How early have you taken your children to a game and it be ok?

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How early have you taken your children to a game and it be ok?

by Greatwesternline » 07 Feb 2024 10:27

At a bit of a loss as to what to do this weekend with my 3.75 year old toddler daughter.

With the uptick in form I'm thinking Charlton at home could be as good a chance as any to witness a win these days.

I've taken her to Walthamstow who are a few divisions below Maidenhead and get around 300 on a Saturday and she couldn't be less interested in the football but she can run around and to be honest from her point of view it probably doesnt look much different to a field.

Obviously I'd head to the north stand, but does anyone have experience of what just under 4s make of watching a game?

Do you bring other stuff for them to do such as books, ipad? headphones? Do they get too cold sat still for 2 hours at this time of year?
I'll also be commuting for the best part of 2 hours so have to factor that in as well.

Do kids enjoy live football really?

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Re: How early have you taken your children to a game and it be ok?

by Hendo » 07 Feb 2024 10:30

No kids, but i started going first season at Madejski when I was 7.

If/when I have kids, I'd probably look to take my kids at a similar age if they're interested.

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Re: How early have you taken your children to a game and it be ok?

by East Grinstead Royal » 07 Feb 2024 11:02

I think my son was five (20 years ago) when I first took him to the MadStad. Neither of us remember anything about it! He was a few weeks shy of his 6th birthday when I took him to the first game of the following season at home to Brighton. We sat in the North Stand in the full glare of a baking hot August sun and the combination of the sun and a hell of a lot of noise meant I had to take him home at half time. You won’t have to worry about the sun, Gwl, but how will she be if we score?

My younger son can’t recall his first game either, but I do remember a game against West Ham when he was around six. He was getting bored, and discovered I had a small torch in my coat pocket. “Can I have your torch, Dad? I can’t see down the other end very well.”

My advice would be that you wait a couple of years.

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Re: How early have you taken your children to a game and it be ok?

by MIM Royal » 07 Feb 2024 11:11

I've known friends who gave taken their younger kids to games. One was freaked by the roar of the crowd when we scored, and has been put off since. Another has been a few times but is bored by having to sit in a seat for 90 mins. Maybe with friends could be different, and of course the concourse food and drinks ate a pull. Good luck with your decision 8)

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Re: How early have you taken your children to a game and it be ok?

by RoyalBlue » 07 Feb 2024 11:30

IIRC both our son and daughter were four when I took them to their first games. Both games were away to Wycombe and again, IIRC, the turnstile operator just told me to lift them over the gate. Both loved it and have done ever since, through good and bad times.

Our granddaughter was just nine months when our daughter, son-in-law and I took her to her first game at what was then the Mad Stad in full infant kid complete with blue and white hair bow. She loved both the game/atmosphere and the attention she got from fellow fans!

Our son took our grandson to the Legends Game when he was two and he got a bit fidgety towards the end of the game.

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Re: How early have you taken your children to a game and it be ok?

by WestYorksRoyal » 07 Feb 2024 11:40

I'd suggest a pair of tickets in Club 1871. :lol:

In all series, I'd suggest 5 or 6 in the family friendly stands, they need to be old enough to have the attention span.

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Re: How early have you taken your children to a game and it be ok?

by East Stand Ste » 07 Feb 2024 11:53

About an hour and a half before kick off. It was too early, thinking about it.

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Re: How early have you taken your children to a game and it be ok?

by Snowflake Royal » 07 Feb 2024 12:45

Took my nephew when he was about 8 or 9.

Personally think less than 10 is a bit young to get much out of it.

I can't imagine many 4 year olds I've spent time with enjoying a whole match.

But you're the one who knows your daughter, what she likes, what her attention span is, what she's like with crowds and noise, how fidgety she gets. Etc.

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Re: How early have you taken your children to a game and it be ok?

by OLLIE KEARNS » 07 Feb 2024 13:25

Started taking my two lads when they were 4 and they are now both proper fans who travel the country following the team. In the early days it was best to get there close to kick off so there was no time for boredom but they were both fully into the football in no time at all.

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Re: How early have you taken your children to a game and it be ok?

by Brogue » 07 Feb 2024 13:27

been slowly ramping up my daughter's exposure to games shes 11 now. what I've found personally anything under the age of 7 is pointless. from about 8 and over they start showing genuine interest and actually watch the game

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Re: How early have you taken your children to a game and it be ok?

by Hendo » 07 Feb 2024 13:46

Would also say, for me, it helped that I started playing football at U-7 level so was very interested at an early age from that angle as well.

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Re: How early have you taken your children to a game and it be ok?

by Greatwesternline » 07 Feb 2024 16:23

Think i'll stick to 'Stow for a few more years yet based on the advice. There is a strong possibility i just end up going to Leyton Orient games with her instead and become a Leyton fan.

Appreciate this is sacrilege on a football forum.

