by Clyde1998 » 01 Sep 2023 18:41
by Royal_jimmy » 02 Sep 2023 23:31
by Jackson Corner » 03 Sep 2023 02:31
Royal_jimmy Shithole, boring, been there twice and I'm on holiday anyway.
by Royal_jimmy » 03 Sep 2023 08:50
Jackson CornerRoyal_jimmy Shithole, boring, been there twice and I'm on holiday anyway.
Clearly you never went to there old ground they used to share with the cricket team. That was a dump. Nothing wrong with this ground good views and facilities. Still not going as we will lose and I just can’t be bothered any more.
by windermereROYAL » 03 Sep 2023 12:19
Jackson CornerRoyal_jimmy Shithole, boring, been there twice and I'm on holiday anyway.
Clearly you never went to there old ground they used to share with the cricket team. That was a dump. Nothing wrong with this ground good views and facilities. Still not going as we will lose and I just can’t be bothered any more.
by South Coast Royal » 03 Sep 2023 19:46
Royal_jimmyJackson CornerRoyal_jimmy Shithole, boring, been there twice and I'm on holiday anyway.
Clearly you never went to there old ground they used to share with the cricket team. That was a dump. Nothing wrong with this ground good views and facilities. Still not going as we will lose and I just can’t be bothered any more.
No the place is a shithole, not the ground
by Royal_jimmy » 05 Sep 2023 10:05
by Clyde1998 » 06 Sep 2023 09:39
by Pepe the Horseman » 06 Sep 2023 13:11
by Hendo » 06 Sep 2023 13:34
Pepe the Horseman Do y'all know if you can change the delivery address on tickets when you order online, or does it just default to what's on your account?
by RG30 » 06 Sep 2023 13:44
Pepe the Horseman Do y'all know if you can change the delivery address on tickets when you order online, or does it just default to what's on your account?
by Pepe the Horseman » 06 Sep 2023 13:53
by Crowbar6753 » 06 Sep 2023 15:19
Clyde1998 We've sold around 530 tickets so far. I expect that to increase a bit the closer we get to the game (perhaps 1,000+; as with Cambridge).
by Royal_jimmy » 06 Sep 2023 15:54
by Jackson Corner » 06 Sep 2023 23:49
windermereROYALJackson CornerRoyal_jimmy Shithole, boring, been there twice and I'm on holiday anyway.
Clearly you never went to there old ground they used to share with the cricket team. That was a dump. Nothing wrong with this ground good views and facilities. Still not going as we will lose and I just can’t be bothered any more.
Are you ever happy?
by Clyde1998 » 07 Sep 2023 00:06
Crowbar6753Clyde1998 We've sold around 530 tickets so far. I expect that to increase a bit the closer we get to the game (perhaps 1,000+; as with Cambridge).
Where do you get your info from Clyde 1998, just out of interest?
by traff » 07 Sep 2023 09:41
Clyde1998Crowbar6753Clyde1998 We've sold around 530 tickets so far. I expect that to increase a bit the closer we get to the game (perhaps 1,000+; as with Cambridge).
Where do you get your info from Clyde 1998, just out of interest?
That's a good question. The short answer is the seat map on the club's ticketing website. The long, and more technical, answer:Hopefully that can all be understood.
- Websites are made up of various elements, which may be blocks of text, images, etc.
- Any web browser will allow the user to view the source code of a website ('View Page Source') or how the page is displayed ('Inspect'). In this case I'm using the 'Inspect' tool.
- The club's ticketing website contains a seat map for each match tickets are on sale for (divided by block). When looking at a block, each seat is an individual element within the webpage.
- In the case of the seat element, there's a 'class' which defines what the element is. An unavailable seat has the class of "seat o i-a" for example.
- The 'Inspect' tool can be searched for each instance of that specific text, which will take you to the first/next instance and a count of how many instances there are in total.
- Doing this for available and unavailable seats, you can calculate how many seats there are in total in a given block. Doing this for each block would give a count of the total number of available and unavailable seats.
- Upon having a total number of seats, I then adjust for our total allocation. Our total allocation will almost always be smaller than the total number of seats in the blocks allocated to us - usually due to segregation.
- Once adjusting for our allocation, all unavailable seats are highly likely to be seats we've sold and that's the number I'm reporting.
- To use Northampton as an example, there's a total of 1,467 seats in the blocks we've been allocated. At the time of writing, there's 595 seats unavailable (not counting ~500 seats along the side of the pitch which don't appear to have gone on sale yet). Our allocation for Northampton is 1,473, which is six seats higher than the seats listed; I've put the difference down to disabled seats never being listed on the website - so there's little reason to adjust for this game. This gives me an estimate of around 600 tickets being sold for this game.
- For Leyton Orient: there's 937 unavailable seats at the time of writing and 1,497 seats in the blocks we've been allocated. Our allocation is 1,200, so reducing the unavailable seats by 297, gives an estimate of 640 seats sold so far.
by Green » 07 Sep 2023 10:10
by Clyde1998 » 09 Sep 2023 13:29
Green Fair play Clyde, and thanks for putting in the hard yards I appreciate the updates.
I guess a TLDR version is you use your browsers inspect tool to count the number of sold/unsold tickets on the website.
by Crowbar6753 » 09 Sep 2023 18:44
Clyde1998Crowbar6753Clyde1998 We've sold around 530 tickets so far. I expect that to increase a bit the closer we get to the game (perhaps 1,000+; as with Cambridge).
Where do you get your info from Clyde 1998, just out of interest?
That's a good question. The short answer is the seat map on the club's ticketing website. The long, and more technical, answer:Hopefully that can all be understood.
- Websites are made up of various elements, which may be blocks of text, images, etc.
- Any web browser will allow the user to view the source code of a website ('View Page Source') or how the page is displayed ('Inspect'). In this case I'm using the 'Inspect' tool.
- The club's ticketing website contains a seat map for each match tickets are on sale for (divided by block). When looking at a block, each seat is an individual element within the webpage.
- In the case of the seat element, there's a 'class' which defines what the element is. An unavailable seat has the class of "seat o i-a" for example.
- The 'Inspect' tool can be searched for each instance of that specific text, which will take you to the first/next instance and a count of how many instances there are in total.
- Doing this for available and unavailable seats, you can calculate how many seats there are in total in a given block. Doing this for each block would give a count of the total number of available and unavailable seats.
- Upon having a total number of seats, I then adjust for our total allocation. Our total allocation will almost always be smaller than the total number of seats in the blocks allocated to us - usually due to segregation.
- Once adjusting for our allocation, all unavailable seats are highly likely to be seats we've sold and that's the number I'm reporting.
- To use Northampton as an example, there's a total of 1,467 seats in the blocks we've been allocated. At the time of writing, there's 595 seats unavailable (not counting ~500 seats along the side of the pitch which don't appear to have gone on sale yet). Our allocation for Northampton is 1,473, which is six seats higher than the seats listed; I've put the difference down to disabled seats never being listed on the website - so there's little reason to adjust for this game. This gives me an estimate of around 600 tickets being sold for this game.
- For Leyton Orient: there's 937 unavailable seats at the time of writing and 1,497 seats in the blocks we've been allocated. Our allocation is 1,200, so reducing the unavailable seats by 297, gives an estimate of 640 seats sold so far.
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