CONFIMRED - This might be it!!

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by Clyde1998 » 25 Feb 2024 21:18

Snowflake Royal I'm going to go out on a limb here. But I don't think the person who sets up the HT play list is in the sale negotiation team.

And If knowledge of where things are with a takeover has reached them, I think we'd likely be hearing much more anyone even vaguely tapped in.

Teenage Dirtbag

Our owner's a dick;
He brings just pain to us;
We'd simply kick;
His arse if we knew the truth;
He lives nowhere near;
Can't throw cans of beer;
But he doesn't know who I am;
And he doesn't give a damn about me.

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by SouthDownsRoyal » 25 Feb 2024 22:35

Snowflake Royal I'm going to go out on a limb here. But I don't think the person who sets up the HT play list is in the sale negotiation team.

And If knowledge of where things are with a takeover has reached them, I think we'd likely be hearing much more anyone even vaguely tapped in.

Teenage Dirtbag

Our owner's a dick;
He brings just pain to us;
We'd simply kick;
His arse if we knew the truth;
He lives nowhere near;
Can't throw cans of beer;
But he doesn't know who I am;
And he doesn't give a damn about me.


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by Clyde1998 » 25 Feb 2024 23:39

Teenage Dirtbag

Our owner's a dick;
He brings just pain to us;
We'd simply kick;
His arse if we knew the truth;
He lives nowhere near;
Can't throw cans of beer;
But he doesn't know who I am;
And he doesn't give a damn about me.


The most positive reaction I could've hoped for :mrgreen:

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by Snowflake Royal » 26 Feb 2024 10:30

Clyde1998 Our owner's a dick;
He brings just pain to us;
We'd simply kick;
His arse if we knew the truth;
He lives nowhere near;
Can't throw cans of beer;
But he doesn't know who I am;
And he doesn't give a damn about me.


The most positive reaction I could've hoped for :mrgreen:

I give it C for effort.

Obviously it can't possibly compare to the hilarious comedy stylings of SDR's 'manager out' routine every time we lose.

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by Stranded » 26 Feb 2024 12:02

Anyway meeting with Howe is today apparently, so be very interesting* to see if we hear something positive.

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by Forbury Lion » 26 Feb 2024 14:17

Stranded Anyway meeting with Howe is today apparently, so be very interesting* to see if we hear something positive.
Howe can legitimately say he's been meeting with interested parties if he meets STAR, BBC Berks or anyone... doesn't mean they've got any money to make an offer

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by WestYorksRoyal » 26 Feb 2024 18:50

Another nothing update from the STAR meeting with Howe today. Seems like a load of procrastination. Not by Howe, but by the man he's negotiating for.

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by Mid Sussex Royal » 26 Feb 2024 19:23

WestYorksRoyal Another nothing update from the STAR meeting with Howe today. Seems like a load of procrastination. Not by Howe, but by the man he's negotiating for.

It would be good to understand how much money is left from the player sales. This again wasn't covered.

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by Snowflake Royal » 26 Feb 2024 22:15

Forbury Lion
Stranded Anyway meeting with Howe is today apparently, so be very interesting* to see if we hear something positive.
Howe can legitimately say he's been meeting with interested parties if he meets STAR, BBC Berks or anyone... doesn't mean they've got any money to make an offer

That wouldn't be positive news though

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by Stranded » 27 Feb 2024 09:37

WestYorksRoyal Another nothing update from the STAR meeting with Howe today. Seems like a load of procrastination. Not by Howe, but by the man he's negotiating for.

Depends on how you want to take the update - there are two, equally valid readings of it.

1. Things are no futher along, we have one potential but we are actively looking to see if there are better options - hold your hats it is going to get bumpy.

2. A number of interested parties are willing to pay the money Dai is asking - upon doing our due diligence we noted that a number of parties, whilst able to pay, do not meet criteria set by the club (probably not Dai) in terms of ongoing financing/sustainability. This could be anything from not being considered wealthy enough, money being tied up overseas etc - and those in charge of finding the right owner to go forward are trying to minimise the possibility of issues with getting money in to pay wages etc.

As a result of this due diligence, a number of parties have been told we will not proceed with them but there is one that meets the criteria we have set down - as a result, this offer has moved on to the next stage of the process. This step is not yet exclusivity and we are working with a number of new interested parties who have approached Howe/the club in recent days to see if there is another option that will meet the cost to purchase and the ongoing criteria.

Completely get that most people fall into the camp who think 1 (and I am very cautious to think anything else until we get official positive news) but 2 is equally valid from the comments and also fits what Elm Park Kid has said on here, who has a decent record on these things.

