by Stranded »
22 Jan 2024 08:26
Orion1871 Smith has always seemed to be a decent guy. He may have gotten it wrong, but not sure he deserves quite the vitriol he's getting. Then again I suppose that's the Internet for you.
It is literally the most pressing matter of all Reading fans at the moment, the future of the club. The only thing that really matters, even going down to L2 is no big deal if there is a club.
To post something, in a way as to present it as FACT, when clearly, as his follow up shows, it was nothing of the sort, is always going to illicit a negative reaction when shown to be incorrect. As a (former) journalist, he should know better than to post something with such detail unless he has absolute proof on something so important.
The best take, you can have now, is as Pepe suggested, it is actually Paul Richardson in line for a takeover, his source in the club told him Gymshark were involved, he put 2 and 2 together and made 5. Outside of that, it is either someone who knows nothing, trying to look ITK and being totally blown out of the water or someone is choosing to leak fake news to friendly sources.