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Re: How early have you taken your children to a game and it be ok?

by RoyalBlue » 07 Feb 2024 16:44

Snowflake Royal Took my nephew when he was about 8 or 9.

Personally think less than 10 is a bit young to get much out of it.

I can't imagine many 4 year olds I've spent time with enjoying a whole match.

But you're the one who knows your daughter, what she likes, what her attention span is, what she's like with crowds and noise, how fidgety she gets. Etc.

As you say, it's going tp vary from child to child. Our two had already started playing mini-football at four, and were always kicking balls around with me and their friends, so already had the bug. Our very young granddaughter loved the whole spectacle of the day. not just the football. She was also a people watcher, so was in her element.

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Re: How early have you taken your children to a game and it be ok?

by tidus_mi2 » 07 Feb 2024 16:50

I think as long as they have already shown an interest in football then they're old enough, if they're still young you might have to be prepared to take them down to the concourse if the noise startles them.

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Re: How early have you taken your children to a game and it be ok?

by Green » 08 Feb 2024 14:40

Greatwesternline Think i'll stick to 'Stow for a few more years yet based on the advice. There is a strong possibility i just end up going to Leyton Orient games with her instead and become a Leyton fan.

Appreciate this is sacrilege on a football forum.

I think that absolutely makes sense and plan to do the same (Charlton in my case)

I supported Reading because they were my local side so why shouldn't the next generation have the same chance? It's no life commuting on GWR and the matchday experience is shocking in any case.

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Re: How early have you taken your children to a game and it be ok?

by Greatwesternline » 09 Feb 2024 10:27

Greatwesternline Think i'll stick to 'Stow for a few more years yet based on the advice. There is a strong possibility i just end up going to Leyton Orient games with her instead and become a Leyton fan.

Appreciate this is sacrilege on a football forum.

I think that absolutely makes sense and plan to do the same (Charlton in my case)

I supported Reading because they were my local side so why shouldn't the next generation have the same chance? It's no life commuting on GWR and the matchday experience is shocking in any case.

At Orient V Reading it was a really sunny day and i left the house at 2pm, walked up to the ground and had 45 minutes to enjoy a beer in a packed pub right outside the ground, and after the match i had a couple of pints with a friend who lives off the high street, and i was home by 6.00pm. What a difference that made to schlepping to Whitley!

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Re: How early have you taken your children to a game and it be ok?

by Zammo » 09 Feb 2024 13:17

First year I took Zammo jnr was about aged 5. Did most home games with him that season, but did 10,000 steps from the top of Y20 to the concourse for food, drinks, wees etc at every f**kin game.... Fast forward 10 years to last Saturday and he's in the away end giving it large to Oxford lol.

Great to see the progression.

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Re: How early have you taken your children to a game and it be ok?

by Hound » 09 Feb 2024 14:18

Would imagine few kids below about 8 can sit through a game without other distractions such as an iPad

My elder one is a big fan and very into football and he managed it from about 6/7. My other one still can’t sit through a match without staring at his phone and he’s now 12.

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Re: How early have you taken your children to a game and it be ok?

by Hound » 09 Feb 2024 14:20

Greatwesternline Think i'll stick to 'Stow for a few more years yet based on the advice. There is a strong possibility i just end up going to Leyton Orient games with her instead and become a Leyton fan.

Appreciate this is sacrilege on a football forum.

I think that absolutely makes sense and plan to do the same (Charlton in my case)

I supported Reading because they were my local side so why shouldn't the next generation have the same chance? It's no life commuting on GWR and the matchday experience is shocking in any case.

At Orient V Reading it was a really sunny day and i left the house at 2pm, walked up to the ground and had 45 minutes to enjoy a beer in a packed pub right outside the ground, and after the match i had a couple of pints with a friend who lives off the high street, and i was home by 6.00pm. What a difference that made to schlepping to Whitley!

Oh yeah definitely pick the local team. Orient’s a decent club. Far more enjoyable and relaxed if you’re not arsing around with trains etc

Plus if they get into it they’ll be going there with their mates in their teens etc. no ones going to join them on a trip across London and over to Reading

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Re: How early have you taken your children to a game and it be ok?

by Royalwaster » 09 Feb 2024 15:46

East Grinstead Royal I think my son was five (20 years ago) when I first took him to the MadStad. Neither of us remember anything about it! He was a few weeks shy of his 6th birthday when I took him to the first game of the following season at home to Brighton. We sat in the North Stand in the full glare of a baking hot August sun and the combination of the sun and a hell of a lot of noise meant I had to take him home at half time. You won’t have to worry about the sun, Gwl, but how will she be if we score?

Wow - I took my son to that game as well ... we bought tickets well in advance and were allocated tickets in the first row of the East Stand, bang in the sun ... I think Kitson scored in that game and he came and celebrated with the fans right in front of us, which was great.

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