So proof will be in the pudding but putting things together this seems positive but could also be a case of 2+2=5.

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by WestYorksRoyal » 27 Feb 2024 09:59

Think we heard lots of positive noises in the autumn and it turned out to be hot air. Skepticism and pessimism is my natural standpoint now. It could be that things are positive behind the scenes, or this could just be noise to appease fans and hold off protests.

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by Stranded » 27 Feb 2024 10:12

WestYorksRoyal Think we heard lots of positive noises in the autumn and it turned out to be hot air. Skepticism and pessimism is my natural standpoint now. It could be that things are positive behind the scenes, or this could just be noise to appease fans and hold off protests.

Totally understandable. Protests are happening anyway, so not sure it is the latter and don't see fans storming the pitch again unless it gets to a point where things are hopeless.

Key difference here is we are getting regular updates from the person actually looking after the process and he doesn't appear, on the face of things at least, to be over egging things i.e. not saying we are close or there but things are moving - you and I both know that only works for a short time and if we are still in what feels like the same spot come say Easter Weekend, then anger may build again.

Does feel to me though that Dai is seeing bids to the value he wants and other checks are now taking place to ensure we aren't just jumping from the frying pan here.

Skeptical here as well but can see glimmers of hope - which may well be a train coming the other way but hey ho,

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by WestYorksRoyal » 27 Feb 2024 10:19

WestYorksRoyal Think we heard lots of positive noises in the autumn and it turned out to be hot air. Skepticism and pessimism is my natural standpoint now. It could be that things are positive behind the scenes, or this could just be noise to appease fans and hold off protests.

Totally understandable. Protests are happening anyway, so not sure it is the latter and don't see fans storming the pitch again unless it gets to a point where things are hopeless.

Key difference here is we are getting regular updates from the person actually looking after the process and he doesn't appear, on the face of things at least, to be over egging things i.e. not saying we are close or there but things are moving - you and I both know that only works for a short time and if we are still in what feels like the same spot come say Easter Weekend, then anger may build again.

Does feel to me though that Dai is seeing bids to the value he wants and other checks are now taking place to ensure we aren't just jumping from the frying pan here.

Skeptical here as well but can see glimmers of hope - which may well be a train coming the other way but hey ho,

The one thing that does give me hope this time is the professionalism involved. The Club's last statement was clearly written by lawyers, there are formal communication channels and there are no leaks. I know details of involved parties may raise intrigue from fans, but leaks all over the place shows a poorly managed process. Plus it helps not having Storey wasting everyone's time now.

So despite my pessimism, there are green shoots.

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by RoyalBlue » 27 Feb 2024 10:20

WestYorksRoyal Think we heard lots of positive noises in the autumn and it turned out to be hot air. Skepticism and pessimism is my natural standpoint now. It could be that things are positive behind the scenes, or this could just be noise to appease fans and hold off protests.

Totally understandable. Protests are happening anyway, so not sure it is the latter and don't see fans storming the pitch again unless it gets to a point where things are hopeless.

Key difference here is we are getting regular updates from the person actually looking after the process and he doesn't appear, on the face of things at least, to be over egging things i.e. not saying we are close or there but things are moving - you and I both know that only works for a short time and if we are still in what feels like the same spot come say Easter Weekend, then anger may build again.

Does feel to me though that Dai is seeing bids to the value he wants and other checks are now taking place to ensure we aren't just jumping from the frying pan here.

Skeptical here as well but can see glimmers of hope - which may well be a train coming the other way but hey ho,

I think as far as Dai's motivations go, the checks will only be to ensure that the buyer will be able to get EFL approval (still not a particularly difficult bar to clear), rather than determining who is best for the long-term future of the club. He clearly doesn't give a toss about the latter.

I really can't envisage Nigel Howe having much success if he were to go to Mr Dai and say 'We have a buyer that is offering what you want. The EFL have advised that they appear to satisfy all of their criteria for approval but I'm not sure they are right for the longer-term viability and sustainability of the club, and they don't fit in with our ambitions for the club.'
Last edited by RoyalBlue on 27 Feb 2024 10:25, edited 1 time in total.

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by Snowflake Royal » 27 Feb 2024 10:22

My thoughts on this are very firmly that there are only two pieces of news that are worth a damn and we've got nothing until one or the other show up.

1) Exclusivity has been signed - we'll probably be alright.

2) There are no credible suitors currently involved - we're done as a club

In the meantime, I would say we're on a countdown to default into 2 with about 20 weeks on the clock.

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by Stranded » 27 Feb 2024 10:35

WestYorksRoyal Think we heard lots of positive noises in the autumn and it turned out to be hot air. Skepticism and pessimism is my natural standpoint now. It could be that things are positive behind the scenes, or this could just be noise to appease fans and hold off protests.

