GreatwesternlineStranded6ft Kerplunk Really 72? You don't think the pressure of not knowing if you're going to get paid from month to month or even if you'll have a job come the end of the season doesn't affect the players and their families?
Oh but football players get paid sooo much, so they are excempt from these worries of course.
There worries and there are worries though.
A player who is 28 on a £4k/week £200,000 a year salary, who if released from his contract will be able to find a club to pay him £2k/week £100,000 salary relatively easily, is not the same stress as store manager at the body shop in their 40s with a mortgage to pay and 4 mouths to feed seeing their store closed.
I have sympathy for footballers WAGs who presumably think that hooking up with a footballer = set for life, and start spending accordingly, but in the grand scheme of things, being released from RFC at the end of the season isnt going to leave anyone worrying how to keep the heating on.
You only need to look at the car park of a mediocre football club to know that belts could be tightened if needs be.
Although I don’t have too much sympathy for footballers I do think that players below Championship level can still have similar worries to normal working people. I accept they generally earn a lot more money, but it’s all relative. Bigger house, bigger mortgage and bigger bills etc, and they still need a guaranteed income.
I remember watching a documentary about Jlloyd Samuel who tragically died in a car crash and it was a big eye opener in terms of footballers facing the same problems and demons as all of us.