by Jackson Corner » 17 Aug 2023 00:04
by Sutekh » 17 Aug 2023 06:58
windermereROYAL So what are the chances of Dai depositing the 125% of funds into the club accounts by Sept 13th? if recent history is anything to go by I`m not hopeful. 13 points could well become 16, when on earth will this ever end?
by Brogue » 17 Aug 2023 07:05
Jackson Corner Just relegate us now and get it over and done with. It was these idiots that said Dai was fit and proper to run our club.
by Orion1871 » 17 Aug 2023 07:16
by Brogue » 17 Aug 2023 07:22
Orion1871 Yeah, the test is oxf*rd great, totally flawless.
Three cheers for the EFL hip hip.
by Sutekh » 17 Aug 2023 07:38
Orion1871 Yeah, the test is oxf*rd great, totally flawless.
Three cheers for the EFL hip hip.
by Hound » 17 Aug 2023 07:49
by Snowflake Royal » 17 Aug 2023 09:00
Jackson Corner Just relegate us now and get it over and done with. It was these idiots that said Dai was fit and proper to run our club.
by Hendo » 17 Aug 2023 09:03
BrogueOrion1871 Yeah, the test is oxf*rd great, totally flawless.
Three cheers for the EFL hip hip.
The test is to check where the money has come from. Is it dirty Money? That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less. This obsession with blaming the EFL for the mess we are in is just becoming tiresome.
by Snowflake Royal » 17 Aug 2023 09:04
SutekhOrion1871 Yeah, the test is oxf*rd great, totally flawless.
Three cheers for the EFL hip hip.
Yes we know the FL Fit and Proper Test seems virtually useless but the issue is Dai passed what there is of one when he took over but since then things outside his control have changed which seem to have made cashflow very difficult without other investment being available in clubs - this obviously could not have been predicted in such a test and without the FL running all member club's owners through the test every year there's really not much that can be done (and even if they were running the test on owners regularly and identified owners that were no longer fit and proper just what on earth are they meant to do anyway? Force those owners out when we there's hardly a massive queue of people lining up to take over lower division clubs? You'd find more clubs going out of business and the FL being blamed for it).
Said it before the test needs to be completely overhauled to make it the same for both FL and PL clubs so there's no farces where the PL don't approve someone that the FL does (or vice versa). That requires the FL and PL to resource it properly together or outsource the process to an independent organisation - all costs related to a test should be levied against the club concerned.
by Loafer » 17 Aug 2023 09:13
BrogueOrion1871 Yeah, the test is oxf*rd great, totally flawless.
Three cheers for the EFL hip hip.
The test is to check where the money has come from. Is it dirty Money? That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less. This obsession with blaming the EFL for the mess we are in is just becoming tiresome.
by Hound » 17 Aug 2023 09:19
by Loafer » 17 Aug 2023 09:25
BrogueOne Beer is never enough. The full decision. Makes for interesting reading - we clearly have an incredibly competent lawyer...
Kendra Potts, and yes she is. I was just talking to a few senior people at the club this morning and they are very impressed with the job she’s doing for us.
by blythspartan » 17 Aug 2023 09:30
by Sanguine » 17 Aug 2023 09:41
by windermereROYAL » 17 Aug 2023 09:58
blythspartan I can’t say I am a fan of the EFL, but without their intervention we’d be further up shit creek.
Also, I now want Dai out but I am not sure how much he can be blamed for not being able to transfer funds from China. The owners of Wolves and WBA are also facing the same issues.
by PieEater » 17 Aug 2023 11:01
BrogueOne Beer is never enough. The full decision. Makes for interesting reading - we clearly have an incredibly competent lawyer...
Kendra Potts, and yes she is. I was just talking to a few senior people at the club this morning and they are very impressed with the job she’s doing for us.
by 72 bus » 17 Aug 2023 11:18
LoaferBrogueOrion1871 Yeah, the test is oxf*rd great, totally flawless.
Three cheers for the EFL hip hip.
The test is to check where the money has come from. Is it dirty Money? That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less. This obsession with blaming the EFL for the mess we are in is just becoming tiresome.
+1 it's our fault not the EFL
People always cry and find someone else to blame for their issues
by Elm Park Kid » 17 Aug 2023 11:58
by Hound » 17 Aug 2023 12:18
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