Totally understandable. Protests are happening anyway, so not sure it is the latter and don't see fans storming the pitch again unless it gets to a point where things are hopeless.

Key difference here is we are getting regular updates from the person actually looking after the process and he doesn't appear, on the face of things at least, to be over egging things i.e. not saying we are close or there but things are moving - you and I both know that only works for a short time and if we are still in what feels like the same spot come say Easter Weekend, then anger may build again.

Does feel to me though that Dai is seeing bids to the value he wants and other checks are now taking place to ensure we aren't just jumping from the frying pan here.

Skeptical here as well but can see glimmers of hope - which may well be a train coming the other way but hey ho,

I think as far as Dai's motivations go, the checks will only be to ensure that the buyer will be able to get EFL approval (still not a particularly difficult bar to clear), rather than determining who is best for the long-term future of the club. He clearly doesn't give a toss about the latter.

I really can't envisage Nigel Howe having much success if he were to go to Mr Dai and say 'We have a buyer that is offering what you want. The EFL have advised that they appear to satisfy all of their criteria for approval but I'm not sure they are right for the longer-term viability and sustainability of the club, and they don't fit in with our ambitions for the club.'

I think you may have the choronology out - the first step - is there a deal that gives Dai what he needs cash wise. Once that is a yes, he doesn't give a toss. Update suggests but doesn't confirm we have had multiple offers that meet the reported 30m price.

Howe and/or those who want the club to be as stable as possible post Dai are then undertaking checks to ensure the bids also meet other unknown criteria (though you could take an educated guess) meaning some which have met the price have been discounted either by the club or the bidders themselves. One, to date, has met the price and the criteria.

But as Ian says, until exclusivity is granted to this bidder or another, it matters not a jot.

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by Mid Sussex Royal » 27 Feb 2024 18:59

Dennis Bergkamp, Dirk Kuyt, Henrik Larsson & Ronald Koeman are apparently looking to buy a club up to L1 in a good location with potential.....I wonder if they've bid?

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by paddy20 » 27 Feb 2024 19:05

Totally understandable. Protests are happening anyway, so not sure it is the latter and don't see fans storming the pitch again unless it gets to a point where things are hopeless.

Key difference here is we are getting regular updates from the person actually looking after the process and he doesn't appear, on the face of things at least, to be over egging things i.e. not saying we are close or there but things are moving - you and I both know that only works for a short time and if we are still in what feels like the same spot come say Easter Weekend, then anger may build again.

Does feel to me though that Dai is seeing bids to the value he wants and other checks are now taking place to ensure we aren't just jumping from the frying pan here.

Skeptical here as well but can see glimmers of hope - which may well be a train coming the other way but hey ho,

I think as far as Dai's motivations go, the checks will only be to ensure that the buyer will be able to get EFL approval (still not a particularly difficult bar to clear), rather than determining who is best for the long-term future of the club. He clearly doesn't give a toss about the latter.

I really can't envisage Nigel Howe having much success if he were to go to Mr Dai and say 'We have a buyer that is offering what you want. The EFL have advised that they appear to satisfy all of their criteria for approval but I'm not sure they are right for the longer-term viability and sustainability of the club, and they don't fit in with our ambitions for the club.'

I think you may have the choronology out - the first step - is there a deal that gives Dai what he needs cash wise. Once that is a yes, he doesn't give a toss. Update suggests but doesn't confirm we have had multiple offers that meet the reported 30m price.

Howe and/or those who want the club to be as stable as possible post Dai are then undertaking checks to ensure the bids also meet other unknown criteria (though you could take an educated guess) meaning some which have met the price have been discounted either by the club or the bidders themselves. One, to date, has met the price and the criteria.

But as Ian says, until exclusivity is granted to this bidder or another, it matters not a jot.

Bidders must be flying out the door with the latest news. They will have no idea if they are buying a L1 orL2 club or a club in administration Hey, hold on we can buy this club for next to nothing soon. Thanks EFL for your support which quickly faded away when the cameras were off!

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by WestYorksRoyal » 27 Feb 2024 19:14

This charge has been hanging over us for months, and reports are that many at the club feared worse. Even a few weeks ago Selles said we needed enough points to handle another deduction. So this should really come as no surprise to possible buyers. Hopefully no major implications.

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by Hound » 27 Feb 2024 20:25

Tbh it’s no worse than if we’d lost to Stevenage rather than beat them as would have been expected. It shouldn’t put anyone off, hopefully just encourage everyone to sort this Dai induced shit show out asap for everyone’s sake

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