1. Use the snitch switch and a moderator can moderate the content of a post or delete it, They do not have much power greater than this at their disposal, other than viewing ip addresses
2. As per below, report with evidence to the site owner, Hobnob who has admin rights and can ban or suspend either an individual user, every user or a number in between.... I'm assuming abuse@royals.org still works, if not I guess we're all on our own.
Conditions of Use
By entering the Hob Nob Anyone? discussion boards you agree to post messages in accordance with the following rules:
No swearing or abusive language to be contained in the subject or body of any posting.
No threatening behaviour to be contained in the subject or body of any posting.
No "spam" or repetitive postings and No "promotional" postings for external commercial websites allowed.
All messages posted are the responsibility of the author and not this website.
Discussion must be on topic - the topic of these boards is Reading Football Club.
Any user who breaks any of the above rules is subject to an instant ban from this area of this website.
If you wish to complain about anyone's use of this board please send an email to abuse@royals.org quoting as much of the following as possible: the page filename, the poster's name, IP address, e-mail address, and nature of your complaint.