by Ascotexgunner » 16 Aug 2023 17:26
by PieEater » 16 Aug 2023 17:27
by Snowball » 16 Aug 2023 17:29
PieEater Also somewhat bemused by the idea of fining someone (personally) who has been unable to pay.
You fine someone for being unwilling to pay.
Why the personal attack on Dai - ie what cause have they to charge him personally rather than the club.
by Snowflake Royal » 16 Aug 2023 17:48
PieEater Also somewhat bemused by the idea of fining someone (personally) who has been unable to pay.
You fine someone for being unwilling to pay.
Why the personal attack on Dai - ie what cause have they to charge him personally rather than the club.
by Mid Sussex Royal » 16 Aug 2023 18:04
by One Beer is never enough. » 16 Aug 2023 18:10
by Sutekh » 16 Aug 2023 18:28
Mid Sussex Royal Why have we been treated differently to Wigan?
They paid wages late three times and only got a suspended penalty.
We've got an immediate deduction....
Looks the same - their owner also refused to pay money into a side account to cover wages
by Mid Sussex Royal » 16 Aug 2023 18:36
SutekhMid Sussex Royal Why have we been treated differently to Wigan?
They paid wages late three times and only got a suspended penalty.
We've got an immediate deduction....
Looks the same - their owner also refused to pay money into a side account to cover wages
Agree. It appears to be a different penalty for the same offences as Wigan, surely the club can call the lawyers in on this and get it overturned. Whether the punishment is right or wrong it's patently not right to treat clubs differently over the same offences.
Trouble is we know Dai will fail to open the additional accout with the required funds so the club is going to get done by losing the additional three points as well. However if the Chinese government have put things in place which makes it more or less impossible for Chinese club owners to comply as the FL demand then it's inherently wrong to penalise clubs for that failure.
Perhaps the club should change it's name to Chelsea then everything would be OK.
by Snowflake Royal » 16 Aug 2023 19:20
Mid Sussex Royal Why have we been treated differently to Wigan?
They paid wages late three times and only got a suspended penalty.
We've got an immediate deduction....
Looks the same - their owner also refused to pay money into a side account to cover wages
by Mid Sussex Royal » 16 Aug 2023 19:44
Snowflake RoyalMid Sussex Royal Why have we been treated differently to Wigan?
They paid wages late three times and only got a suspended penalty.
We've got an immediate deduction....
Looks the same - their owner also refused to pay money into a side account to cover wages
Because we've done a lot of other naughty shit on top?
by Snowflake Royal » 16 Aug 2023 19:50
Mid Sussex RoyalSnowflake RoyalMid Sussex Royal Why have we been treated differently to Wigan?
They paid wages late three times and only got a suspended penalty.
We've got an immediate deduction....
Looks the same - their owner also refused to pay money into a side account to cover wages
Because we've done a lot of other naughty shit on top?
Wigan have got previous too....administration for starters
by Who Moved The Goalposts? » 16 Aug 2023 20:24
Mid Sussex RoyalSutekhMid Sussex Royal Why have we been treated differently to Wigan?
They paid wages late three times and only got a suspended penalty.
We've got an immediate deduction....
Looks the same - their owner also refused to pay money into a side account to cover wages
Agree. It appears to be a different penalty for the same offences as Wigan, surely the club can call the lawyers in on this and get it overturned. Whether the punishment is right or wrong it's patently not right to treat clubs differently over the same offences.
Trouble is we know Dai will fail to open the additional accout with the required funds so the club is going to get done by losing the additional three points as well. However if the Chinese government have put things in place which makes it more or less impossible for Chinese club owners to comply as the FL demand then it's inherently wrong to penalise clubs for that failure.
Perhaps the club should change it's name to Chelsea then everything would be OK.
This is interesting...looks like the EFL wanted an immediate 4 point deduction but the club quoted Wigan & Southend as recent cases.... seems like they have it in for us now.
I'd hope we'd have enough cash for Aug given we've had 3 league games (by then) and maybe got a couple off the books as per other threads.
by Hound » 16 Aug 2023 20:33
Snowflake RoyalPieEater Also somewhat bemused by the idea of fining someone (personally) who has been unable to pay.
You fine someone for being unwilling to pay.
Why the personal attack on Dai - ie what cause have they to charge him personally rather than the club.
Because the fukwit is the problem and hasn't acted with integrity and transparency with the FL.
We've got off lightly there. The independent panel sound like they've gone rogue (it happens) and deviated from guidance and precedent in a way the FL aren't happy with.
Pretty likely the suspended 3 will be applied at some point before long.
Points deductions three seasons in a row. Dai really is killing the club.
by Lower West » 16 Aug 2023 21:08
by One Beer is never enough. » 16 Aug 2023 21:10
by Brogue » 16 Aug 2023 21:20
One Beer is never enough. The full decision. Makes for interesting reading - we clearly have an incredibly competent lawyer...
by Hound » 16 Aug 2023 21:26
One Beer is never enough. The full decision. Makes for interesting reading - we clearly have an incredibly competent lawyer...
by Brogue » 16 Aug 2023 21:29
HoundOne Beer is never enough. The full decision. Makes for interesting reading - we clearly have an incredibly competent lawyer...
Definitely interesting and in need of another read
Clear the EFL wanted to punish us plenty more
Going back to their earlier quote, will be charitable and say I’ve misread it slightly and it’s actually that they’ll review their own guidelines as they are rubbish
by Clyde1998 » 16 Aug 2023 22:17
HoundOne Beer is never enough. The full decision. Makes for interesting reading - we clearly have an incredibly competent lawyer...
Definitely interesting and in need of another read
Clear the EFL wanted to punish us plenty more (4+4 suspended)
Going back to their earlier quote, will be charitable and say I’ve misread it slightly and it’s actually that they’ll review their own guidelines as they are rubbish
by windermereROYAL » 16 Aug 2023 23:47
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