Embargos, HMRC Payment defaults, non payment of wages, the usual under Dai Wrongge

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Re: another, thants right another embargo for late PAYE payments - a new embargo

by windermereROYAL » 27 Aug 2023 10:09

Mid Sussex Royal
windermereROYAL Hard to not look so far ahead but with only one away game before the 125% deposit deadline we could potentially be on 2 or 3 points and bottom two unless we win at Cambridge.

Could be -3 before Cambridge if the wages aren't paid this week.

Only 3 points suspended ATM I think.

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Re: another, thants right another embargo for late PAYE payments - a new embargo

by Snowflake Royal » 27 Aug 2023 10:32

Mid Sussex Royal
windermereROYAL Hard to not look so far ahead but with only one away game before the 125% deposit deadline we could potentially be on 2 or 3 points and bottom two unless we win at Cambridge.

Could be -3 before Cambridge if the wages aren't paid this week.

Only 3 points suspended ATM I think.

Correct. Anything beyond that would need a further charge and investigation.

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Re: another, thants right another embargo for late PAYE payments - a new embargo

by Mid Sussex Royal » 27 Aug 2023 10:49

Mid Sussex Royal
windermereROYAL Hard to not look so far ahead but with only one away game before the 125% deposit deadline we could potentially be on 2 or 3 points and bottom two unless we win at Cambridge.

Could be -3 before Cambridge if the wages aren't paid this week.

Only 3 points suspended ATM I think.

Sorry badly worded I meant -3 off our total

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Re: another, thants right another embargo for late PAYE payments - a new embargo

by Hound » 31 Aug 2023 07:45

Assume wages paid? Not heard anything to suggest otherwise yet

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Re: another, thants right another embargo for late PAYE payments - a new embargo

by Stranded » 31 Aug 2023 08:10

Hound Assume wages paid? Not heard anything to suggest otherwise yet

Pay day is today, so imagine it will come out pretty quickly if not.

Also, there was some confusion on when the 125% had to be paid with some speculating it was Tuesday just gone - so lack of any news on that front either means its been paid or the deadline is 12th September.

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Re: another, thants right another embargo for late PAYE payments - a new embargo

by WestYorksRoyal » 31 Aug 2023 10:52

Does anyone know what happens if, later in the season, the deposit account is required to pay wages? Would we effectively get another 28 days to top it up before the suspended points are applied?

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Re: another, thants right another embargo for late PAYE payments - a new embargo

by Sutekh » 31 Aug 2023 11:18

WestYorksRoyal Does anyone know what happens if, later in the season, the deposit account is required to pay wages? Would we effectively get another 28 days to top it up before the suspended points are applied?

Given the account is required as a safety net then I would expect the FL would demand it be replenished within a month if the funds had to be used. Hoping the new investment gets confirmed before anything like that arises.

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Re: another, thants right another embargo for late PAYE payments - a new embargo

by blythspartan » 31 Aug 2023 12:27

Some random has tweeted that staff haven’t been paid this month.

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Re: another, thants right another embargo for late PAYE payments - a new embargo

by morganb » 31 Aug 2023 12:38

blythspartan Some random has tweeted that staff haven’t been paid this month.

Update from James Earnshaw:

As of this very second, don't believe wages have been paid. But they often get paid throughout the day though so I'll keep across it.

https://twitter.com/james_e1871/status/ ... 0599877086

Someone else said wages get paid in the afternoon so guess we just wait and see...

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Re: another, thants right another embargo for late PAYE payments - a new embargo

by Stranded » 31 Aug 2023 12:48

It would be pretty special if Dai manages to breach the agreement at the very first opportunity and on the day before transfer deadline day to boot.

So whilst it is conjecture, I'm just going to work on the likelihood that it won't happen and we'll be on 2 points by the end of the day tomorrow.

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Re: another, thants right another embargo for late PAYE payments - a new embargo

by blythspartan » 31 Aug 2023 12:53

Stranded It would be pretty special if Dai manages to breach the agreement at the very first opportunity and on the day before transfer deadline day to boot.

So whilst it is conjecture, I'm just going to work on the likelihood that it won't happen and we'll be on 2 points by the end of the day tomorrow.

I am starting to think there’ll be no more signings and as you say we’ll soon be on 2 points. FFS

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Re: another, thants right another embargo for late PAYE payments - a new embargo

by Snowflake Royal » 31 Aug 2023 12:55

I look forward to Brogue's continued support of Dai if we don’t pay on time.

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Re: another, thants right another embargo for late PAYE payments - a new embargo

by Mid Sussex Royal » 31 Aug 2023 12:58

Aren't the wages paid via British Virgin Isles or some other Caribbean tax haven?

If so, afternoon receipt of the funds makes sense given the banking system for today will only just be starting up about now.

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Re: another, thants right another embargo for late PAYE payments - a new embargo

by Snowflake Royal » 31 Aug 2023 13:03

Mid Sussex Royal Aren't the wages paid via British Virgin Isles or some other Caribbean tax haven?

If so, afternoon receipt of the funds makes sense given the banking system for today will only just be starting up about now.

Good point, apart from when the excuse for late payment is moving funds out of China.

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Re: another, thants right another embargo for late PAYE payments - a new embargo

by Stranded » 31 Aug 2023 13:16

Mid Sussex Royal Aren't the wages paid via British Virgin Isles or some other Caribbean tax haven?

If so, afternoon receipt of the funds makes sense given the banking system for today will only just be starting up about now.

Time money hits accounts isn't always something the club can control. I know I've been paid on pay day both first thing in the morning and towards the end of the afternoon. The timing is almost always a direct correlation as to how badly you actually need to be paid.

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Re: another, thants right another embargo for late PAYE payments - a new embargo

by Stranded » 31 Aug 2023 15:46

Someone else on Twitter claiming players paid now.

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Re: another, thants right another embargo for late PAYE payments - a new embargo

by WestYorksRoyal » 31 Aug 2023 15:49

Stranded Someone else on Twitter claiming players paid now.

So many randoms on Twitter with no credibility, hard to know what to trust. Hopefully Earnshaw can confirm and we can rest easy for a few days until the 125% is due.

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Re: another, thants right another embargo for late PAYE payments - a new embargo

by Orion1871 » 31 Aug 2023 15:54

Stranded Someone else on Twitter claiming players paid now.

So many randoms on Twitter with no credibility, hard to know what to trust. Hopefully Earnshaw can confirm and we can rest easy for a few days until the 125% is due.

Perhaps we should wait until someone reliable says something rather than propagating the inane ramblings of every Cleetus the Slackjawed Yokel with a Twitter account.

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Re: another, thants right another embargo for late PAYE payments - a new embargo

by Hound » 31 Aug 2023 15:55

Stranded Someone else on Twitter claiming players paid now.

So many randoms on Twitter with no credibility, hard to know what to trust. Hopefully Earnshaw can confirm and we can rest easy for a few days until the 125% is due.

Perhaps we should wait until someone reliable says something rather than propagating the inane ramblings of every Cleetus the Slackjawed Yokel with a Twitter account.

Earnshaw just confrimed all paid

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Re: another, thants right another embargo for late PAYE payments - a new embargo

by Stranded » 31 Aug 2023 15:56

Stranded Someone else on Twitter claiming players paid now.

So many randoms on Twitter with no credibility, hard to know what to trust. Hopefully Earnshaw can confirm and we can rest easy for a few days until the 125% is due.

Earnshaw confirms.

125% due by 12th.

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