Liga it's not really that relevant.
The Belgian club were declared bankrupt due to an upaid bill of 20k that allegedly the owners were not made aware of by previous incumbants - in any case I doubt that would have been a barring offence - christ 20k wouldn't even have covered Liam Moore's salary for a week.
Beijing is a weird one - the club really had no "home" and they moved across China fairly regularly before settling in Beijing - it was bought by Rehne mainly as a marketing tool hence the club name. The club were forced to change names just before it was dissolved - suggesting it was only ever really a marketing thing.
Worth noting - when the club was dissolved by the owners (Dai was not the sole owner) it had no debt at all it was believed to be the only club in China in the situation but due to poor performance on the pitch, the enforced name change and lack of interest from fans - they made the decision to shut the club.
Not saying anyone should take any comfort from the above but the "He killed two clubs" narrative isn't quite as clear cut as some would like to think.
Whilst all is most likely true, it still doesn't stop the fact that this is now the 3rd football club that the Dai's have had ownership of and all 3 have run into trouble. Whatever reasons their previous clubs cease to exist, the fact that they no longer exist is the worst possible outcome for any owner. There is an argument to say willingly shutting a club down is actually worse than not funding a club correctly.
by YorkshireRoyal99 » 16 Jun 2023 12:02
From Despair To Where?YorkshireRoyal99Stranded
The Belgian club were declared bankrupt due to an upaid bill of 20k that allegedly the owners were not made aware of by previous incumbants - in any case I doubt that would have been a barring offence - christ 20k wouldn't even have covered Liam Moore's salary for a week.
Beijing is a weird one - the club really had no "home" and they moved across China fairly regularly before settling in Beijing - it was bought by Rehne mainly as a marketing tool hence the club name. The club were forced to change names just before it was dissolved - suggesting it was only ever really a marketing thing.
Worth noting - when the club was dissolved by the owners (Dai was not the sole owner) it had no debt at all it was believed to be the only club in China in the situation but due to poor performance on the pitch, the enforced name change and lack of interest from fans - they made the decision to shut the club.
Not saying anyone should take any comfort from the above but the "He killed two clubs" narrative isn't quite as clear cut as some would like to think.
Whilst all is most likely true, it still doesn't stop the fact that this is now the 3rd football club that the Dai's have had ownership of and all 3 have run into trouble. Whatever reasons their previous clubs cease to exist, the fact that they no longer exist is the worst possible outcome for any owner. There is an argument to say willingly shutting a club down is actually worse than not funding a club correctly.
Beijing Renhe were an entirely manufactured team created to take advantage of the creation of the Chinese Super League. They were basically a franchise touted round 5 different cities by about 7 different owners in a desparate search for a fanbase throughout their 25 year existence.
Let's not pretend there's a passionate hardcore on Dim Sum Anyone irate at their demise and planning a phoenix club. It wasn't a club with decades of history and an organic fanbase. Would you support Microsoft FC if they formed tomorrow? It was a club that existed purely to add value to an owner's brand.
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